Maru vs prince shows the problem with TvP

I was actually really impressed by Prince. He did his homework. give him 1 year and I’m sure he’ll be a top korean Protoss. However, the fact that some Terrans here refuse to acknowledge the talent he possesses and instead resort to balance whining is disgusting.

Oh wow my Maru did’nt hard win hard enough ! Call 911 now for with my diamond knowledge I have Proof to the FBI that toss is OP. I don’t care that toss has not won anything this year and only has been tournament finalist once in over many tourneys. Like god this kind of mindset makes my skin crawl.


He’s mad that a Terran dropped a map. Then again what do you expect ? He’s quickly becoming one of the worst forum whiners alongside Mr BatZ. Like i tried to reason with him and i pointed towards the premier tournaments in 2020 all of which clearly indicate that Protoss is under performing. He did’nt care to look and instead said that I’m wrong. Wow.

The fact that he did’nt care is what agitates me . Like how can you be so fixated with proving that Protoss is OP to the point that you don’t even care about opposing evidence. Another thing is the fact that he refused to acknowledge the talent that prince possess and instead resort to mah Protoss OP. cos mi boi Maru didn’t crush him. Its such a terrible mindset to have jesus.


maru literally said he was nervous and lost sleep because he was scared of how good prince is ATM. but sure…


What do you expect, he thinks Maru should win every time because he is Maru, he does not analize games, just see Marus name and if he drops a map then the T race is weak and the winner is a bad player carried by the race.

depends on the day, sometimes scarlett plays pretty bad, not sure why, maybe is because lack of training or schedule problems, and Harstem is a solid player. And agree scarlet could beat beastyqt around 99% of the games.

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Can we just create a new forum section for all these clowns?

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And the sad thing is, I don’t think he’s actually joking in the slightest, I think he wholeheartly believes that Terran is in a super bad position as a race, and the only reason all Terran player is doing well is because all Terran players are somehow better than player of other races.

That’s literally what I believe but only about protoss. I think the ONLY reason protoss isn’t winning any tournaments is because they don’t have any top tier players. Their top players (stats, zests, prince???) have similar skills to players like Dream or Taeja. If someone like Maru played protoss, he would have literally won every single tournament in the last 2 years.


Although we strongly disagree about balance, thanks for being supportive of Scarlett against those a-holes.

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Are we still forgetting PartinG?
Heck, I can even consider Harstem as a very solid Protoss player that can win a match against Maru.
is Has not a good player? Cheesy yes, but are you really going to say Has has no chance of winning?

Has is the definition of a protoss abuser. He abuses his broken race to the fullest, allowing him to compete with players of higher caliber than he’ll ever be.

Harstem could never take games off of Maru, nor should he. He’s fun and entertaining to watch but he isn’t made of the same cloth. I’d say the only players that are even close to Maru are Inno, TY, Serral and Dark.


oh no, Using a race to the fullest potential?
Serral must be the abuser of the SC2 game huh?

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I like how you think Serral is below Maru. But ok.


maybe a game, but never a match.


There’s a difference between using fullest potential and abusing broken stuff because you can’t do anything else. Protoss cheese are way too strong since they can work even when you know they are coming.

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He is. Its just a fact. Watch Maru play and compare that to serral. Even most Koreans agree Serral is very good but not quite as good as the top top Koreans. The fact he is so good AND playing on EU is what explains why he is having so much success (playing vs much lesser players).

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Do tell me the difference. Last time I checked, all Protoss “Broken stuff” has been nerfed. One of the dumber time would be adept training time added by 3 seconds, because Terran would actually need to micro against adept using reaper.

Never? Pretty strong word.

Like what? Cannon rush? Maybe scout with your SCVs? I mean, it’s not like Protoss scout with one probe every game right? Oh wait, they do. Wonder why? Because Protoss is the weakest race against a cheese.
Terran can continue their build order even when cheesed sometimes, if Terran can do that, I would NEVER even say Protoss cheeses are “way too strong”.

At this point, this one is a battle of opinion, but have you seen Serral? The guy have near perfect game sense, knowing just enough supply to defend and pushing the race to the highest level, it’s not even about balance when it comes to Serral, the guy is just amazing, and honestly Serral impress me way more than Maru.


Yeah I’ve watched his stream and he is indeed incredible. Not gonna lie about this. The guy can play a pretty mean game of sc2. But Maruuuuu though :boom: :fireworks: I guess it is more about opinions since both are absolutely incredible.

Not gonna argue I suppose.

Point still stand.
You miss the point where Terran doesn’t need to scout because they are pretty safe from most form of cheese. If Protoss has a cheese that fools a Terran, that just shows that the Terran disrespect Protoss capabilities.

I have answered to that and you’re the one who hasn’t acknowledged it. Protoss has 0 top tier players which explains why they aren’t performing well at the moment. Zest, parting and others don’t even come close in terms of skill to someone like Maru, Innovation, Dark or serral. If they had someone like that, protoss would win every single tournaments. The average protoss player is less skilled than the average Terran or protoss player. Its a fact and you know it

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Like literally, watching Maru play turns me on. Watching him micro everything and split his marines so perfectly is just so… amazing :hugs: :heartbeat: :raised_hands: :clap: :ok_hand: