Ideal Mission Order for LotV campaign

Says the person with the worst micro here :P’

The threshold is kinda hard to visualize tho…


I am just imagining Carbot’s evil Executor with an evil mouthless grin as he waits with the recall just until the warriors are at least a bit maimed.

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Well, I’m not a doctor, doctor. I think the threshold can be established if the point where they’re serious injured can be.

How many eggs would you use for crepes?

Well, I almost am and - That’s not how medicine works. It’s the least exact science there is.

Also, I talked to Trick and his comment on the topic was “does any order make sense?”. So yeah, Trick’s gonna Trick.

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I know, but we’re in a world where a jiffy from death can be established, so why not?

IRL the main cause of death on the battlefield was from wounds getting infected : a simple flesh wound can spell death for you. Hard to tell in the heat of the moment…

Where are your citations on jiffy now.

Protoss died of infestation? Please!

No where. I just pull it out of my @ss!

Infection. As in, gets full of puss and disease gets into your system beyond your immune system’s capacity to fight it. We know protoss get sick, even if it doesnt feature much.

4 usually. But I prefer pancakes.

Infection :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not to mention you can’t really predict death or harm from things that deal insane damage like Yamato coming outta nowhere or even Sieged Up Crucio/Arclite.

I mean getting swarmed by Zerglings… yeah you can cover that, but how can you save someone from one shot kill by Kerrigan? Or Nova.

But we no longer died of infection like we used to anymore. And we’re must inferior in term of medic advancement.

:exploding_head: :confounded:

Die* and the “must” is redundant. *In terms.

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Sorry, I got to go now. Rain check?

Terrans have Medics. Not Protoss :stuck_out_tongue: