In a real life battle, which race would win?

I think Terrans should beat zergs because in real life we wouldn’t be sending marines and tanks to go up against the zerg hordes…we’d just be nuking the #$% out of those bugs from afar. I’m not sure about how terrans would fare against Protoss though in real life. Given protoss are far more technologically advanced, I think they’d decimate us. So my answer would be Protoss would reign supreme in a real fight.

What do you think?


Zerg would win eventually. There’s just too many of them to fight off in any kind of real invasion scenario. Sure, nukes and siege lines will help but eventually, munitions will run low or God forbid an Ultralisk shows up, those actually survive nukes.

Protoss have the tech in spades but most of it was lost during the Golden era and the Brood War era. Coupled with their extremely limited numbers…the best they could do is evacuate the planet and glass it, which every single carrier is capable of doing.


Hmmm, didn’t know ultralisks could survive nukes. They should be unkillable by regular armies then.

Chemical / biological warfare may also be an option against zergs given they’re biological creatures after all.

Abathur would adapt the swarm to any toxins or chemicals. Ultralisks in lore are damn near unkillable, they have redundant organs everywhere, a stupidly thick exoskeleton and are generally crazy levels of durable, even shrugging off tank fire like they got slapped with a pool noodle…but even Ultralisks are nothing. If an Omegalisk shows up for the party…well, the last time humans faced down an Omegalisk it took the combined, focused firepower of a fleet to kill the thing. Nukes almost kill Ultralisks…but nukes had absolutely no effect on the Omegalisk.

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But not if something stands in front of it.


They can’t get over zerglings. Those cute lil bastards would be zerg’s own demise :frowning:

Heh. Joking. We have already infiltrated changelings everywhere. The war is over before it has even started hehehehe.


Obviously Protoss. In real life super advanced tech always wins.

Ultralisk actually have armored replacement organs for every major tissue, on top of their sheer size and thick hide. They literally require being blown to bits piece by piece. They also can assimilate nuclear energy in order to more quickly regenerate damaged body tissue, which is where we get the torrasque strain of ultralisk. Protoss have lasers powerful enough for this, terrans have only a couple weapons capable of this

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Especially when they can morph into a mini star of mass destruction if the tech isn’t enough. They just don’t have the population to support a sustained war, which is where the Zerg would thrive. They can assimilate entire planets in just a few weeks to bolster their numbers for the next invasion. Plus the Zerg have the infestation virus, able to turn the planets fauna against it’s inhabitants before even considering invasion

Population doesn’t matter that much when your tech is that advanced. There’s lots of species that are invasive in the world and they cause some problems for humans but in the end they don’t do much. In movies the lesser species always puts up a good fight and gets lucky but that’s not reality.

Protoss can destroy planets, but they didn’t want to because they wanted to preserving the lives and eco systems, so they were purging the Zergs by hand and their only mistake is that the Overmind was able to find Aiur.

It’s a question that opens up a lot of “what ifs”?. Are we basing off current events lorewise or the manpower in the galaxy as a whole? Are we putting each race in the most fair and even field of battle?

I think the UED is being heavily underestimated. They were well equipped, had advanced technology for Terran compared to Korprulu terrans, and superior tactics. They can, and would easily wipe the sector clean if they sent a proper war fleet out. In my opinion it would be over extremely quickly.

During the events of broodwar, the UED had a splinter fleet and it conquered the majority of the korprulu sector. They defeated the Zerg and the Protoss (partially) and have demonstrated to be an even better tactician than Mengsk himself.

Kerrigan needed “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” trope to unite 3 of the most powerful and influential entites in the korprulu sector( mengsk, the protoss and raynors raiders) for a split moment just to gain the upper hand during the Brood War campaign just to create enough chaos to scatter the UED to the winds.

You can actually liken the sc2 races to that of the Warhammer 40k universe a little sorta.

For example, the Eldar are a race with vastly superior technology, small numbers and generally live a long time. They are very psychic/psionic, and usually only fight when they absolutely have to. Essentially Protoss are space elves.

Zerg are similar to orks and tyranids ) in the sense for their need to fight and consume constantly in order to not go extinct. But they can be starved and contained to an extent.

I would liken the UED Terrans (not so much mengsk) to almost that of the imperium who are the most dominant faction currently as long as the Astronomican is lit. Their rule is tyrannical, and humans despite weak, have a constant strive to become more powerful, conquer, plunder. Perseverance is what allows humanity to compete while seemingly weak, humans have proven time and time again in both universes to be a very destructive force of nature.

Who won the brood wars?

Yeah…that’s your answer


Protoss would win every battle.
Zerg would win the war.
Terrans would die quickly, carrying scraps from star system to star system.

Zerg can reproduce too fast, and the Zerg virus would make ever holding ground long term a total impossibility for Protoss and Terran.

real life battle

Since we are talking strictly lore here, the zerg have the disadvantage that they are highly vulnerable to psi disruptors, which can pacify an entire zerg planet. A technology the United Earth Directorate has and can manufacture and deploy at will. As far as the lore, Kerrigans control of the zerg didn’t beat psi disruptors either. So now that she’s ascended to Xel Naga, we can assume her lesser replacements are also not able to overcome psi disruptors.

Also, the terrans in the gameplay are just the ragtag little colonies like Mengsk, and Reynors Raiders. But if we are talking all out war between races (not outer colony squabbles) then I think the UED could field forces many tens of thousands of times more powerful than the pissant colonies.

In fact - at the end of the first phase of the lore, it actually took the entire combined forces of everything Mengsk had, all of Reynors forces, and all of the zerg - commanded by the newly reborn Kerrigan, and all of the Protoss in the Koprulu sector under the command of Fenix, just to baaaaaaarely succeed in driving away one UED expeditionary fleet. An expedition that was never even intended for warfare in the first place (it was actually intended to pacify and tame the overmind, while intentionally not killing the zerg).

So…I am not saying terrans would win over protoss in a full race on race war (probably not), but I would say that the UED itself (not the ragtag dirt poor colonies) is being extremely vastly underestimated by people apparently not familiar with the past 20 years of SC lore.

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Didn’t Vietnam win because USA relied way too much on advanced tech that got curbstomped by borrow marines?


Zerg would win due to numbers. In real and in Starcraft 2.

I think in a 1vs1, z would win against p, p against t and t against z
zvp: there is too much gap in numbers between protoss and zerg, not only that, zergs simply don’t care about dying so superior technology of protoss wouldn’t scare them, plus all technology protoss have has been the same for centuries, they don’t really develop, zerg on the contrary is a race which is costantly evolving, so in long period they’ll win. on the contrary, it is true that terran technology is inferior to protoss’s, but it keeps getting better and it is more suitable for battles against them, not only that, terran studied zerg more than protoss (who see zerg race just as a species to obliterate without knowing it) and they invented things able to controll zerg units like psi emitter and so on. protoss would win against terran because in this case, superior technology does matter! even if terran are in larger numbers, they cannot afford to lose too many units and the gap is huge

Terran would destroy themself as would Protoss.

Zerg would win.