Leveling prestige should be faster?

Congrats on being a conformist.

I wasn’t aware anyone was in a race. Was I doing it wrong this whole time?

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Funny thing is I was in the process of levelling all the commanders fresh on another server just for a change of pace when prestige came out. So I don’t really care long it takes as that’s an opportunity to improve my skill with that commander. If I can’t carry with each non-mastery commander then I’m not good enough yet and need more practice.

Challenge yourself or try something different if you find something boring. Too much instant gratification isn’t good for anyone.


Exactly…if the prestiges offered a unique releveling process then it would be good.

(Raynor P1 actually does offer a slightly unique releveling process because it is available from the beginning)

Someone suggested letting people choose their next talent each level while releveling (so Kerrigan P1 could choose malignant creep as her level 2 talent…). That would be really interesting variation.
(and of course my own other ideas in this thread)


Im sorry to disspaointing you, but im not comformist, tell that to those who defend the lazy mechanic, specially those who use patetic excuses.

Im sorry if im not use the correct word, english is not my natal language, can you tell me the correct word or the the sinonimous for defining a specie/etnia?


Thats true, and thats one of the main sources of the trouble, because no matther if is only a few or a lot of commanders, the firts time, always be good and fun, mainly because the players are discovering what character offers, and the learning trough the leveling.
In my personal case i have all the commanders, and never complain of leveling every single one, but relelving it feels akward, tedious, anoying and lack of fun. Thats why i only endure unlock 2 P1, and with that i really got tired, and is a shame, becasue i really woul like to try some others prestiges, like the P3 of stukov or the P3 of alarak, but seeing that boring procces, i always result in total lose of interes.

What are you hoping to accomplish here? Even if you won the debate and made your point that re-leveling feels awkward and bad, then what?

You really think developers will see this and go, “hmmm, he has a point, let’s change it.”?

You make it the way you want. If you think it is a chore than it will be a chore. If you think it is an opportunity to relearn all the COs and learning is fun for you than it won’t be a chore. Someone said it’s a mindset thing and it is about the mindset. It is entirely up to you.

This should be the attitude. There are many ways to enjoy the game without thinking it as a punishing grind.

There are 54 new ways to play all the COs. For most prestiges you need new ways to optimize build orders and new ways to engage each enemy comps. There are about 14-16 enemy comps in total?, about 5-6 for each race. How do you optimize your build for each of the 54 prestige to fight each enemy comp and how to you do it on each map. There is a lot room for exploration.

And you see it on the forums with different people posting questions and suggestions contributing to the community. The forum became so active because of this.

Yes it can.


I think learning is probably the least of what these people want to do, like that Rozen guy who keeps saying “there’s nothing to be learned”.

To an extend, I get what he’s saying but learning often is exactly just that. If we’re all learning new information all the time we’d get super exhausted and retain nothing. Learning more indepth requires, in large part, repetitiveness to find out exactly where can be optimized and what could be substituted (ie. a strategy, 200 min here, 100 gas there, etc.)

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Do you deny the repetition in leveling most of those prestiges? Like I said before, I enjoyed leveling P1 for a couple of commanders. I’m even pacing myself. I haven’t even unlocked 1/3 of the prestiges yet, and haven’t unlocked any P3 yet. Please, don’t imply that I have a negative mindset. Yes, If I was trapped in an empty room with a rubber ball, I would learn to have fun throwing the ball at the wall. It doesn’t make being trapped in a room an ideal situation.

The fact that players like Llarin and Ctg (role models of Coop) are cheesing the leveling process with friends and alt accounts makes me believe that they are not enjoying the normal process of leveling. I don’t speak for them though, you can ask them directly for why they are doing it that way.

That should be the point of these threads. Of course, whether the developers will act on this specific change is another story. Let’s remember that Fenix was considered a “meme” commander and topics like these is what incentivized the change (Even Monk said so during Fenix’s revamp thread)

I see the word “learning” and “relearning”. Do you mean practicing the commander? Level 15 Full Mastery is the ideal way to learn the commander. Those are the tools you will be using, you should learn how to use them in their full potential. Releveling has nothing to do with learning the commander. You don’t suddenly learn to make more orbital commands just because you started relevelig Raynor.


The same can ask to you, what are you hoping?
I been see you in many threats, and speeking things that only can be defined like redundant or very conformist, even some of the thing you said can be catalogued in the fanboy conformist.
And the same, if you won, and stablish the point that we the comunity and the consumers must be like sheep and accept blindly any bad thing, then what?

Maybe the developers see this, maybe not, but having your attitude of bein low the head, and accept anything, i dont think that is better. And another point, is not only me, many are complaining to this, so?
If you like accept anything, well, is up to you, then later dont complain if the contend in the future goes more and more mediocre. And better, dont complain if adopt a p2w method.


For this kind of discussion to be brief. Don’t read too much into it.

Have an opinion? Great! Express it and move on. This whole side debate on conformist or not make little relevance.

Sorry for not being brief, mainly becasue if i do that, i can fall in a mediocre speech, without context, like others do.

Where i said “there’s nothing to be learned”? If you only can read and interpretate out of context, then is your problem, i said that the relearning in that way wich so how much many try to gloryfied, can be more eficient without the releveling, mainly because the changes that made upgrades at the end, and that make a nonsense the reset.
If you cant see more, maybe really have a little fanboy mentality. you are not a fanboy do you? I ask that because i want to think that im talking to decent people.

You’re not interested in a discussion.

Based on this response, anyone can see you simply got onto a heated (yet pointless) debate that derailed the topic. And now you’re out for blood and would insult anyone to get a “moral” win.

You can have it. Enjoy.

Yes im interested in the topic, you are the one who is changing the subject, no me. And based in your reaction, i can see that i touch the nerve, if you offend with a dumb and silly question like that, that only tell me that maybe is yes the correct answer. If you can read carefully i never say that you are a fanboy. So if you only have resply based on take out of context and change the subject, maybe the one who is not interested in the topic is you.
I never insulted, if you feel that, like i said before, the problem is you, and only to you.

Dude, you won already. Chill out. Yes, I’m a problem. I have a problem. Acceptance is the first step. You’ve changed my life for the better.

See? Now you not only won the debate, you’ve made a better person of me too.

Can ask you something? This has bugging me a little
What are you trying yo mean o say with that “you won” are you telling me that you are making this a competition? As far i know here is a site to exchange debates and opinions, not an arena or competition field.


This was meant to be a neutral statement.

Good, I usually suggest people should pace themselves by exploring leveled prestige and enjoy it. Not sure how you pace your self, but I would like to heard it.

Like you said, we shouldn’t compare ourselves to them. They have own youtube channels and they need to keep it up to date with all their contents. They can cheese it however they like.

That always was the reason of the first leveling each commander, the first always be to learn, discover and pre-practice. When the commander is at full then comes the real learning and the real practice, to see what is the best strategy that fits acording to the player, for example with fenix/talandar, i always like to use the carriers, and thats why is focus more in that tipe of units, with raynor i really like use infatery at full, thats why i unlock the p1.
Now using the raynor example, the player never can really practice an learning new with the p1 manly because the upgrades that benefit the p1 are blocked. The real change in the playabilty come from the upgrades, more than the prestiges.

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\1. Wrt Re-learning:

How you play a CO at lvl 1 is different from how you play them at lvl 5 is different from lvl 10, is diff from 15 etc. It’s also different from Mastery 1, Mastery 30, mastery … until Mastery 90.

You’re not re-learning anything useful under-leveled because that’s not how you play them for the majority of your games. If you’re enjoying the challenge, go for it. But that’s all it has to offer. You might discover something about the CO while leveling which you completely forgot but then you probably weren’t playing the CO right anyway, and you could learn the same having all your lvl 15 abilities already.

(Can’t find the post where I said this before…)

First time leveling up - yeah, that’s awesome. Coz that’s how you incrementally learn what the CO has and can do. Many months/years later re-leveling a few CO’s can be fun once, not 3 times (if all you want is P3).

\2. Wrt Conformity:

That entire discussion is pointless. You’re accusing someone of conforming either to blizzard’s/dev’s way of doing this or to the group who are complaining about the grindiness. It’s a silly thing to bring up or argue about. Can be used in either direction. Regardless of if you agree or disagree with the system or those complaining about it, don’t be mindless.

Remember: If the Devs change the way it’s currently done, everyone blindly supporting them will look silly. If the Devs come out a justify why it’s this way and it somehow makes perfect sense (it won’t), then everyone blindly complaining about it will look silly.

Many have suggested improvements and changes, including myself. If some don’t agree, just say you’re fine with the way it currently is and leave it at that. Don’t rail on others for wanting a change or having a differing opinion - applies to both sides.