In a real life battle, which race would win?

I would say: The Race with the better Commander would win. :smiley:

Sorry, I know, not very helpful… :smiley:

Cannon Zergs swarm worlds by trilions. Its true cannon Terran doesnt need to get to biting distance of ling to shoot it. Its also true you can shoot as long as you want, they will still swarm you in the end.

Worlds would need to get nuked to be cleansed of Zerg infestation once and for all for every larvae you miss will mean eventual return of the swarm.

Zerg can not be endless, they have to be produced from something.
I’m not expert in lore outside of the actual game but I never saw in SC1 or SC2 explanation of from what zerg units are actually created. Cause it definitely makes no sense if hatcheries, queens, cerebrates or whatever just endlessly spam them from nothing. In-game resources (minerals and gas) also make little sense since its not even organic (at least minerals).
With Tyranids everything is pretty straightforward - they process biomass that collect on the planets into their units. Until they have biomass - they have units. No biomass - no units for them.
Is it the same for Zergs? Maybe I missed it in game? Or maybe it is explained somewhere else?

Guys, you all severely underestimate the strength of SC2 terrans.

For example, the colossus and the liberator both fire plasma weapons. The range of a plasma weapon is a function of the temperature of the plasma. Even in pure lore, the colossus is described as an assault walker, while the liberator is designated as long ranged artillery.

And because the temperature determines both the range and the effectiveness of the weapon, the liberator is, even in canon, able to boast significantly more firepower than the colossus, even if the burst of plasma generated by the concord cannon has a smaller area of impact than the stream of plasma created by a thermal lance.

In lore, the Protoss hold major technology advantages in fields technology, as well as space-time manipulation and, thus, teleportation. Terrans, on the other hand, actually do hold a legitimate lead over the Protoss when it comes to their biological sciences, and have significantly superior manufacturing standards. The “primitive projectile weapons” used by terrans are more expensive to operate due to needing actual munitions, but they are also more effective than energy weapons.

In many sci-fi universes, projectile based weapons are generally considered stronger than energy weapons, but energy weapons are usually the main guns because infinite ammo, so long as you can keep the generator online.

Each of the 3 races has their tools for tenacity. The Zerg just breed more Zerg. The Protoss don’t typically have zealots die, they have zealots warped off the battlefield. And the terrans have a combination of cloning technology (as per UED backstory) and a preposterously large production base.

Zerg would win duh…Zerg defeated Amon and the Xel’Naga. Also Zerg is the last race to survive in Zeratul’s prophecy.

Actually, Zerg is pretty damn good at adaptation. It only took a bug to take down a ship(HoTs campaign) and repopulate an entire colony of New Zerg. The problem with you comparing real life is that you didn’t use the correct one. For example: Virus - Just a few lucky mutation and it can wipe out the entire human races.
As for why I compare them … Well, Zerg is pretty much Virus on steroid: Fast adaptation, fast reproduction, have an actual body that can do physical thing and not entirely rely on host… ect.

Not quite accurate.

Ascended Kerrigan and an alliance of fleets from all three races defeated Amon. The protoss fleet was led by Artanis. The Terran fleet was led by Raynor, and the Zerg were led by Zagara. Kerrigan was already a xelnaga god before the final fight started.

The Ulaan prophecy (it was from Ouros, Zertul was just the errand boy who traveled all over finding pieces of it) was broken/nullified with the death of Amon. So that means nothing.

As for what Kerrigan is now (besides a god), after ascension to “godhood”, Kerigan appears in the cutscenes and lore as fully human, and calls herself Sarah, not Queen of Blades. She also hooks back up with Raynor as her romantic interest, two years after becoming a god after replacing Amon as the most powerful thing in the universe.

My money is on Protoss. The only thing keeping them from just glassing every planet touched by the swarm is their moral code. Take that out, and one carrier can kill trillions of zerg in seconds. Combine that with warp tech and it’s game over.

Not to mention that the Toss have produced units which are literally unkillable. Motherships with boosted shields can’t be touched; so strap some generators onto either the mothership itself or other ships far in orbit and let the slaughter commence!

The zerg would win imo. Barring all the technicalities on why they would come out on top, there was a scenario where the zerg did wipe out the terrans and protoss (although for protoss I believe the hybrids helped immensely) in the apocalyptic vision of Zeratul in WoL. Although currently if Protoss were to simply decide to glass every planet that contains a Zerg, Protoss would win.

And frankly, Raynor carried pretty hard when it came to Kerrigan ascending.

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According to the forums, random would win because the first 20 seconds would be scary.


I cant believe anyone would say anything other than Zerg. Yes Terrans and Protoss and are strong and it would be close. But Zerg is, by cannon, overwhelmingly powerful with the queen of blades leading them.

And its important what point in the cannon we are talking. If we are talking right now in the story, or sometime in the middle of SC2, its Zerg. If we are talking pre-Aiur destruction and pre-Queen of Blades then maybe Protoss IF they weren’t shy about using their full power… which we know they are.

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What I think is weirdly like this: Brood war and SC2 timeline, Protoss wins due to all the tech and weaponry.

Post Amon, Zerg wins, not due to sheer numbers or anything, thanks to Kerrigan, Zerg learns to adapt in more ways than swarming, primal zerg immune to psy emmiter, which is what kept the Terrans alive when Queen of Blades was active, learning human behavior, Queens not being 100% loyal to Overqueen, their sistem is getting different from the old Swarm vs Feral Zerg.
All that is left is Protoss, and Protoss lost a huge amount of the Golden Armada, just Zerg being Zerg wins until Protoss rebuilds Aiur and weapons of the golden era.

Um, no. Kerri was overwhelmingly powerful in BW only because she first got the Protoss and Terran to waste their strength killing the overmind and then beat each other to a pulp. Then she killed the pre-chewed remains.

In WoL, she gets her butt kicked by Raynor, no Protoss involved. In HotS, she has Raynor on her side, and that’s the only reason Mengsk doesn’t manage to kill her. In LotV, she gets beat up on Ulnar and Artanis has to come in and carry for her. And in the epilogue, Raynor and Artanis have to do all the heavy lifting until Kerrigan gets turned into Xel’naga so she can finally start contributing to the team.

Probably zerg, hive minded groups are usually what wins in most situations.

Zerg got absolutely carved up by the UED and are susceptible to control by psi disruptors.

Kerrigan has constantly enlisted the help of terran and protoss through broodwar and in sc2 storyline. So no, zerg aren’t the strongest, they only appear to be the strongest when they are the one race that has received the most help and special treatment through StarCraft lore.

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Zerg isn’t really about being the strongest, just the most numerous with a few exceptions. The Omegalisk is once exception and that thing is an army killer. It took a fleet focus firing to kill it from orbit. Nothing else worked. Then we have the primal zerg which are definitely a cut above the normal zerg strains.

Overall zerg has the numbers, the versatility, the firepower and in rare cases, the quality of troops to push for a decisive victory. The only time this wasn’t the case was in Brood War as you mentioned but that was with much weaker strains in general. I can’t imagine the UED handling the addition of Vipers to the swarm well.

Zerg. Did you miss a drone? larvae? well, it can re-populate an entire planet in a few days. if it takes you like 10 min to go from 0/200 supply to 200/200 how would you think that counts for a whole planet without supply limit? sure you can nuke the majority of zerg, but even if one hatchery is left unchecked, the infestation and the rapid birthrate of larvae which can be morphed to anything. And don’t forget queens. They too lay tactics to defeat both Terran and Protoss. it seems like zerg is the only species that can create matter from energy (doable IRL), which means they can create (almost) infinite with zerg and kill both toss and Terran over time. even if they bring them to the brink of extinction.
and I haven’t even talked about the infestation.

so all in all, I think zerg would win.

In real life, Terran and Protoss would have allied and crush the Zerg together.

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They won becuase the citizens lost intrest in the war