Mastery XP Bug: Should Blizzard Compensate Players?

:roll_eyes: I disagree. In both cases, customers have had a substandard experience and thus a business offers some form of compensation. This occurs frequently in gaming too.

Sure. Which is why I’d prefer all xp earned to simply be given retroactively. If this is not feasible, then faster xp gain for a period to compensate seems fair.

I don’t understand why you are so against this. Schadenfreude?


What you are forgetting is if the severity of the bad experience goes outside what is to be expected or not. SC2 is a game with a lot of assets and variables, and every patch has to take all that into consideration plus the always online thing. Problems somewhere down the line are to be expected. You cannot use the fact that you didn’t expect them as a moral highground to why they should give you things. Business typically compensate you if your negative experience cannot be justified with the risks you agreed to in their terms of service or if you have suffered financial loss due to their shortcomings.

Point being, you haven’t actually lost anything aside from some xp points.

As for the xp thing, like I said, proving you were afflicted isn’t that easy. Do you want them to hand out things they could sell for money based on your good word alone?
I should probably add that I don’t know if they can actually see who didn’t get xp. If they can then it should be as easy as adding in what you didn’t get.

Whatever you think does not matter. As long as they do not hotfix it but postpone it to another (small) patch, then they treat it as a feature. If you do not agree, swallow your regret for trusting a small indie company just like what devs told you already by their action.

Blizzard isn’t a small indie company lmao… not by any stretch of the imagination.
I kinda wanna hear their excuse for it not being fixed by now before I say yay or nay. See, I am not against the idea that they compensate people. That is up to them, and some definetly had a negative experience.

What I am against is the notion of treating this like a right without investigating the legal framework and the circumstances. You should always have facts on your side before you demand things of others.

I don’t give a crap about legality. Plenty of crap is legal but isn’t moral. Slavery being the best example.

He probably views unhappy consumers feeling wronged as an attack on the Capitalist system.

Nobody said anything about rights. YOU did. That was YOU!

You had like two lines to write, not sure what took you so long about that.

You may not give a crap about legality, but Blizzard does, and in getting what you consider to be your right against companies, law is everything.

Also, I’m, not even gonna bother countering the capitalist thing because that was just immature.

Again, whatever you think does not matter too. But thanks for wasting hours of your life trying to be “reasonable” however unimportant you wrote. BTW, bashing blizzard is my point, which just makes me happy. And that’s enough for me, cuz I don’t really care about compensation as OP does even though OP is right on this matter. As for your claim, you are just trying to be a lawyer, but not even a successful one cuz your claim is not grounded at all; e.g. you said there is “no proof” but there is unless the servers are completely trashed. :smiley:

This has nothing to do with what I think. What are you even on about?
Also dunno if getting into fights with strangers is a very good way to show disdain for a company. How about writing them a strongly worded letter instead?
Also, OP merely has an opinions. Opinions are not inherently right or wrong, regardless of if you happen to agree.

“Should blizzard compensate players?”
“Should” implies there’s a “should not” side.
Yes, obviously, since you’re asking coop players if they want exp.
That’s like asking (insert game here) players if they want free (insert valuable item/currency here). Pretty much everyone will say yes.

Which is exactly why I am adamant in that the legalities should be understood so that the decision can be left with whatever morality blizzard has.
If one gets free stuff, everyone else wants it too. I’ve been kicking around on the internet for a long time. I’ve seen what happens when companies buckle under pressure and gives out free things. Everyone wants a share and the reasons used becomes increasingly more ludicrous.

That’s not me trying to say “no don’t compensate anyone ever” by the way. Just saying what the risks are. it’s a balance a that I’m glad to not be in charge of.

Thinking about what people say. You should try it.

…What? Nobody said anything about rights. Nobody wants to go to court(+You don’t have a snowballs chance in hell of winning anyway even if you were in the right.) People just think it is BS.

Tacit admission of truth.

Well clearly not. There is someone here who exists.


Companies love to hand out free stuff! Hear that everybody? Total news to me…

  1. Pot, meet kettle.
  2. Insinuation, as I said.
  3. No, not at all. Merely not wasting time.
  4. Oh no, let’s open the floodgates to abuse.
  5. Can’t help if you don’t like it bud.
  6. What?

Man you must like being ripped off

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I don’t feel ripped off. I got all my xp. this bug only affects some people.
Snd even if it had affected me I would have been fine with getting the xp I should have had. I wouldn’t have been asking for cash items. Sometimes bugs happens.

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Who said anything about demanding free stuff???
The consensus seems to be the missing XP gets credited back, if possible, whenever they do a hotfix.

If not, then the least that’s expected is an extension on the stim, warchest and/or Mengsk bundle that people bought.

Yes, we know stim is not subject to “downtime” but this issue with XP for the past week is not regularly scheduled downtime or maintenance.
When people purchase a warchest or commander bundle having that stim for 30 days (minus maintenance) is the assumption one will receive for giving Blizzard their money.

And if you really want to go down the legal rabbit hole, we can talk about past precedents set. When something like this happens in WoW (usually has to affect players for 24h or more) they have refunded that via an extension of game/sub time.
So seeing as not only stim, but XP in general for anything above lvl 15 commander has not been working it’s not ludicrous for players expecting stim to be extended.


Imagine thinking people paying for xp don’t deserve to be compensated for not getting what they paid for

I’m sure an executive on their yacht thanks you for paying for nothing so they can do more coke off a hooker’s rear


You know, I’m pretty sure that at this point I’ve said multiple times that I think anyone who didn’t get their xp should have what they lost added when this gets fixed… Backreading usually helps.

But imma say this one more time: I think everyone who lost out on xp should get the xp they lost added. But that wasn’t what compensation meant in the OP’s post. What it meant was getting free boosters. That is what I don’t think anyone should consider themselves entitled to.

Also, nobody paid for the xp… You don’t pay for it, unless you popped a booster and then got hit by the bug but this wasn’t what the OP said. In fact, I haven’t seen this being mentioned.

  1. No, not hypocrisy if i never complained about you taking too long to write a post.

  2. Maybe you should use those great powers to insinuate that nobody cares about legalities.

  3. Not trying to abuse you simply pointing out that you are the exception. Don’t victimize yourself. Hopefully Blizzard will defend you. Quid pro quo.

  4. Refer to: 2.

  5. You said that you saw what happens when companies casually hand stuff out lol. Companies never “hand things out.”

“Poor victim me being singled out!”

“People need to shut up and quit asking for free stuff!”

You know good and well what people are talking about. But the reality is inconvenient.


This is what OP said “Do you think that Blizzard should offer some compensation - say a week-long stimpack for everyone subject to this bug?” which matches the timeframe this bug has been going on so far. I don’t see OP asking for free stuff anywhere?

Now if they meant every SC2 player should get free stim if they did not buy the warchest or Mensgk bundle, then yes, not everyone should get it; only people who paid for it.

Try telling that to everyone who bought the latest warchest and Mengsk bundle.

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  1. Complained? Now that’s a nice assumption.
  2. If you don’t care about legalities then how do you expect to have your rights?
  3. Not abuse towards me lmao. You and your assumptions.
  4. Refer to 2.
  5. And yet, you seem to think that they should.
  6. Don’t put words in my mouth.
  7. Actually, no, I don’t.