Lurkers Definitely OP against Terran

Such an OP unit. So unbeatable by straight bio. So much tech needed by Terran. OP unit. /s


Isn’t that the same game where 1 lurker and queens held off a 40 supply advantage? The easiest way to lose against lurkers is definitely by staying on bio.


8 lurkers with ling bane support killed by pure bio (with no ghosts or siege tanks). If you think Lurkers are OP, you are the problem. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Zerg needs lurker buffs. Just that it’s hilarious when Terrans have the audacity to think they’re OP.

You don’t need ghost tech. You don’t need 3 factories of siege tank production. You don’t need double reactor starport lib production. You just need to not stand in a straight line and not move command over lurkers. A basic concave is sufficient.

Now, do a mental excercise and replace those Lurkers with Siege Tanks shooting at the bio. 0% chance any Terran takes that engage. Why? Because you can’t dodge Siege Tanks, but you can dodge Lurkers.


A higher supply with better upgraded bio army beat 8 lurkers while banes were used as cannon fodder. It’s a great indicator of the true power of lurkers. The second part is the biggest larp I have ever read. Zerg players hate terrans that transition to ghost liberator.

Have you played TvT before?


Yes, exactly. Even with an anchoring force to soak damage, the primary siege unit of Zerg still can’t effectively fight a pure bio army. Thank you for agreeing with me Thrasher. I’m glad I could help you to open your eyes.

And yes, imagine facing an army that with t1 tech is already beating your army supported t3 tech with extreme efficiency and that army has even better counters waiting in the wings. It is disheartening. There’s a reason I switched to Terran. Again, thank you for providing even more supporting evidence that Lurkers aren’t OP in TvZ.

Yes and without a full surround, liberators, or the tanks being unguarded by bio allowing for viking/medivac drop; that position is unassailable with just bio. But I do love that you think 3 siege tanks that are still sieging === 8 sieged tanks. That’s really cute.

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The banes that went into the fight ~7 seconds late after taking damage from widow mines? XD This is your example? In what world do you think 8 lurkers (24 supply) should beat that army?

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Ah, well you see, you may not know this but: Banelings are melee range units. That means they have to close the distance to be effective. Like I said, they were there to soak damage since, against Widow Mines and Bio, banelings have to be burrowed or the Terran has to run their bio directly into the banelings to get connections. There’s a reason Zerg players call ZvT Minesweeper now-a-days.

I never said I thought that. That’s your own projection. I said 8 lurkers with a supporting army being beat by pure bio is solid evidence that the Lurker isn’t OP. Anything else you take from that is from your own subconscious. I wouldn’t have bothered saying anything, or making the clip, if there hadn’t been a recent stint of ladder Terrans saying Lurkers are OP.

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after all the threads about how strong…Lurker is, this fits perfectly.
Terran doesn’t have to complain has enough answers, even pure bio can work.
“if lurkers come into play, it’s over for Terran…” --not


It’s definitely a combination of vipers/nydus that makes them bonkers strong. It’s good that you guys found your example of bio beating lurkers, only took a year of being the dominant unit comp in ZvT.

Bro. Come on. Lurkers get thrashed by KR Terrans and EU Terrans constantly in tournaments. Even with Viper Nydus help. In this very Tournament (Dreamhack Masters), Maru shut down that exact comp multiple times. Did you even watch the Grand Finals?


Maybe Zerg has to include in the anti-bio fighting compositions the Infestor? Trying to defeat bio-terran by brute-force (Ling, Bane, Lurkers) is really difficult and the trades are horrendous…

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Bio is doom if it is pure marine or with maraud is coinflip, like if you move them in a bunch of burrowed lurkers not knowing. If you get the ghosts then lurkers should be OK to deal with. I saw Maru or Clem wanted to use Snipe randomly n started shooting anything roaches or hydra

if rogue had 3-3 in that fight, he would have stomped maru even with all the micro mistakes that he made.

a 1-1 upgrade lead in tvz is massive

Rogue played bad. Pro players are bad. You can see how little they care about this dying game. You have to back those lurkers up. They can attack into a choke, not out of a choke. It’s pretty simple stuff. The question then becomes if the terran will attack into such a choke and the answer is not unless he has to. So this maneuver only works if you can cut the terran off from a base or something like that. Since he can’t cut off the terran, he is trying to push in which requires leap-frogging the lurkers forward as the ling bane pushes the terran back. You basically a-click it all then click on the forward lurkers and burrow them. He didn’t do that either. AKA he played horrible. After making that mistake the best thing you could do is back up out of the choke and his lurkers will survive because Maru can’t move into that choke even without the bane/ling. He didn’t do that either. Time to find a new video game, boys. RIP esports. I am glad I didn’t waste any time watching this tournament what a total waste.

Not just the lurker, TvZ is the definition of imbalance favoring zerg, it is absolute peak imbalance.

Every Z and P pro barely puts in effort compared to clem and maru, yes.

I’m not surprised when whine terran’s can’t read or even watch clips, but I’m still disappointed every time it happens.

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Maru returned to 2 base heavy committed builds after losing to Serral. He then follows it up with a pre hive timing. Rogue practically made the games far easier by diving in and letting him reset his low lurker count. I guess it’s not surprising you watch more than you play. A supposed terran player that wouldn’t take the opportunity to reset a tank count with an upgrade and supply advantage.

This is the best part. There’s more medivacs than there are lurkers, less upgrades, defenders advantage, a pre split and Rogue running directly into widow mine shots but it’s back to herp derp tier arguments. lmao.

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Be disappointed in anyone who manages to lose with a 10x better late game, various different cheeses with extremely little counterplay, burrowed banelings which can end the game instantly, 10x better economy while being babysitted by queens and spores making you unable to lose.

Zerg is so bad that serral obliterated maru twice despite maru being objectively better, got it.

How to tell people you don’t know what objectivity is without saying you don’t know what objectivity is. I’m sorry you lost in Silver, but I promise you it has nothing to do with Zerg.