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You assert this without proper evidence. It is plain as day that this is far from reality, just like the sentence itself.

As had already been explained, there are a dozen things wrong with this little clip as far as it pertained to the point you had been arguing. There have been dozens of attempts at listing the dozens of reasons why the little quip that you continue insisting on strawmanning for five months at this point has no relation to reality.

But you have plunged yourself so deep in this narrative that you can’t see anymore.

Without data? Oh, but I have nearly 200 data points of personal research and lots of developer and designer journals about marketing, recognizability, empathy - Humans like humans, as a general rule. In every single thing where there’s a “human” faction and more alien ones, it’s nearly always the most popular. There’s very few exceptions (elves…)

You just… decided to completely ignore me bringing it up because it didn’t suit the absolutely ridiculous abhorrent yarn you have decided to spin for yourself.

If I could just remind the class your blatant sexism is disgusting and still means you automatically lose any argument until you drop the habit.

But, as rebuttal, first, I never called you names. That’s mostly quibbling, though, because I did say you must be an idiot or troll multiple times. Maybe that colloquialism means something different to you than me, since those weren’t name calling to my childhood.

Second, because I actually said that you were being pretty dumb the first time before you brought up this clip. Post 768 is the first time you reference it like it’s holy scripture - but I brought up the idea that you were being intentionally stupid / a troll as early as post 344. I repeated it, much more explicitly, in 417, and had notes of it in what are now linked as posts 473, 486, 512, 516, 530, 545, 550, 963, 964, 965, and 1050.

Because, you know, I actually remember things and check to verify them. I pay attention to things, which is why I liked that post you thought I wouldn’t’ve liked - it outlines very well multiple things I had already stated. Particularly, note -

It does not make any form of claim, one way or another, that any of the listed ideas are true - a farther down post does, sure. But not that one! It just says “It could be A or B or C or D” where the post it’s replying to insists that it definitely can only be A without any evidence backing that assertion.

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