135 days since issue was reported and the best we have is connecting/disconnecting from the Internet in order to play the game. Feels like 2000 not 2020.
Talv’s solution fixes this:
download http://level3.blizzard.com/tpr/sc2/config/3b/93/3b938eed7536396b1d7a000ca9b2cd39
and put it in the subfolder “StarCraft II\SC2Data\config\3b\93” with the exact same filename (“3b938eed7536396b1d7a000ca9b2cd39”). You might have to create the folders first.
Disabling LAN every time I wanted to play quickly got annoying, especially as I usually chat with people on discord while playing so I wrote a little program that does that for me automatically. It takes so little time that discord only goes quite for ~3 seconds.
Heres a link to my GitHub where you can download it!
It doesn’t collect any data about you and is safe. The code isn’t the best, but again, it’s a quick fix not a permanent solution, Blizzard has to do that one.
Hey, have you tried the fix I posted about above? With that fix applied disconnecting should not be required.
Game doesn’t launch, instead there is green progress bar!
This issue is annoying, it is happening months. Only solution is disconnect from internet and than launch the game. Which is annoying, than reconnect and than login…
It’s known issue that re-occurs every X weeks/months. See [Main Thread] Game not loading after clicking Play - #167 by Talv-2620 (#167
) for permanent solution and explanation.
Or [Main Thread] Game not loading after clicking Play - #246 by seb2010-2263 (#246
) for straightforward fix.
This happened to me (EU) last night - Talvs solution described here:
Fixed this me for the first run, subsequent runs still throw green loading bar - Upon copying over the entire config folder from Talv, this has fixed this for me! Thank you Talv - If it is as simple as shipping a few more files, would this not be a quick patch for blizzard?
Me too. Battle.net said ‘game is Running’ meanwhile it doesn’t work. well, I have it. lose
Gotcha… solved my problem
Hi I seem to be experiencing the same problem. Is there an official fix from blizzard?
Same too can’t connect to Americas server. Stuck at green loading bar back n fro & game not launching.
Have uninstalled batnet desktop app & sc2. Then reinstalled both. Didn’t work.
My game does not work as well, it tells me to either reopen or not reopen window, both result in me having to force quit since my game does not open even after 15 min. I’ve tried all the steps in Article ID: 153491 as well as reinstalling SC2 and battlenet. I was still able to play yesterday. Please advise.
Same here. Started for me two days ago. As usual, at first it only takes like 5 secs to startup and now it takes 10-15 minutes. Blizzard please help.
interesting…SC2 took about 5 seconds to open, now I’ve done the steps above and it takes 2 seconds or less to open–and doesn’t show the loading bar when I deleted the renamed folder.
However, a day passed and the loading bar appears again…but it takes 2 seconds or less to open still, so…?
I haven’t played in a couple of months but decided I wanted to jump in today. game patched up and I launched… and I fell into this rabbit hole of trying to figure out whay it wont launch.
reinstalled batlenet, ran a file scan tried the zipped config file. nothing has worked.
FWIW I play NA with a client I bought and originally DL in NA, but that was a couple of computers ago and I’ve also relocated to Thailand. BUT, as recently as 2-3 months ago I was playing just fine from here, with the current install.
I play WoW from here with no problems too. loads right up.
Lame to wait 10 minutes for a game to load up.
Thanks for the help. Works like a gem now after using your method to replace the config folder.
Weird how that solution works for some but not others…
anyway, since nothing else seems to have worked, i decided WTH and uninstalled and am now re installing SC2.
Maybe it will fix it. I can’t see how it will make it more broken.
Update: Full uninstall and reinstall did not fix the issue, I guess if I want to play some SC i have to open the app and go do something else for 20 minutes.
i have the same here…ermm…what the odds
same thing happening to mine
key-2c37ee593d8e0c07 = cb017b81e2071b3984f8d380c7770777
key-145df70b651ef9d7 = 4258eefa148c94c5cd0ad0f65f4b05f0
This is what comes out from the link provided.