Invent a really annoying mutation; Game Thread

Double or Nothing - All tech structures require double the required facilities.
Example: Factory requires 2 Barracks. Armory requires 2 Factories. Production facilities cannot produce units until a second one is built. (Main structure is exempt from this.)

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Obsolete Hardware - Unit upgrades (Weapon/Armor/Shield) unavailable.

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Red Light, Green Light - The map now has invincible air units, that wander the battlefield. They will kill any unit under the “Move” command inside its death zone indicator (2 attacks per second?).

Party Crashers - Large numbers of Changelings will periodically spawn, and walk around your base and “/dance”. (Obstructs building structures).

Edit: I have to edit this one since the forums doesn’t like my consecutive postings…

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Nova protest lol

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It hadn’t already ended? - Bonus objectives may respawn and/or get reset, and you need to do them again in that case.

Can be positive if a evac ship or bel’shir thing got killed, but most of the time it would just mean more work.

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Idk maybe double build time, and resource cost for her? /shrug
Wasn’t thinking about Nova. lol


I can see you - All enemy units are super detectors

Point & Click - Enemy command centers periodically spawn Ghosts with nuke ability, they do not get autotargeted

Spotter - Player units and buildings get extra range, but all enemy units and buildings are super cloaked and invincible while undetected. Flares fully reveal a small area for a period of time.

Spotter, annoying version - As above, one player is the sniper, the other the spotter (spotter units are silenced).

Look at me! - Amon gets a spotlight (laser drill), the players camera is locked to the spotlights target.
Look at me! II - Two spotlights, one for p1, one for p2, p1s spotlight targets p2 units and viceversa.

Staying alive - Player units and buildings do not die upon reaching 0 hp (timed units do disappear) and all damage received goes into a unified counter. The HUD displays a big hp bar which represents the sum of all the player controlled hp currently on the field, if the damage counter fills the hp bar, all player units and buildings die together.

Our calldowns - Amon hijacks and uses your topbar.

Communism - Both players have a single resource pool.
Communism II - Expenditures are shared, not income.

Spy! - Amon gets changelings periodically, they halve the players resources upon making contact with a building they own.

No Retreat - Once battle starts, units ignore commands.
No Retreat II - Units automatically path towards the closest enemy unit / structure.

Deaf - All sounds and music are off, no alerts on map or anything.

Pwned - Minimap is replaced by a funny gif, hud is glitchy, commands randomly ignored, pointer moves on its own and random commands are introduced, zerglings conga line across the screen randomly, a ransomware alert covers the screen and you have to pay 1000 minerals to make it go away, etc

Anything but - General / Coop chat is maximized and cannot be modified during the game


These are completely evil. All the ones that mess with the controls - oh heck no lol.

Taking My Ball With Me - supply is permanently spent (when units die, their supply is not returned)

Heat Seekers - missile command, but targets non-worker units

Freaky Friday - randomly switch which commander you are controlling with your ally

War Time Rationing - all buildings except pylons and supply depots are limit 1

Spawn More Overlords - supply-providing buildings and units provide only 1 supply

Leading From the Front - camera is zoomed entirely in, and may not be adjusted

Enemies Abound - enemy units spawn with 3 hallucinations

Lag Spike - randomly cannot give orders or move the camera for several seconds. Amon is unaffected


Seeing Red - all units and buildings, regardless of owner, use the color red, including on the minimap.
Toggling alliance color may allow to change the color (for those with vision issue), but then everything will be the color picked for the player units, including the minimap elements.

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Handcuffed teamwork:

Both you and your ally have their controls merged randomly (like a leaving player. ) Both players must issue the same command to move concurrently.

1. Both your screen can only be in one place at the same time. You can only move in directions both players are trying to move in (AT the same time).

2. In addition, due to modern blizzard polish, 2% of random abilities and/or commanders WILL crash the game and corrupt your files, forcing a fresh 49 gb re install each crash and re leveling and repurchasing all commanders from level 1.

  1. The bug will be permanantly unfixed since blizz2 will decide fixing bugs would be less profitable than leaving them in for four years.

Faulty polarity.

Players in brutal+ have a chance to que with a unexperienced lvl 1. They do not know how to construct buildings yet and can attack the enemy friendly objectives and you display red on their screen.

o In addition, all their attack commands auto attack your units and friendly objectives as well. Your nametag also becomes Amon.

Enjoyable gameplay zones:

A instant kill barrier will appear in random zones with little to no warning. In addition, mutation safezones are removed (meaning no base protection against scv nukes), and it has a 5% chance to randomly kill you each minute out of nowhere, with it’s chance doubled after you’re right about to win the game.

If you play against the mutator as intended, it’s nothing more than a minor nuisance that’s kinda boring. When it kills your units, you have 2 unwarned seconds to lift up your base to avoid instantly dying, lose 1000 of 1500 health, (or build a third base), it will kill all suvs/probes/drones, and it can randomly rng onto a afk allies and auto lose the game without anything YOU can do to prevent your teammate from dying.

In addition, just for sadism, when one player’s base is damaged by this mutator, so will all expansion buildings as well.

Blindfolded chess / Remember Everything:

o All keybind icons become invisible and you cannot see your mineral, gas, supply, building progress, hp, or units.
o They can still be selected but nothing will happen.

o Enemy units also don’t display themselves dying either, but continue casting a hallucination that attacks you for the rest of the game while giving you no idea if you even killed them or not.

o In addition, the victory screen can be a illusion as well, and can appear early, late, or not at all. You just have to know when it’s the “Right” time to click it while all the phantom units and icons are around. And if you miss the timer by more than 10 seconds, you permently lose the ability to win the game forever.

This is fair and balanced because it’s not true difficulty added to the game.

It tests your desire to keep playing against nonsense that isn’t always a challenge, but directly attacks your ability to enjoy the game. Which half of the more annoying but mostly just bs mutators seemed designed to do.

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Choking Economy: Resource gathered reduced after Treasure Goblin showed up somewhere on the map. Kill it to end punishment.

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Guess who?: Techs requirements may be swapped around. Units requirements may be swapped around, especially since the building from which they’re made (or the building needed for them to be available for Zerg) is also randomized.

You should have gone left
Mouse settings switch every 30 seconds between normal and reversed.

No one lives forever
All units (including scv’s/drones/probes) have a timed life. When they die they return 50% of their cost.

Honey, I’m home
Every minute your troops get hostile to your teammates’ units for 15 random seconds if they are in the proximity (this will be very fun on maps like CoD, CoA, L&L, DoN,…)

Flash would have won
Commanders have to maintain a combined APM of over 300 APM constantly. Whenever they drop below the mark, units take damage.

Oh no, this topic is that old ??? (November!)
I hope it’s not too late to save it.

Worst than level 1? Yes we can!
Your commander only get 1 level, and you only have 1 chance out of 15 it’s the 1st.

I wonder how broken this would be, like:

  • Zagara get 200 supply, but no double drone, slower build speed and stuff
  • Karax get normal unit costs and health, and the same Orbital Strike as Artanis
  • Some commanders get upgrades unlocked…for units that are locked
  • I wonder if some commanders lose their hero or are unplayable?

edit: I think Tychus only get SCV lol, or only Tychus can spawn, and don’t respawn.


I don’t think folks generally mind bumping older game threads. Its all good.