Many COOP bugfixes

What? I thought immortal is a good game :joy:

So don’t expect prestige balances ? Got it.

Have you guys noticed any new changes?

I found a new bug:
Bionic Insect’s mechanical stinger snake, after switching the Incremental Warhead skill, shooting enemies within 6 frames will add an additional spine needle shot to the ground for air units, enjoying the long-range attack damage upgrade


I tried looking into the map editor, and if this is indeed fixed, I don’t see how.
But well, when I was trying to search an answer in Triggers, I got hit with the bug that lock you into the first search result and won’t go to the next, so maybe the answer is indeed there :confused:

Whoever that community member is he/she/they/them have my gratitude and they deserve a medal.

Yeah, I fixed it. I had to entirely clear my forum’s cookies.

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My H&H P1 army zooming across the map because a hellion got killed is hilarious not to mention the bomb bonanza if a reaper dies. Thanks for the info OP.

I’m more of a “SFP guy”, so I could see myself picking that mastery even if the Stronger Death Effect weren’t bugged. However, I should fire up P1 again with that just to see it for myself!

So this is official? WHo is this wonderful Janitor?

Impressively, even Amon got a fix. :smiley:

  • Stronger Death Chance mastery broken - So what is the multiplier now with power set 1?
  • Oracles do not receive Veil of Shadows - I was wondering about this.
  • P2 dark templar Void Stasis doesn’t work on hybrids, but the shadow guard version does - Big buff, no?

God bless and thank you to whoever fixed all this, especially the H&H death buff bonus mastery!!!

Have no idea how the editor works. But it works now…

Wish they would also buff some underused commanders like Artanis, P2 Stukov, P2 Vorazun, P3 HH.

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Just played Fenix P1.
They didn’t change (or I missed it) the wording/naming to explain why the Arbiter suit doesn’t get the cooldown penalty.
Actually, I felt the cooldown was even lower than before, but I didn’t check seriously, may just have been an accidental impression.

The Arbiter suit wasn’t meant to be ‘fixed’ as far as I know. You are suppose to be able to field it as often as you wish on P1.

Speaking of Fenix though, literally mind blasting for a P0 Fenix (really any Fenix) to lose 2 bots (2nd bot wave on MO) to zerglings (1st wave of 2nd bot wave). Sitting there with a Dragoon suit while telling me ‘he can’t do it all’. All of what exactly… using a Fenix suit and let it auto spin? (Unfortunately I can only travel back so quickly lol… My bad for expecting Fenix to be able to handle zerglings…)

Liability of ally is the single biggest bug :joy:

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I’ve found that P3 Vorazun’s time stop no longer respawns the shadowguard from the last time stop so you’re gonna need to constantly use deploy shadowguard to pump up the numbers respawned in Time Stop.

I heard it was rather OP because of it?

proficiency repair: “better chance of death effect”, now this proficiency will take effect normally

Prestige 1 train buff will now be increased by 300%, the train man seems to have an expanded range (the actual battle did not feel), widow mine 10 rounds of missiles, rocket flight soldier 15 rounds of bombs


Basic: teammates within a radius of 3.5 frames, increase the movement speed of 25%, 15% attack speed, lasting 15 seconds

60% proficiency: the same as the basic bonus when the effect does not occur. 60% chance of the effect, teammates within a radius of 3.5 squares, increase the movement speed of 50%, 30% attack speed, for 15 seconds

Prestige 1: Teammates within a 3.5 frame radius increase movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 30% for 15 seconds.

Prestige 1+60% Mastery: The same as Prestige 1 when no effect occurs. 60% chance of effect, teammates within a 3.5 square radius will have 100% more movement speed and 60% more attack speed for 15 seconds.

Train Man

Basic: After death, for the surrounding enemies within a radius of 4 squares, give 3 seconds of fear effect.

60% proficiency: base 4 frame range fear, 60% chance of effect when the range is expanded to 5.66 frames.

Prestige 1: Base 4 frames of ranged fear, extend the fear time to 6 seconds

Prestige 1+60% proficiency: base 4 frames of ranged fear, fear time extended to 6 sec. 60% chance of effect, range extended to 5.66 frames.

Widow’s Thunder

Base: Drops 5 explosive missiles with 10 spell damage vs. 20 shield upon death, with a range of 2.625 squares, ineffective against buildings

60% proficient: basic 5 missiles, 60% chance of effect, can launch 5 missiles again, 10 missiles in total, ineffective against buildings

Prestige 1: drop 5 spell damage 20 vs shield 30 explosive missiles after death, ineffective against buildings

Prestige 1 + 60% proficiency: after death, drop 5 explosive missiles with 20 spell damage vs. 30 shield, with 60% chance of effect, can fire 5 missiles again, total 10 missiles, ineffective against buildings

Rocket flying soldier

Basic: drop a 10 point spell damage bomb + 7 5 point spell damage bombs after death

60% proficiency: in addition to the basic 8 bombs, 60% chance of effect, plus another round of 7 bombs, each bomb 5 points of spell damage

Prestige 1: drop 8 bombs with 10 spell damage after death

Prestige 1+60% Mastery: Drop 8 bombs with 10 spell damage after death, and when 60% chance of effect, add another round of 7 bombs with 5 spell damage each, in addition to these 8 bombs.

Yeah formerly you only had to summon SG once. Then you’ll get more and more shadowguard with each use. Now you need to summon SG before your TS to get more. I once had at most 20+ shadowguard spawn in a late game TS and it was like nuking the immediate area with all the shadow furies flying around.

I haven’t played around with it, but in the past the regular and mastery version of the stim applied separately from each other. I wonder if that’s the case now as well, that would be quite the speed buff.

Oh wow if this is true then I might even stop playing P3.

God I wish Vorazun could be fixed a little to not have so many terrible interactions with mutations.

Speaking of Vorazun i wish her Void Rays got some cost reduction and some faster movement speed, and that her Dark Archons were cheaper and had cheaper spells.

Her Dark Templar are so hilariously overpowered that you feel silly for making anything else, which makes her boring…

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P3 never worked like that.

It has always been that “each TS would also summon all previously casted SG”. This meant after the first SG expired, the first TS would have 4 SG. By the time the next TS rolls around, if you only ever casted SG once then you’ll still only have 4 SG.

This only ever changes if in between TS, you have casted other SG. Since SG has a 3min cooldown while TS is 4min. This meant if the player cast SG off cooldown every time, then by the 3rd TS (12min), it would summon up to 4SG x 3(previous) + 4SG (new separate cast).

I’d do a table but kinda lazy and hard on the phone. Point is the more SG you cast, the more SG you get in each TS.