Impossible (against zerg)

Zerg has every conceivable advantage in TvZ. The strongest race with the strongest units and eco, but the weakest (and most delusional) players.

Even still, they can’t be beat.

Every timing attack you can try to do is scouted by overlords. If you go mech they will go broodlords and you will die even if you cut ground production (foolishly, because they could have switched to ground and roflstomped you).

If you go bio you get annihilated by zerg’s higher numbers even with god tier micro (against the noob race’s a-move), as confirmed by maru saying he isn’t interested in attacking vs Z. If you wait until 200/200 then you can never attack because of creep and higher tech units and will eventually die because you won’t be able to take a 5th. Plus nydus, burrow and counter-attacks can instantly end the game.

Imagine expecting every single player to have god tier micro (while macroing at home) just for the game to resemble balance against zerg. Let alone attacking with mech before 200/200.

Then at 200/200 vipers aren’t countered by a single unit in existence but get to freely annihilate your high tier units by pulling them into their army.

Gumiho lost 0-4 to a player who micro’d way, way worse than him just because zerg allows you to not know what you’re doing at all and pick up auto wins if your opponent didn’t go to superhuman lengths to clear creep + harass despite queens and spores making you invulnerable + deny expansions + clear overlords + trade efficiently, just to make the game even.

Even if the zerg is bad, burrowed banelings, infestors with neural parasite, counter attacks etc. can auto win the game.


Welcome to pvz since 2010 tell me is it fun to click rly fast for some 8 9 10 minutes and then lose?

Sadly i have to agree with every point OP made.
Last time zerg was beatable was end of HOTS. Since LOTV especially 2017 it’s zerg craft. There were numerous claims and requests to nerf zerg but “balance council” never did it. Or at least they didn’t do it to satisfactory level (they only pretended doing so by making “nerf” to creep tumor vision radius which is silly as it literally has zero impact on the game even at pro level). Meanwhile they are giving zerg buffs, oftentimes stupid buffs that nobody even asked for:

  • ultralisk price reduction.
  • viper building health consume etc. because zerg crybabies are so dumb to pull one unit sucking health of their building in time to avoid killing the building.

If you ever address zerg imbalance on the forum like this you will get immediately roasted by delusional zergs who believe that zerg should receive… MORE buffs.


U talk none sense Terran has hard counters for every Zerg unit and every other unit is mainly a soft counter.

Zerg has major gas consumption problems that longer game goes on worse it gets.

Terran can easily build hard counters plus’s Terran can build marines as fast as Zerg can produce any other unit that can be built on two at time.

Creep is way easy be destroyed then it is played down. Scan can tell you when to move what units is on field.

Zerg 200 army is mainly 100 army since rest being eaten by economy yes Zerg can produce over 200 but it’s one time deal.

Terran has huge list harassment tools on top way easy job stopping a Nydus vs nuke on map.

Nuke u get verbal warning and very tiny dot that u have to search for.

Nydus lights up on map of exact location so u be able stop it.

So u just wrong thinking Zerg is op race is a move it’s least.

Mutiple move speed difference on top of different range plus’s mutiple casters. Where Terran and toss has more a move race. Most Terran and toss units is more a move.

That is technically wrong. Hatcheries with Injects can potentially produce larva 77% faster than a reactored Barracks can produce Marines, and that Larva can be used for almost anything. When producing 2+ supply units in particular, Zerg’s production rate is significantly higher than Terran.


heaven in my eyes to see teran scrubs complaining, playng the dev babysited race and still losing?

Rly a Zerg have problem in late game…
In what alternate universe do you play sc2???

Rly a race that have fastest economy QUEENS not 1 queen il repeat UNLIMITED QUEENS free map hack and insta transition have hard time and specially in late game???

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Results over the last… 6? Or so years say otherwise. Literally only in the last year that Terran has been on even ground with Zerg. And Protoss is still in the dunny compared to both races.

That was the very beautiful thread to read. It gives me so much nostalgia kick and it looks a bit like my old threads that I used to post back then. It’s just missing the reminder that the Ultralisk is OP but in generally I give 10/10. Absolutely agree. You have all good points there. Extreme truth has been told once again!

That’s the worst thing I have ever heard of in SC2. Ultralisk is the most OP unit in the whole game especially after LOTV release. It’s armor should be nerfed by one point and the cost should be increased to 400/300. But if you say nobody asked for this then they either listened only to bad players or balance team was rolling the dice in the office. Ofcourse zerg buff dice so no matter what it will roll… It will be just different random zerg buff.

Dude you are literally bronze for saying similar bullcrap.

What about banes ? What unit hard counters banelings ? Widow mines maybe, but they are extremely coin-flippy. Banes are a joke. In large number they can kill entire terran ground army. Even armored units.
Ultras ? The only counter to them is banshee/liberator. Other units stand no chance ! Not even ghosts can stop these oversized behemoths before entire terran army is annihilated. With viper supported this unit is UNKILLABLE. Do you understand ?

Creep can be restored literaly with few newly placed creep tumors. If your creep spread is trash, do not complain about having no vision. Meanwhile terran constantly have to run hellions/medivacs and waste scan to clear this garbage only for it to reappear again.

FYI 100 zerg supply army can beat terran 130 supply army. With proper viper/infestor usage you can deny lots of terran key units - tanks/libs/thors etc.
This is unthinkable for a “swarm” race which attacks with weak, fragile and expendable units.

And none of them even work. Try it yourself, you can open hellions/marine drops/ banshees/ libs - queens + few units defend everything. The only terran opener that has potential to do heavy eco damage is double BC rush but then terran has nothing in his base and is very vulnerable to counter attack.

Yes, that’s exactly common opinon about zerg race - IT IS F2 A-MOVE race, because zerg units are mostly melee/short ranged like lings/banes, ultras, roaches etc and they have almost zero potential for micro-management. The only zerg micro-intensive units are ravager and mutas and spellcasters.

Zerg has the fastest units in the game - speed lings, mutas, on creep even queens are relatively fast + nydus which teleports your whole army to anywhere you have the worm.

Seriously dude. I couldn’t find dumbest arguments from a zerg player. Are you bronze or you haven’t played SC2 since 2015 ?

Terran is nearly like the strongest its ever have been. Especially for lower level players because you can just go cyclone hellion battlemech which is extremly fast and doesnt require nearly half as much micro as bio terran. And you can easily go for regular mech transition and full fleshed mech is pretty brutal for lower level zerg players to beat.

Go watch heromarine vs reynor hsc where he slapped reynor 2:0 with cyclone hellion even if he doesnt take the best engagements.

Wow no wonder this forums dead all is left is delusional Terran fan boys.

Ultralisk is hard unit to fight if your Zerg.

Thors beat ultralisk plus they can beat brood lords.

Any micro counter banes, it’s trade unit since it’s most expensive unit in game. .5 pop 50/25 cost

Weakest comp ling and bane and roach. That can’t push into defense. Sure you can catch Terran on move but good Terran should leap frog and know where enemy comp is at. Plus’s none those units attack air so any of 3 air units would destroy that comp.

But wants you start adding all spell casters + all different range units in A move get u killed. Un like Terran bio army or even mech is a more move army. Yes Terran broken stim on top zero fire rate has stutter step.

Hydras can’t do that all they do turn half way and never fire.

Look Terran loses the game against Zerg if both plays flawlessly Zerg loses.

A literal physical impossibility, even for the very best of the best. No player is the microbot 2000, even if they’re incredible players, all players make mistakes, however minor.

Literally the most microed army in the game being compared to melee units. Let that sink in. And that’s before you’re adding spellcasters on both sides.

Hard to be more a-move than melee, but I’ll give you that turtle mech specifically is fairly A-movey as it generally requires your opponent to attack into you, rather than you attacking them, even when you hit 200 supply you’re relying more on where and how you take the engagement rather than any major micro. That’s not the case for Battle-mech though.


There are incredible people around us so why no incredible players? Just look at DukeNukem. Maybe I’m a dead meme and maybe I died by ultralisk because he sat on me on the battlefield few years ago so I can’t visit the forum too often due to interdimensional gateways restrictions but atleast now I have time to play with myself. I’m just in Terran Heaven now, sitting with microbot 2000, eating ULTRA(lisk) sausages. Also WAP is with me now, he is just shooting ducks with ducks and he says to you:

"MYRO, y n4d t always 34t s4us4ge 0r u wi11 b3 z3rg, u n4d t b3 st0rng lik WAP w4s st0rng - dun t0lk t z3rg n00bz 0r ull g3t c0al on n4xt crispymix".

I hope all the Terrans that left on the forum will one day bring the justice before they will close the servers!

You are wasting your time responding to him. Guy doesn’t even know how to speak english properly. He is the living proof that most zergs are morons with 30 iq having no clue how the game works.

“Bio a-move” LMAO
“Zerg can’t beat terran”
“If both T and Z play perfectley terran always wins”

Seriously they should introduce some iq test before one logins to this forum.

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Whoever thinks that TvZ, Zerg is favored in 2024. They haven’t played the game for over 5 years.

does zerg have any tools besides taking bases?
Thanks to Serral, Zerg is being dismantled step by step.
sometimes i think a permanent ban for serral like “life” would be better for casual ladder zerg.

Serral, Rogue, Dark, Reynor, Solar… “It’s just one Zerg”

It’s never been one Zerg. Most recent patch only made it even again.

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Dark is also a victim of “balance”.
early push with roach Ravager → Ravager nerf
mass broodling with Bl → nerf

Brood Lords were never intended to be able to spawn waves of Broodlings outside of their range. That exploit was fairly egregious.

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When will zerg players finally after years admit that their race is imbalanced, at least at pro level if not on the ladder ?

Even in my scrub diamond league i feel how difficult it is to beat the zerg. Bio gets shredded by banes/ultras/lurkers. Mech is literally disabled by few vipers and bunch of a-moved ultras. Harass is completely shutdown by queens/spores. Clearing creep does nothing - it comes back literally after few moments. How is that fair ?

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