Are you a bit slow or something today? The man is talking specifically about SC2 ESports and how the state of lategame TvZ based on some example games he has watched, is affecting his viewing experience, what does that have anything to do with his or your ladder games? He probably doesnt care that when you play broodlord infestor it doesnt look like Solar vs Maru because, what a surprise, hes not watching you is he, hes watching Solar vs Maru.
ya and you know what i saw, a massive army that couldn’t push some thors… they’re both legit strats that aren’t beaten easily. this balance whine is sickening.
Brood lord-infester is easy to kill with Lib-Viking/Scan for burrowed.
Also the stratagy to deal with them depends if they mix more than infester-brood. But chance’s are Lib’s with detection is a great way to deal with the army.
Infesters use energy so after battle its best to aim for counter attacks. So if you counter with ghost and nukes on the Hatchery’s you can nuke the Larva (There go’s the army)
Just try to wear them down to the point they are forced to defend.
While doing so try to get some more bases to up you economy.
Brood Lords are slow so with a mobile army you can pick where the fight is. Hey if you get lucky you can nuke the army. its slow moving Just gotta snipe the detection if you can.
Note: Nukes can kill Burrowed units so if it looks like you might get nothing off the nuke. you might be surprised.
Yes, Zerg is clearly unbeatable and that’s why they’re the lowest represented race in GSL yet again…
Zerg late game is still STUPIDLY strong. I didn’t really like the patch because it made the “asymmetric” balancing even more pronounced.
Their armies postured for like 20 minutes while taking stabs at each other but since Solar won eventually it means Zerg late game unbeatable and needs to be nerfed.
I believe casters clearly have better understanding on this game than you.
Because a sane person would understand why it is 25 bls vs 15 thors. First, terran can’t produce 25 bls at the same time, second, thors are 6 supplies. And last, corruptors and infestors are 2 supplies. And last last, bls can fly.
So I wonder do you understand a thing called 200 supply cap and production rate?
It’s more than beatable. Brood infestor has seen some MASSIVE upsets recently which would suggest it is weaker than Terran’s lategame. For example, a foreign terran has NEVER beaten a top korean zerg in a pro match in the entire history of SC2 and recently a foreign terran went 3-0 vs one of the best zergs on the planet while playing lategame.
Even Keen is able to beat the best Korean Zerg with mass thor yet people ignore all of the times Terran wins in the late game, which is very often.
So that game as a case study, Dark had too much supply in Corrupters to battle such a Thor heavy composition, and in the engagement around 8 minutes in the video Dark spent all his energy on infested terrans. Not only did he not use any neural parasite there, the energy loss meant he couldn’t for quite awhile. I understand that in most games most players make lots of mistakes, so no single game is really ‘solid evidence’ that something is broken or not.
I think that’s why there is this rush of concern. I’m no pro, but in that Maru vs Solar game, neither player seemed to be making mistakes, and Z was just pulling ahead. If you want to case study that game as to what Maru was doing wrong, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Because to me it looked like Maru was going to run out of resources from Solars Brood Lord pressure if he didn’t make something happen to catch Solar out of position, and Solar was just having none of that.
If Terran uses Ravens for Shredder Missile (Anti-armor) it gives Liberators +3. I think that was the idea of the anti-armor missile, to make Terran use an extra unit to get the full power of
[separated subject]
As far as Brood Lord & Infestor goes in Diamond, it’s tough but not unkillable.
Just nerfed.
Aren’t you following the updates?
Thors are bad, beacuse they are freakin:
That means you can’t amass them without giving them 100 range so they don’t block and waste alot of fire power into walking, let alone not being able to be microed or pulled back, ETC ETC ETC
They will stay a support unit, and that needs to stay supported - yes you can just see that from watching or even as a Bronze player you can say that.
They also deserve a normal 2 armor, for being also a “late-tech” unit. The only of terran that kindn of deserves 2 armor similiar to the Ultralisk (which is by the way super fast).
ghosts get interrupted by fungal, broodlings, and the range is poor for a so called snipe.
Also Ghosts (I MENTION THEM BECAUSE THEY SEEM TO BE THE OUNTER) are not the direct counter, because their EMP is not a direct counter, to offensive spells that get thrown at you offensively. So the infestors stay back at then come. You have to perfectly counter their “coming” instead of being able to use ghosts as a direct counter.
The IT nerf doesn’t change the power of the comp since it’s Fungal that protects the broodlords in TvZ and NP in ZvP.
That combo would actually work if:
Liberators ATA attack did more damage
Fungal and Parabomb didn’t dumpster everything that isn’t a BC.
keen vs dark proves otherwise.
got a source on this claim?
bullcrap, infestor brood was largely not used during hots and early lotv
you’d have to give it a bigger base damage increase then this.
Because Tempest once cost 4 supply and do 80 (+15 with upgrades) damage against massive air, and also 15 range against ground. Feedback once could kill infestor with 90 energy. Raven’s seeker missile once did 100 damage with large aoe radius and cost only 75 energy, and PDD could last as long as 4 minutes. They were all nerfed.
Fungal growth has 2 radius and neural parasite has 7 range in hots. It is 2.25 radius and 9 range right now. Viper had no parasite bomb in hots. Infested Terran also did not have special anti-air weapon and did not received any weapon or armor upgrade at that time.
An old Protoss guy appeared to me and told me about a balance prophecy.
It was always used since Infestor Broodlord is Zergs late game. To say Zerg never went it is like saying Zerg didn’t have a late game at all or those units were removed from the game.
20 to 40?.
Tempest ATG does 40 damage.
It happens in TvZ. Zerg favored doesn’t mean Zerg is unbeatable, it just means it’s not easy. ZvP is another story.
Read the comments, people say it’s literally unbeatable which isn’t even close to true. With Terran having the early game and midgame advantage why is it wrong for Zerg to have the late game advantage? And that’s assuming Zerg even is stronger late game.