Is new season mmr bugged?

The ranking of my account seems to be wrong. i have around 4600 mmr. last season this was master 3 mmr, now it suddenly is master 1. is this a bug?

if so, will all rankings be reset? I would hate to see everyone with too high ranking (this already is the case with multi-player mmr, where plat mmr gave masters ranking, now lots of players have masters so i doesnt mean anything anymore).


same here, I put so much work and effort to get master and now all my noob friends who can barely play the game are in the same division as me.


exactly that

and also: it doesnā€™t mean anything when you see a player with multiplayer master ranking anymore, that is such a shame. you have to check ladder career to see if they were master before the ā€œfree mastersā€ season 2018 season 3. and that is still happening too btw. please reset it all.

and please prevent this in 1v1

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@blizzard could you please reset the ladder once again? they are not worth it!

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Same here : on EU diamond 3 seems to be below 3k MMR while it used to be 3280. And thereā€™s been reports of Master 1 being 4.5k MMR, and GM 4.7K (vs 4.9 and 5.1-5.5k approx). That shift is too massive to have been done willingly, it must be a bug.

Personally I was nearing a promotion to the upper league, and I as I have really struggled to get there I wouldnā€™t want that reward to be right off the bat spoiled by a bug. So I really hope itā€™s a bug, and that they put the MMR ranges back as they were in season 42 as fast as possible. =)


Yes. This is a bug. This was happening yesterday on EU. Everyone was about one league higher than what they should have been. Now on NA there is a similar problem. I was Master 2 with ~4700 MMR last season and then this season same MMR was low Master 3 and now itā€™s saying Iā€™m Bronze 3 MMR with ~4700 MMR. I just saw someone else today who was Silver MMR and just got promoted to M3.


_Imgur: The magic of the Internet

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best bronze 3 ever XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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I just saw this on instagram. blizzard fix this pls. its getting hilarious. :smiley:
1954 mmr MASTER

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Actually a lot of people are posting master league pictures while they were in silver/gold/platinum and getting exited about it, so this is kinda rude guysā€¦ People are mislead by this and actually thinks they got it while itā€™s just a bugā€¦ Ladder reset with bugfix please !!!


yes it is bugged because im 4,6k and im master 1 which is usually the middle of master 3 and i have a friend that is 4,6k too and he is diamond1, also everybody who watch Rotterdam know he is diamond1 too when he is 5,7k+


Iā€™m seeing a lot of these accounts. _

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the important is that their skills are for their league anyway, that their poster is shiny because of master doesnā€™t mean they are more skilled than before

why is blizz just ignoring this

we donā€™t know for sure if they ignore it or try to fix it so be patient please

The problem has been solved on EU. They even increased the required MMR ranges for most leagues by approximately 140, so if we wanted the promotions to be more challenging, now they are. :wink:

well, my other account is still m1 with m2 mmr on eu, so that is still the same. they should rerank on current mmr

yeah i see for m3 u need 4,6k

Iā€™m in this boat. Iā€™m about 2100 MMR. Just learning to be competitive, I think I ended silver last season. I played my first game for 2020/1 and got Masters. I know itā€™s unearned. Iā€™m hoping it gets corrected as more games get logged. I have dropped to Diamond 1, but still get matched with my MMR, and Iā€™ve been winning. Instead of correcting, it keeps pushing me up.
With all that said, what are the negative effects of using the ā€˜Leave Leagueā€™ button? Iā€™m having ppl quit against me because they see the border on my icon and assume we got mismatched. This is only making it worse!


there is not really a downside to leaving a league. you lose your ladder points, so if you have a lot, like high rank in d1 for example, you lose those. but you will be ranked again at the same mmr you had. so if you are in m3 rank, dropped to d1 mmr, you will be ranked again in d1. that is, if the system is working correctly.