Is broodlord-infestor unbeatable for terran?

You realise that with AAM they actually do as much damage as they did pre-nerf?

But according to myohmind people been using it since release without ever going out of fashion…

Except rgey didnt. Zergs used swarm hosts and people hated it.

That would require thought on his part but he habitually asks others for sources and provides none of his own.

How long have people asked him to back up his masters everything claim?

Since the dawn of time, it would seem.

Liberator AA mode originally did 7 damage, at max attack upgrades it was 10.

Liberator AA mode was changed to be 5(+2 vs light = 7 vs light), at max attack upgrades it was 8(vs light 10).

Current Liberator AA mode does 5 damage, at max upgrades it does 8. With AAM it does 11.

Current liberator AA mode does 5 damage, with no attack upgrades it does 5. With AAM it does 8.

Thank you for proving my point.

The old liberator splash got nerfed because it was to strong. With AAM its the same if not stronger than it used to be. Liberator AA is fine.

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With AAM its the same if not stronger than it used to be. Liberator AA is fine.

Liberator AA is weak, it should be increased to 6 bare minimum.

Thors got buffed because Lib AA was nerfed, now the buffs the Thor got have been reverted and Liberators are stuck with a pitiful AA damage.

If Liberator AA was fine, Terran wouldn’t be struggling with Corruptor-broodlord because Terran lacks an AOE against air that can kill. Also if Liberator AA was slightly better, you would even see more TvP Mech as a counter to the Carrier transition.

Thank you for proving my point.

The old liberator splash got nerfed because it was to strong.

It got nerfed because Zerg players cried that Terran now had a more mobile splash solution to the Mutalisk and also how Terran had AOE against corruptor broodlord in the late game.

I don’t know what it is with Zerg players, but they have such a hard on for Mutalisk when the unit itself needs more range or more HP. You don’t see Mutalisk build much because the unit itself is such a niche gimmick design that because of so many SC2 changes requires hard countering from the other races.

They would be, purely on the basis that liberators have rubbish AA range in the first place, and would get nuked by the PB+Fungal combination.


Try about 20 ranged libs, 10 ghosts, tanks and hellbats + a few medivacs.
(tanks if there is a lot of hydras or a lot of static defense like spines and spores)
–> get enough orbitals for scans in late-game (infestors usually either die to scan + tank/liberator shots or when there is a lot of multitasking and some random small bio or hellbats force finds them or through scan and ghosts snipes).

If you are patient and try not to over-extend, you’ll have ressources for more and more planetaries and turrets and a sensor turret here and there (kind of like creep and spines / spores on the other side as well as changelings/scans).

Try to re-siege your liberators to push and then scan before it so you can emp any hidden infestors or snipe the ones that are using neural parasite and after emp, the MOST important thing is to snipe overseers. After that you can cloak + snipe some heavy gas units - from hydras (50 gas) up to brood lords (250gas).

The only ressources you really should care about in late-game is gas.
Once zerg has no gas, terran has won (and the other way around kinda - though terran’s marines are still pretty good but only with good multitasking).

As someone has already said: it’s a lot about balancing your army right.
Thors are great with liberator/hellbat support vs. brood lords.
Thors are awesome if you go splash damage + ghost snipe or stimmed marines + single target thors in the back.

Late-game is a lot about catching the other guy off-guard and being patient. Don’t worry if you loose units - just try to stay calm and collected, rebuild your army, expand, fortify, make traps and watch the minimap.


I wouldn’t mind a Zerg buff to the mid game to compensate

Like what? I don’t think there is any midgame buff that Terran and Protoss players would accept other than ones that are backhanded nerfs like replacing queen with T1 hydras.

It is horrible atm,every single game u play vs this BS !!!

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When Terran doesnt realize a unit called Ghost exist then this entire thread as 99% talked on this forums are waste of time and A move silver Sky toss isnt imba at all , its a lost case.

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When doesn’t realize a unit called Infestor has spell Fungal that makes Ghost practically useless.
Not only it cancels snipeshots and deal damage it makes ghosts visible - aka easy kill for Broodlords that outrange ghosts.

Look, if broodfesters were not extremely powerful we wouldn’t see progamers dying from them almost every single time when they face them.

Compared to TvP though, broodfestors are close to be fine.

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I’d be much happier with that. It’s so irritating to have to play to late game every time you’re on ladder to have a chance of winning.

Broodlord-infestor is really really really difficult to play against as terran. however. since TvP is broken I almost rather face that then play against toss. At least I feel that its winnable if I can some how outplay my opponent

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Terrans beat Zerg late game all the time. Beating a broodlord/infestor army isn’t special.

This army combo is skewed towards zerg but, I agree its not unbeatable. The problem with it is that you can get into a situation where you are trading free units for minerals. and when you finally do defeat that army. They can re-max and you are stuck with a few units…

I think most of the time terran don’t see it coming b/c zerg could potential stay on roach hydra and roll over your army while you’re preparing for brood/infestor. I actually prepare for broods/infestor counter in my build b/c most zerg go for that combo. however, sometimes im caught off guard and lost to hydra bane… but w/e cant win them all

Roach/hydra is not strong against Terran and there’s no way a Zerg could crush your army while having enough resources for Blords unless he was way ahead already.

Just trying to say sometimes I am so focused on stopping broodlords/investor I forget about hydra/roach or ???/bane and lose to it.