Don’t step on the grass. This is a common rule on certain public properties, but it obviously doesn’t apply to every field of grass on the planet.
Every rule has conditions governing where and how it applies.
For instance, the second law of thermodynamics applies to closed, isolated systems above the atomic level (it does not apply at the quantum level, where it is routinely violated) where there is no input of energy from the outside.
If you try to apply that law to an open system like the Earth, a planet that constantly receives energy from the Sun, then you will find numerous cases where the second law of thermodynamics is violated.
Stimming all your marines and sieging all your tanks is not the same as firing off individual disruptors shots, maintaining that shot so it hits AND picking up a low shield archon, moving warp prism, dropping low shield archon.
Like you do realize that you’re literally comparing 2 abilities that can be used once across an entire f2 selection vs individual simultaneous micro.
Your temper tantrum illustrates your points, you have no idea what you’re talking about and are just salty that for once in SC2’s lifetime the burden of coming up with a winning strategy isn’t solely on the protoss.
Being blocked by this clown is a free service that he himself provide to us.
That is batz, the stupidest person to ever touch this forum. Don’t be surprised to see he denying very well known facts for a very long time of SC2 and don’t expect him to understand a thing.
T has to do more vs zealots and Z has to do more vs hellions, his logic holds up.
But that’s entirely his point, that the mechanical requirements in terms of apm for different races/playstyles should not have such drastic disparities. A player used to playing a high apm style like bio is going to have an easier time adapting to a slow apm style like mech than the inverse. The avg apm of protoss in gm league should not be lower than the avg apm of zerg in masters, especially considering zerg and terran have very similar averages. And if I had to guess the reason terran even has slightly lower apm than zerg is because of mech dragging the avg down.
How braindead you have to be to make multiple accounts and not thinking anyone would notice? Also, he isn’t wrong and you are the very definition of the Dunning Kruger effect.
Actually, isn’t EPM (effective action per minute) a well-discussed concept? Why is the argument about APM still happening? Can you win GSL champion by holding the rapid fire button from start to finish and do nothing else (you can easily achieve over 1000APM throughout the game)?
Out of interest, if you estimate EPM from APM - (rapid fire), what’s the number like?
EPM is a more refined version of APM having the ability to filter certain things but it still can’t account for maybe the more important, impactful and decisive factor in a game that decides who wins and who loses: wise decision-making that choses priorities wisely.
Imagine two players with identical APM/EPM in a mirror where one is doing perfect micro with a couple of Zealots while ignoring to macro and the slaughter that is happening to his 150 Supply army at the middle of the map.
At the end he will have the same APM and the …DEFEAT screen 999 times out of 1000.
EPM shows the same exact result. I’ve been waiting to state as much until after the trolls endorsed it. Lmao. Now you can’t go back. Zerg/Terran require more EPM and are much harder to play than Protoss.
I did not endorse anything. I clearly stated that EPM just like APM has little connection with skill.
We define skill differently.
For you skill is the ability (a monkey is more skilled than us) to furiously mistreat mouse/keyboard, for me skill is something different.
And this is exactly why I didn’t bring it up. I had to wait until after you endorsed it so it would be harder for you to back track. Lmao.
With all the trolls whining about how APM spam makes APM an unreliable metric of skill it was just a matter of time until someone brought up EPM. They legitimately thought that APM spam was the entire cause of this problem, but it isn’t - EPM filters the spam and shows Zerg simply requires more work to make the race functional. That’s simply the fact of it.
It’s also worth noting that AlphaStar was given a larger EPM budget for Zerg, and that despite that it still did far worse with Zerg than Protoss. It’s races were P>T>Z, which is exactly what the ladder data shows.
So in other words it’s fair to conclude that Zerg is both a more difficult and less powerful race than Protoss, and to bridge that gap you need a truly tremendous skill difference in Zerg’s favor.
Again, i did not endorse neither APM nor EPM, simply i reject all your BS that such things are indicators of skill. You can continue to drone all day long. For me who thinks faster wins not who clicks faster.
Then you are committing fact denial. There is a clear & strong correlation between APM/EPM and league - to say that they aren’t indicators of skill is a blatant lie.
EPM are the actions taken during the game; they are a measurement of how fast a player can complete each and every task in the game and consequently how many tasks total a player can complete. They are a very accurate indicator of how strong a player is.
Any link to the whole source?
How is there epm calculated? What’s the database? What’s the error bar? How can you have 4000 epm?
But in any case, a link would be appreciated.
I brought up EPM though, BabaYaga immediately opposes it.
And you didn’t bring EPM up even though you know APM doesn’t mean junk, for a malicious intent, is that what you are saying?
Well, I don’t know how they define it. But there are several way it can be defined (for instance, number of different key strike in a second), are they all measure of skills if the result differs?