I've just started leaving vs protoss

Yeah, beat him in 4 minutes game 1. He cries, calls me trash, tells me I am not a “real gm” because all I do is cheese. I beat him in a 27 minute macro game by throwing away armies to delete his command centers. Literally the worst possible way to win is to sack armies to get command centers. I wanted him to know I beat him by trolling him.

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That’s so good. I hope it was with that build I shared, but I understand if you’ve got your own way.

I wish you could link it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Similar. It’s a 14 gas 14 pool 14 hatch into a drone ling allin. You rush across the map, mine out the minerals, and get into his main. I think the map is post youth. I have an 85% winrate on that map. People legit can’t figure out how to deal with the mineral entrance into their main. It’s kinda sad. SC2 is over run by apm spammers.

It’s all part of my plan. I leave vs every protoss opponent to tank my mmr. Then I face vs 5500 terrans and zergs and insta-win vs them, ez pz, and it breaks their brains. A new way to troll the ladder while dodging apetoss like nero dodging bullets in the matrix. Just left vs a 5400 apetoss & saved 15 minutes of my life. Now to transfer that lost mmr to a terran!

EDIT: round 3, lmao: https://i.imgur.com/0AAkhrg.jpeg

Burrowed swarm hosts in a 5200 terran’s main just to flex.

:muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

The game’s just too easy dude. Legit getting bored of it. Only thing left to do is win a premier and those are a waste of time. 95% apm spam. Did you know someone had to tell maxpax that Post Youth was good for protoss? Insane. High level sc2 is just apm spam. Pro players have near zero strategical thinking, and how could they when they have to react to game events in less than 1/10th of a second. Strategical thinking just can’t happen on those time scales. Pro sc2 was designed to put people to sleep :sleeping: :zzz:

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Rofl. OF COURSE. Haha

BTW, that’s the first thing that pops into my mind when I try to play a ‘normal’ game of Starcraft. THIS IS SO BORING.

I do like to watch it, though.

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Wait, wait, wait. So Protoss having the highest GM representation means they have the most skilled players, but the sample size of 5 players that won that weren’t Protoss means Protoss is under-powered?

What can I say, I’m sold. You make good points. Clearly the smaller sample size is more representative.

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How about a zerg player who did not use a SINGLE control group ? He was playing against HeroMarine who complained about it on his stream. Unfortunately i cannot find source but it happened and there was some post on reddit ? ( i think).

Assuming it’s true - yes you’re right. You can get to top GM as zerg without using a single control group which is most basic skill of the game.

In fact having high representation in GM while losing premier tournaments might be indicative that they are underpowered at the competitive level. It shows that even with more GM players they still can’t win the most competitive tournaments. Having high % in GM could be indicative of many things: there are more protoss players, or that protoss are easier to master, or that protoss is better at beating master-level players. It has nothing to do with whether it UP at the top competitive level.

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At this point it’s genuinely a skill issue for the pro players.


Hey are you in the olympics? Because you should with how many hurdles you jumped to get to your conclusion.

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If your theory is that performance flip flops with skill level then that’s a theory that skill is the cause. A theory that balance is the cause would result in performance that doesn’t change with skill level. This is the very basics of correlations and causation. You can’t say balance is the cause when performance changes with variables other than balance.

This chart definitively disproves theories like yours: i.imgur.com/Oa6EAON.png

This plots the Elo ranking of the entire pro scene. On the X is their mirror matchup performance (ZvZ or PvP) and on the Y is their non mirror matchup (PvZ, ZvP). Notice how the slopes of the lines a perfectly identical. Balance does not affect one skill level over another. It affects all skill levels equally. What’s interesting is the Y intercept. Toss on average perform 60 elo higher than zerg relative to their mirror matchup. Because we use the mirror matchup as a base line for true skill, it means protoss is overpowered in the pro scene to the tune of a 58% win-rate favoring toss.

Toss is busted, it’s simply a fact, and high level toss can’t win tournaments because they aren’t as good as their competitors. Premier tournaments outcomes are decided by the participant list & luck – balance has no significant impact.

Exactly. They are not as skilled as their opponents. That means it’s a skill issue. Which was my point all along.

We have all the data for the entire population. There are definitely not more Protoss players (roughly 28-30% of the population).

I’m sure Eliwan would not have “liked” this message if she’d read this part.

Protoss is 42% of GM globally right now.

Toss ability to win tournaments is a skill issue, all professional toss overperforming in PvZ by a factor of +60 elo is definitely a balance issue. Toss is favored by balance & they still can’t win tournaments. Nerf it. It needs to be balanced for the health of the game.

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Aint easy but it’s honest work. Just leave vs protoss and save the time. I legit refuse to play vs cheaters.

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So I now understand why Playa was such a fan of Gretorp, they play the same style. This was a 3v3 mind you so you can accept the reasoning for massing void rays and cannons but Gretorp actually avoids all the mistakes that Playa makes. Firstly he believes in HTs (who knew they’d do well against air units) but also he gets 3/3/3 ground upgrades for the smooth transition once he loses the air war. I think Gretorp’s biggest error is neglecting how OP motherships are.

I don’t recall that aspect of him. He’d say stuff like “I have a higher winrate than possible in poker” and that meant literally anything he said went into my mental trash can. Didn’t read his posts except to read 1 or 2 sentences out of a 40 page manifesto. He actually destroyed my pride in sc2. If he got GM then GM was absolutely worthless. Ever since hots he’d just die to double spire which was quite impressive. I haven’t run into him on the ladder in a long time. He either totally ditched his old accounts, starting fresh on new ones, or he’s M I A. If he could play SC2 now he’d be constantly on the forums contributing to the hurricane of non stop nonsense. His playstyle has never been stronger and he’s gone. Poof. Like magic. Did he end up in prison or what.

I hadn’t heard of Gretorp in a very long time. But yeah you just include high templar and never, ever, attack. You just camp over shield batteries. The only way to beat toss is to somehow kill the high templar glob. The only unit durable enough to do that is the ultra. Ultra’s kryptonite is simcity. So as long as toss masses carrier, battery, templar, and adds in 3 tempests at the end, it’s literally impossible for them to lose. He doesn’t have to sacrifice mobility either. You still do attacks with zealots, if you want, and defend bases with recall maneuvers. You just always keep your templar behind the simcity.

I find it works best to mass hydra then ultras because hydras are so flipping bad vs skytoss that the protoss will come out and expose his high templar glob. So you attack a base, bleed of units, making him think he can attack and win. That’s when the ultras reveal. They kill the templar & counter attack to kill toss bases. You keep your hydra glob inside a spore forest with 2 vipers. Carriers will lose that fight on their own. Only option is to try to use them to stop the ultras. Hydras go on the offensiveand abduct straggler carriers. It actually works, but it shouldn’t. Toss are just insanely bad at situational awareness & scouting. So they get surprised by 8 ultras. Shake my head.

I don’t know if you caught it but artosis has started parroting some of my talking points about sc2. He recently did a video talking about protoss goats, tournament formats, and the title of the video was “sc2 is more real time than strategy”. I lost 1200 karma for making the same observation on reddit. 2 years ago it would be popularity suicide to take that stance. What changed. :thinking:

Artosis is finding out that there’s an oversaturation of casters in the SC2 scene. It’s a sad thing but he can’t just dip from GSL and expect a spot waiting in the international tournament scene. These videos are a way to stir up conversations in the scene to make himself relevant. It’s a high IQ approach since the stance he takes are hard truths.

I haven’t seen Maynard in a long time.

Perhaps. . I always thought the pay was too low for arty. I remember something about a deal blowing up due to 1st class airplane tickets.


He was extremely cautious and timid about how he presented the idea. He used lots of filler words and tautologies. I am more like a wrecking ball. I don’t care how many people I piss off. Direct, straight to the point, no sugar coating. Leage outperforms sc2 because multitasking is something that the human brain is absolutely terrible at and it induces severe stress in most people. It’s just a fact. Multitasking was used as a Band-Aid fix for the balance issues in the game. The better multitasker usually wins the longer game. It was obvious they were taking the game that route when they deleted Game ending moments. They were basically telling 99% of mankind that they’ll never be able to Starcraft 2 competently ever again but they covertly presented the idea as removing Game ending moments. The Starcraft 2 player base got absolutely rickrolled.

Hard to believe tgis song is 10 years old:
