Last time I logged on and played SC2 was this Monday Oct 21st and everything was normal.
However, today I logged on and as soon as my SC2 loaded, a few achievements popped on my screen as if I just completed them, and one of them was the Blizzcon 2011 virtual ticket, which grants the Pandaren Marine portrait.
I proceeded to notice that the default portrait was equiped, so I checked my portrait collection and the Pandaren Marine was nowhere and then I noticed that the achievement is also gone from the Feast of Strength list, even tho I still have it equiped as one of the achievement trophies. I would link a pic, but it says I can’t post links.
I already restarted the game, the BN launcher and nothing works. What should I do?
Unfortunately, today’s maintenance was something that was planned before the cosmetics/feat of strengths disappeared. So, it didn’t include fixing them.
I just got Cataclysm CE achievement, again. Sucks that the date is today, instead of when I actually first got Cata, but eh. One achiev down, several portraits still missing, which I assume means several achievs missing still. Like base Diablo III Colector’s Edition. I have Reaper of Souls CE achiev and portraits, not base game achiev and portraits.
Edit: Just got WOW MOP CE achiev, with portraits. Again, with today’s date, instead of the date I actually bought the thing, but eh. They are slowly coming through.
It sucks that the dates are today, instead of back then original, but at least I have been getting them back over time. I just got StarCraft Remastered as well.