Invent a really annoying mutation; Game Thread

For this thread think up a mutation that would be really annoying to play if it was ever made live. Ill start with one.

Emp Interference.

Movement keys are inverted and all hotkeys have been completely randomized.

Duality – Enemies are 50% damaged by one player, and 50% by the other

Poor fundamentals - keyboard shortcuts are all disabled

Failure is not an option – Bonus objectives are mandatory

Worker harassment lawsuit - Enemy units drop in on your worker lines

Geyser Shield - Similar to Mineral Shield, except it appears over your gas building. This also blocks auto-gas harvestors from collecting gas!

“The Karax bundle” - enemy Pylons, Shield Batteries, Cannons, and Monoliths are predeployed onto the map, and appear throughout the match

“The Swann pacakge” - enemy Perdition flamethrowers, Missile Turr, and Gun Turrets are predeployed onto the map, and appear throughout the match

“The Mengsk sentencing reduction” - enemy ESOs are pre-deployed onto the map, and appear throughout the match.

Hard Microtransactions - COs start off at a disadvantage, unless they pay real money to undo those disadvantages


Among Us - Periodically one of your units will revert to enemy control and must be attacked manually by your ally to be destroyed (the value of the unit possessed determines when the next possession occurs so a baneling exploding in Zagara’s army will lead to a much faster second possession than Tychus going rogue)

Coin Flip - Any ability that costs energy has a 50% chance of casting feedback on the caster

Lights Out - Some buildings periodically stop functioning


I can only see you - Your units only give sight to your ally, while you see through his units. Buildings give shared sight normally.


Coop Reversed - You and your ally now play as Amon (with a random race) against the commanders you chose and now have to stop them from completing the mission objectives.


This one actually sounds rather fun.

Quiet Quitting - Your workers periodically receive the “Stop” Command.


Like Old Times – Unit selection capped at 12, and dragoons and goliaths never reach their destination


Rogue Purifier AI - Enemy Purifier Champions will appear in every attack wave.
Beef me up! - Enemy units and structures gain 100% increased health.
Parting Gift - When an enemy heroic unit dies, it drops random powerups to both allies and enemies alike.
Bloodlust - Enemy units temporarily gain movement and attack speed when taking damage.
Solar Lance - An enemy Solar Lance will appear in any designated location.
EMP - An EMP will drain both energy and shields in every 20 minutes.

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Life is A Party - Units will “/dance” each time they kill a unit.
OR Units will periodically “/dance”.

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So basically Fatal attraction

I never seen Fatal Attraction trigger prior to a fight.
Or delay your units getting to a destination without fighting anything.

Would need to have dances for units that don’t have a “/dance”, though.

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Having had similar ideas in the past, I was thinking: just make them spin on place if they can’t dance.

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That is the most evil thing I ever saw.
Most annoying mutation 2023. :smile:

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I had the exact same idea. The most annoying mutation for me is Polarity, so, any buffed version of that would be immediately more annoying.

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Low Altitude - Air units and lifted buildings follow ground paths. (Cannot traverse cliffs)


Going for the throat - All attacks waves are doubled (or quadrupled) and completely ignore objectives to go straight at players bases or concentration of units. (they split to target both players if 4x, otherwise they keep the same base target or pick 1 at random, possibly a controlled random to distribute more fairly)

Good thing or bad thing?

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Amnesia - Unit/top bar abilities are disabled.

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Wandering Minerals - All Mineral Fields on the map behave like neutral critters and will wander around randomly in a small area.
(From Blizzard’s created Custom>Melee>Mod)

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How about this one? Periodically mineral lines will mutate into monsters that will immediately try to attack other mineral lines. Each mineral they consume restores 5 health. Killing the monster will turn it back into a mineral cluster.

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