Infestors are extremely stupid

You mean like the Raven? Ok good point…

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There is no such thing as “free unit”. It’s a kind of terran BS to rationalize their delusions and propaganda.
Those are just units that deal damage in exchange for energy (or more precisely time).
Those are free in the measure that we can consider marines free units considering that their ammunition is free.
Free like the damage of storm once 75 energy is collected.
Free as the damage of Nova once 21 sec of CD is expired…

Nothing is free.

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As much as i hate protoss and despise storm. Storm doesnt damage buildings cant chase you down… be used to attack with other units…etc etc etc etc… well lets go with it just cost energy… lets bring the seeker missile back to the raven
It just cost energy right… then you’ll have no complaint from me


Locusts are free units. Interceptors cost minerals and IT’s cost energy.

im also terran just like special and i almost always win vs infestors, i dont really use ghosts to counter them or anything i just build tanks and scan when i see them

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The kid is the one who is on his second Infestor balance whine post that never had anything intelligent to say but to parrot what his alternate account that has already said on his several Infestor balance whine posts.

I can understand a person having an opinion but the person spamming Infestor whine post even after the community update is calling me a kid… That is special.

Yes your an alternate. It’s obvious kid. I think between you and your alternate accounts we have had about 6 or more Infestor clone posts in the last month.

Every Infestor post is made is you. It’s 100% and nothing anyone says will change my mind.

OMG Infestor OP! Game Broken! Blizzard Waaah waaah. Community update isn’t enough! I’m smarter than Blizzard they should call me for advice! Waaahhh! Zerg shouldn’t build late game units and win games Waaah!!! They should stay on ling bane for half an hour waaah!!!

I can’t out maneuver Broodlord the slowest unit in the game! I can’t believe they set up a spore colony outside my base while I left it uncontested stuck on turtling for the past 10 mins!!! The audacity Zerg winning a game with Infestors. People shouldn’t be able to use units that exists to be used in ways I disagree with waaah!

Look at the WCS waaah!! Infestors in less games than actually used in games Waaah!!! If 5 Infestors are built in a game that is still massing 20 of them!!! I couldn’t possibly find ways to use strategy to force better trades without ramming my entire army in the position that player spent 15 mins+ setting up waaah!

I couldn’t possibly understand how the community update is a fair compromise using the extra ghost radius to drain Infestors energy or how infested Terrans won’t able to kill interceptors as fast while they build faster when killed when I don’t think Infestors should be allowed in the game unless my Alternate account suggestion isn’t a reality. Waah.

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Clearly I wasted my time.


Infestor is fine. The counters are bad imo

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No they are not, massing 20+ to wipe out armies and force compositions.

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Look, the infestor is getting nerfed, maybe there will be a bugfix which is an even bigger nerf, while in TvZ the best counterplay spell (EMP) is getting a buff and in ZvP the main “opponent” that the infestor is supposed to beat is getting a small buff too.

Is it that hard to exercise some caution and see where that brings us before judging?

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The proposed IT change(that really should be replaced with a bug fix) and faster interceptor build time isn’t going to stop Zerg from building 20+ infestors to spawn 160 IT’s.

Maybe. Or maybe the fact that if intead of one good EMP getting say 5 infestors it gets 8, then maybe you as a zerg player are more incentivized to build a larger shield of ling bane to use as more mobile countermeasures against ghosts, as they are faster and can more quickly react to positioning variations.
Or maybe, if the armor reducing infested terran damage + interceptor buff (which I feel it is a bit insufficient but lets imagine they bring it up a bit more) is enough to tilt the balance of ITs versus interceptors to a point where carriers acrually get to push back stronger against ITs (maybe you need to kite one wave to thin the count and waste energy and then the changes, on a second push come into effect) and threaten the infestors themselves, maybe you need a higher count of corruptors to actually deal with those carriers before they overwhelm you, leaving less supply open for infestors.

So, although I agree that directly it does not discourage mass infestors, indiretly it might have that desired impact. Who knows. And honestly, because it is impossible to know, is the reason why I suggest caution and looking at what the changes bring before making a bunch of changes that might have huge trickle down and unexpected effects.

Yep, zerg can mass free units locust, infested marines. Yet freeze air+ground units and deal decent aoe for what it does + instant seeker missle aka para bomb, instantly 20 vikings dead, no human can split that fast, even when you split into three groups or pro manage them well, it is still very potent and even pros vikings clump when he attacks and it only take one mistake. Even seeker could been dodge and it has counter play. Noone can emp all vipers all time… So terran can’t have any aoe, which is most easier and most effective ability in the game to use and it literally takes no efford, game is decided by multiple aspects how well you micro macro and multitasking etc. and if we just take aoe spell launching as one of them, all you have to do f click and you get more value, than by perfectly macroing and microing last 10 minutes in other fights… And long games there are 30 encounters or where army is close or you don’t have scan and even pros don’t manage to sending marines to 3 sides to not get flanked all times + good zerg should have some infestors burrowed on map to ambush… I agree mass raven was cancer, but so is mass tempess, mass broolord-viper infestor, only viper, infestor,swarmhosts individually… You are playing single target vs someone who once click on your units and all are dead…

The EMP upgrade is great for ZvT. But ZvP is the issue and HT Feedback(9) is completely out ranged by Fungal(10+2.25 radius) and broodlords(10). They need to make Feedback range 10 so it can compete, it would also help in TvP against the Ghost-post EMP upgrade(10+2 radius).

You have 7 seconds before that parabomb kills your vikings. Maybe 6 or 5 if you count a fungal on top of that. I don’t know about other humans, maybe I’m the exception, but I’ve managed to be able to respond in that window in time. Call me Alphastar.
Also, you don’t have to split, just land the affected viking by parabomb…

Terrans have no AOE.

Delusion Nr. 231 in the long list of terran-delusions (not the last alas).

Please, somebody educate this fine-gentlemen on the terran units, stats and abilities.
MyOh! Are you there?

This typical stellar-terran (M1 Terran is equivalent with Top 6 GM Protoss) will thank you in his usual fashion telling you that you are dumb/stupid/idiot etc (it’s a very good thing that this fine-gentlemen possess not more than 3000 active words in his vocabulary).

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I agree on the feedback change. However, as I previously said, I wouldn’t do all those changes together. Lets see the second set of patch notes and the test server and then judge.
Smaller changes than the ones proposed have changed far more stable metas. Look at how a hydralisk change that was considered a joke in the orevious forums actually brought the unit down from its completely overwhelming position into a place where mid game zerg is much more diverse, for example.

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Terrans have no AOE spells that can kill. Protoss has 1 and Zerg has 2.

Terran has AOE.

Hellbats, siege tanks, widow mines, Liberator AA(which needs a buff, since Thors AA splash mode got nerfed and the entire reason why Thor AA splash got buffed was because Liberator AA was nerfed), Thors in AA splash mode, Hellions.

I’m waiting for the next set of balance changes just as much as anyone else.

Blizzard should ban your account already, new forums are garbage, every gold laguer, tell master players that they are dumb and don’t know how to play.You are retared, i think honestly you don’t even play this game, just troll on forums. It’s like terran have no unit which would attack air and couter this unit and you will yes they have this and this unit and this which can attack air, but you are that dumb that you don’t understand why… How is aoe on hellbat gonna deal with broodlord, or tank with infestors, when they have 10 broodlord, alls tanks become useless at that point, only counter to that was raven, or ghost sort of, they can kill your ghosts with broodlings, if theya good, not all perhaps, but you still won’t emp all infestors, or vipers… You know nothing about terran so sh2t the f2ck up… You can have 50 aoe, units and if they all suck:
-doens’t attack air
-to slow like thor and when you play bio you won’t have resources to get 3 armory with it to go to mech…
and even thor liberator isn’t that good, they will launch 100 infested marines and you will take dmg and lose units which cost gas for energy, so you are on timer, longer game goes zerg gets more value

Problem is blizzard took to long to come up with testing and noone play there it is dead, because noone cares and usually they are crappy changes, that you don’t even need to test it to tell… They proved they are completely incomptetent, only hope is alphastar balancing game at this point…

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