Lurkers Definitely OP against Terran

Zerg is super-glued to creep so it sucks, tremendously, to be forced to trade. There are reasons why Terran has had a higher win-rate in GM the entire year of 2021.

Denying mining doesn’t matter to a terran. They have a mineral and gas bank like other races so they can buffer slight delays. Furthermore they have a production bank that other races don’t have, allowing them to absorb even greater delays in mining, and medivacs provide a level of robustness and efficiency that other races don’t have. You can completely shut-down a terran’s ability to produce and mine, and he can still fight and trade by spending energy off his medivacs. Furthermore, they can over-saturate a base with free workers (aka mules) once they do establish a base, meaning they can recover from a base denial faster. If that weren’t enough, they can lose workers to a greater degree than other races since mules are free, and they can abandon a base and fly it away if they need to; retaking it a little bit later (other races lose the base, the resources AND have to wait for the time to BOTH re-secure the area AND construct the new base - terran only waits to re-secure the area).

None of these are things Protoss or Zerg can do, so when I see a terran crying about a lurker causing a very slight inconvenience to Terran’s absolutely impenetrable economic mechanics, the only thing I can think of is EXTREME bias.

Honestly I think Terran’s production mechanics need to be made harder. You should not be able to queue more than one unit in a barracks. If you forget to queue a unit, you miss out. That’s how warpgate works and how inject works. MULEs should cost 5 or maybe 10 minerals each. Why do interceptors cost money but something that nets the equivalent of 5 marines is somehow free? Explain that one to me. The first mule the orbital drops should be free and after that they should be 10 minerals each.

Terran’s impenetrable economy stalling out the game for eternity is one of the biggest factors that killed SC2. They need to add some vulnerabilities. Zerg has economic vulnerabilities. Zerg lacks the anti-air advantage and zone-control advantage most of the game (until vipers usually). There need to be viable options for poking and prodding a terran that aren’t a net loss for a zerg. Whether or not they are a net loss should be a 50/50 odds in equal skill scenarios so what decides if the proding works or not is who is the better player. Right now terran is so impenetrable skill is not a factor in deciding if harassment works. Harassment does not work in equal skill scenarios probably 95% of the time.

Introducing stall-mechanics to artificially inflate the game duration was the biggest design mistake I think Blizzard could have possibly made.

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I agree. You also shouldn’t be able to inject while supply blocked or allow warp gate to count down too. I’m also for the mule change if you increase the cost of Zerg’s infrastructure. There should also be a cool down on Queens creep spreading. We got to boost Zergs APM in GM leagues (it’s far lower than Terrans).

Serral attacked into tripple planetary and a maxed out army behind it. When all your points are that easy to disprove it goes right next to unicorns and shape shifting aliens.

That’s the whole point of zerg trading. I can’t wait to start on 5 bases so I can go striaght to mass planetary and ghosts.

Says the person that misses hots. lmao. Did you ever play during mass raven era? I’m guessing you actually started in lotv.

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Production of units is blocked for Zerg if they are supply blocked. Larva is an additional production step that Terran doesn’t have to worry about, and Zerg should be able to be blocked at that step too? There is one word for that: bias.

Please see:

Emphasis added.

Uh, no. Zerg trades because Terran has to dump money into units that don’t have long-term value like marines. They need to transition to ghosts, liberators and vikings, but have to spam marine marauder over and over because they can’t produce those other units fast enough and have to build up those counts slowly. So your goal is to reset those ghost counts, keep ghost energy low, and to force him to make low value units. The economic factor of the game is almost irrelevant to terran as I explained in the prior post. Terran’s mechanics stack the advantage so heavily in terran’s advantage that it is virtually impossible to hurt terran’s economy in any meaningful way. The only way to beat them is to trade repeatedly against his army, not his economy.

Little jimmy batz has to make some hatcheries here and there and maybe throw down a spire at the right time, CHAD avilo is building tech labs on his barracks while knowing the exact amount of factories he needs at each stage of the game while making sure his SCVs aren’t idling and making sure his orbitals never reach 200 energy. This has to be the reason you guys have lower apm (even avilo, a mech player, has more!).

Have you forgotten that ZvT is all about ling/muta counter attacks that if defendable turn into flanks. This is 2010 knowledge that Scarlett still uses to SMASH the current GSL champion and your GOAT Innovation (some say it was the reason he retired).

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There you have it. You have absolutely no rebuttal to the points thoroughly detailed above. What would you do if terran didn’t take care of these things automatically for you? You obviously can’t think out a rebuttal to simple facts about the game, how are you going to think about counter-strategies if/when Blizzard adds vulnerabilities to the Terran economy/production so that it doesn’t automatically manage itself? You think it’s hard to spam marines? Just wait until there are reliable ways for your opponent to interfere with your ability to spam marines.

Your workers are free, you have resource banks, production banks, the ability to lift bases, aka the most robust economic mechanics in the game, but you can’t deal with a lurker bugging some SCVs? This game is so incredibly ruined by trolls who wanted an APM-spam game so desperately all the strategy was completely deleted by Blizzard at their behest. What a perfect example of how good things can be ruined by vocal minorities. Companies need to realize that the feedback they get is biased and need to account for that in their decisions or you screw up billion dollar game franchises.

Blizzard needs to add reliable ways for Zerg to interfere with Terran’s economic/production mechanics or this game is never going to recover. That’s just how it is.

By the way, I loved that video of Avilo where he confronts Atira and she tells him to go away and stop stalking her. I’d never be in a position like that because stalking is bad a waste of time and very mean/rude thing to do however you can see the stark contrast in IQ between someone like Avilo and someone like myself. If I were ever accused of something like that I would act surprised. I would say: “What are you talking about. Weren’t you the one who invited me up here? What is going on?! Why would you invite me and then accuse me of stalking? Is this like a practical joke? This isn’t funny, Atira. Are you serious?”

You can tell the accusations she levied were likely accurate by the way he reacted. It looked like he almost wanted to grab the phone. Avilo isn’t a chad. Avilo is a small and obnoxious heel biting chihuahua who doesn’t realize just how small he is compared to other people which gives him more confidence than he really ought to have. It’s an IQ problem, really. You have to know what cards are in your hand and how to play them most effectively which requires a hard evaluation of yourself and your abilities. You have to know what your options are to plan.

His behavior showed he clearly didn’t have the IQ to plan it out regardless of whether you think he is innocent or not. If he is innocent and she did invite him, he needed to emphasize that in the video. If he isn’t innocent, he needed to deflect and distract which he didn’t do. Either way, it was an unintelligent move.

The irony is that they added things like flying locusts and invincible nydus for this exact reason citing that it was a major problem in hots. They also reduced the mineral nodes and gas count to go even further. Do tell how adding a cost to mules will do anything but be an AOC idea?

Snipe I think is the real deal and thats why I dont see a problem with lurkers or SH. When I had to deal with SH… he had to go AFK to lose them. Chase with rotored banshees was not only time consuming but distracted from the main point and that was to not let them go too far. If not for Snipe and the way Nydus were, was a slow death with losing economy first.

Seeing Maru win this with MMM and no ghost, but he had a Medivac for every unit lol. Many Medivacs too much money on them… looks like that helped him

Chads don’t have the time to asses their abilities. They say the first thing that pops into their head without the need for sources nor further research. Second guessing yourself to make sure you’re being objective sounds like the most beta thing ever.

What makes you think it requires research and where does second guessing come in? There are two types of confidence. One is rational and the other is irrational. Irrational confidence is when a moron acts confidently in a high risk scenario because he doesn’t know enough to realize he shouldn’t be so confident. For example, someone who is so stupid he thinks he is iron man and can stop a train when in reality he becomes a little red splat on the nose of a thousand ton titan. Or, perhaps, when a person who harasses a woman thinks it’s a brilliant idea to fly up and confront her where she lives. Talk about getting hit by a train there so to speak - the little red splat is his esports career and the train being the iron fist of the law. :rofl:

Rational confidence comes from knowing everything there is to know about a situation or at least a sufficient amount to acquire an acceptable outcome. It’s not about doubt and second guessing yourself - those emotions are for people who don’t understand the situation and who aren’t prepared for it yet who have at least enough intelligence to assess that they are in such a state.

By the way there is an even lower standard than this, which is acceptable when the other standards can’t be met. Can you name it for me?

I’m all ears. Battlenet is informing me that I’ve had 25% of the replies here xD.

If you can’t meet an acceptable standard, you need to do your best to avoid the worst case scenarios. It’s the “I am going to crash my car, do I want to crash into the semi or into the ravine.” You can’t meet an acceptable standard so you are instead on to minimizing damage so that you can bounce back and recover faster.

It happens all the time in buisiness. People will throw money at a project and it will become clear it isn’t going to pay for itself or at least generate enough revenue to make it worthwhile, so you need to shut the project down in the least catastrophic way you can. The project is going to be a failure period end of story; let’s make it the least damaging that we can.

Avilo wasn’t going to meet an acceptable standard with the stunt he pulled in confronting Atira as evidenced by the video she recorded of it. Regardless of if he was innocent or not. If he was invited up there and she pulled a stunt on him it is the same. From there the standard is to not crash and burn quite as bad as it could be. He should have acted surprised. He should have been jovial and asked her what she is doing - why she is recording him - if it is a prank etc. I’d say there is a good shot he’d still have his esports career if he could have told twitch his ex GF was just being manipulative and that he didn’t stalk her and if the video showed he was surprised it would have sold that story quite well. They say well what about these mean tweets. He then says well that’s our own preferred mode of communication / type of humor. Out of context they sound bad but it was just our BDSM kink which by the way I am not very comfortable talking about my private life with you guys. The BDSM kink of my ex GF should have been a red flag, I should have known she’d try these kind of manipulative stunts on me. I promise I won’t be an issue going forward Master Twitch.

Given the information available I’d think this is the best way for him to have played his cards to minimize damage from that point forward. A better way would have been not to get caught on video confronting her but that’s my analysis from that point forward. Ideally he should have moved on when it was obvious she wasn’t interested anymore. If he really wanted to stick it to her, he should have doubled down on his streaming, done even better there, got another GF and maybe had her on stream a couple times. You know, the good old “I’ve moved on and you’re still stuck in the past” maneuver. Heck, even pay a hooker to come on stream and be all lubby dubby with you. “Hey guys, after I dumped my psycho ex I’ve met this absolutely amazing, super hot chick named Stacie.” LOL. There are ways you can find retribution that don’t cross legal or ethical boundaries so if that’s what he was looking for there really was no need to do the things he did. It was just plain stupid.