Lost with 5 bases vs 2 base Terran

More army supply and lots of workers vs no workers. Ask me how I got an advantage vs Terran. Incredible, I know. I even had better upgrades. Am I the best Toss player ever? I think I may have even killed a Terran unit. Maybe just one or two.

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Ive been copying TY’s recent TvP builds which mostly lead into to a turtle style. They are insane. Protoss cannot break anything with the garbage new chargelot and Thors delete golden armada even harder now. My experiences are reflected in tournament play that I see.

Balance team has been dropping the ball so hard.


I’m at a COMPLETE loss. All I know is no amount of air units can beat anything. Ground seems to be easily repelled by tanks, forcing you into a late game situation, which means you’re just stuck on the same type of units getting weaker and weaker, relatively, every second that goes by.

All I can do is shake my head man. Nothing surprises me about this matchup anymore when it comes to getting dumpstered. If you were to tell me 500 supply of Toss couldn’t beat 100 vikings… I’d believe it. Going to be at 70% this season vs Toss and Zerg and 40% vs Terran if lucky.




Tanks, widow mines, planetary fortresses, liberators. You name it. Turns groundtoss into dust (it’s comical how so many Terran players on this forum say tanks suck vs protoss lmfao). And I dont know how Protoss is supposed to counterplay anymore since their midgame got nerfed, their lategame is still trash, and Terran units keep getting pound for pound stronger, which means even things like map control, out-expanding, and multipronged attacks with warp prism and chargelot, for example, do not do anything to turn the tides.

Skytoss just gets bent over by Thor and/or BC comps among other things. and all you need to do as a Terran is just throw some MMM around the map and mow down nexuses since carriers are slow af. Not like the defensive chareglot warp ins do anything anymore. Protoss is beaten on all fronts now whether skirmishes or deathball.

Terrancraft of PEACE


Can we please sticky this guy’s post. It’s the most true thing to grace this forums in years. All of it is 100% true and depressing.

Thank you for this post. I was losing my mind playing this game and thinking “am I the only seeing this madness?” It was either I had gone insane or this matchup is just utter bat s.

I was watching a game Vibe played yesterday where he was going over, in replay, how his 4 thors fared vs tempests. He couldn’t believe it. He killed 4 tempests and 7 zealots + probably another unit, while not losing a single thor, despite all of Toss’ units target firing one thor. Still couldn’t kill a single unit.

As someone who has tried going skytoss forever, thors aren’t even the biggest threat. It’s freaking vikings. They’re able to amass so many vikings so quickly, and, if they micro properly, they will kill an endless amount of sky units. If you try to reinforce with stalkers, the vikings just land and annihilate you on the ground, too.

Yesterday, I lost while being maxed and having a lot of bases to 150 supply of BCs. I couldn’t even freaking kill a BC despite having tempests and a ton of stalkers. It’s so far gone… it’s just depressing man. When things are so far from balanced, it’s just a constant reminder/feeling that you deserve no credit for winning games or losing games because the balance team is that bad.

It’s frustrating man. The only time you can get any sense of satisfaction is in a mirror matchup win. That’s it. I don’t know what else to say man. I can’t even believe this “balance” is “real life.”

It’s like they took the Terran whine as a challenge to see what it would take to get Terran to stop whining about their lack of anti air. Nothing about this is genuine or an honest attempt at balance.

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Have a link? My TvP needs work.

A lot of Terran defensive issues to me are related to mass repair. There really should be a limit on the number of scvs that can effectively repair something.

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I can’t even kill a unit, to begin with, repair or no repair. But, god forbid a guy makes a planetary. That area of the map basically becomes a no go zone. Even looking at a planetary fortress causes me to see defeat.

Units like the BC are unkillable to begin with and then given their size… it allows so many scvs to repair one. Freaking 1 BC with scvs repairing it > Toss.

The main problem with facing Terran, in general, is they have too much range man. Facing flying tanks and siege tanks, and cyclones with 15 leash range. Thors with 11 anti air range. My god man.

Compare those units to the only Toss unit that comes close to having that kind of range. The tempest. A unit you can’t even make until late game and it just happens to do zero DPS and have zero abilities. Having to rely on a unit made by someone without a brain who hates Toss. Awesome.

It’s like watching a tank in real life fight a guy who has a butterknife. And the tank can be repaired, just in case the guy throws the butterknife and gets some butter on the tank…

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Oh no, playa having to earn his wins - see how many tears I cry!


Can i have a video of tyty new buid?

Send replay :), so we can see that you’re just bad


You are noob if your tvp is that bad when you had that advantage


Well… Protoss feel nerfed for first time since Nov 2017 patch. Indeed. But your only other ally being another forum clown like Berserksword… you are looking like Batz and goba.

On the other hand… you complaining about balance is as credible as avilo. Whether theres a real issue.

But when pro Terrans complained they are not credible, whiners, remember last year?

Yes he complained last year too, before these changes.

The worse part is that you can’t even basetrade it even if you force it by killing the economy. Need a Harstem guide for this.


In my opinion you can’t make tempest vs a meching/sky terran you need 11(55 supply) to 1 shot a BC and they are pretty bad vs thors and vikings too.

But you can easily win by out playing them, try keeping them to low eco while you expand all over the place and throw a good amount of blink stalkers,zealots to their worker lines. I sometimes even go for triple forge to make all the upgrades as ludicrous it may sounds.

Prism speed is also a very good choice. After your harass make an army with 6-7 immortals, 5-6 archons, about 20-25 stalkers with some sentries and the rest zealots and try to pick a favorable fight. Keep your stalkers back if they are tank heavy because you might need them to fight BCs

Shields is such a bad upgrade. Shields don’t have the base 1 armour that zealots and other Protoss units have.

But hey: isn’t Storm like, super OP, or something?


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Yeah i know but since i am not teching to air toss vs turtling meching/air terrans i think that it is worth the gas to have slightly better trades, especially if you can contain them to 2-3 bases.

If you’ve contained the Terran on 3 bases you’ve already won, even if Playa somehow figured out how to lose.

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