That’s not the case with games that involves proxies, early timing attacks, and turtle games.
Sorry kid, not understanding how the game works != valid argument.
disagreeing with you does not translate into not knowing how the game works.
Correct. Disagreeing with very basic facts of the game does translate into not knowing how the game works.
but you don’t understand the very basic fact of strategy, much less how it applies to the game
Again, I am Grandmaster and you are diamond.
that doesn’t change the fact that you’re not understanding the strategy peice of the game. You can certainly get a clear advantage with better mechanics, but that doesn’t translate into better strategy, that only translates into stronger mechanics. Pulling the league card doesn’t make you more right in this.
Kid I’ve beaten PartinG and DarK on the ladder. You think a Diamond league player knows more about strategy than me? Keep dreaming.
The strategy of SC2 is driven mostly by APM because higher APM players can handle higher APM workloads without making mistakes. So if you have high APM and force the game down a high-APM path it puts you at a massive advantage. That’s why APM correlates with win-rate at 0.65. The vast majority of SC2’s strategy is about exploiting your opponent’s APM weaknesses. You have to force more micro from him than he has APM to do. You have to force him to look away more often than he is able to. You have to force him to think about complex scenarios without the time needed to do so. APM is the element of SC2.
You think that tastetosis needs to play as well as maru to know about good strategy? Maybe if you take a step away from your hubris you’d be able to find a better strategy against toss in a macro game.
Do I think that zerg’s lategame is in a terrible spot? Yes I think they’re in the worst place they’ve ever been since blizz changed the infestor, buffed the ht feedback range, and nerfed the broodlord. But you’re just looking at an asymetrical design with an opaque metric like apm.
They have gold league understanding of the game, so yes.
I suppose I can’t expect much from someone who praises the all mighty apm.
Have you ever watched Artosis streaming broodwar? Listen closely to what he has to say about protoss…
Also interresting that Trap was untill last 1-2 patches a mediocre player while Inno was allways top 5 korean terran. And now Trap beats every Top of the Top T/Z players
I laugh allways so much on him but hi is right. No other race can do so s.upid things such Toss and so easy. Reaver drop, simple DTs, or Zealot drags mines into line of Tanks or just an early harass, what kills 2 SCVs and couple Marrines.
- the problem is it takes much much less skill to do those stuffs with Protoss as to defend it
He’s been “Byun’d”. At least for reapers it could be said it required a lot of micro. Unfortunately for apetoss an ape could jump up and down on the keyboard and get GM.
Who cares. Everyone just needs to macro and who cares if a race plays easier, its an RTS with 3 races, each with different units, one race is bound to be slightly easier than another. All 3 races are hard. I main Terran and tried Protoss and you know what? Nothing more infuriating than dying to a MMM parade push if you aren’t ready. All 3 races die easily if you are unprepared.
Protoss in GM have lower APM than Master level zergs but have recently hit as high as 50% of GM in EU.
This is what happens when one race is easier. Easier = stronger. So if you care about the game being fair, you need all three races to have the same difficulty requirements. Being a little bit easier is probably OK, but when it requires 25% less APM it’s a problem.
Each race should be within at least 2.5% of one another for APM, spending skill, and screen movements. Protoss is currently off by 10x that in APM alone.
That’s impossible. You are comparing apples to oranges. Two completely different races and playstyles. And all the tournaments are almost literally at equal representation. In brood war Terran was considered the hardest race, and from what you guys say, Terran is the hardest in sc2, so why not take your pretend badge of honor and go on ladder with your satisfaction of playing the hardest race?
Wrong. Terran and Zerg are pretty close. Zerg is a little bit higher in some things and terran a little higher in others. It’s entirely possible to balance the difficulty of each race.
Protoss are winning 4x as many tournaments as Zerg. Last year when zerg was SO op they won 1.7x as many as Protoss. Protoss also dominate GM and Master, something Zerg hasn’t done in years.
Protoss is a joke and it’s mainly because it’s not only overpowered, but it’s very easy to play so every player under the sun gets to unlock the overpoweredness of Protoss. While elite EU zergs were winning lots, Zerg in GM/Master underperformed because Zerg has a high skill floor. Protoss has a low skill floor and they are favored by balance and now there is a hoard of Protoss LEAPING up the ladder to higher leagues.
The balance of the game is worse than it has ever been.