I watch, Dark vs Byun WCS Global Finals 2016 King Sejong Station and the game was more balance before

best eco? explain that to me. im curious.
best defend afk army? yeah, try that against multiple harrass. this statement is so dumb lol.
best scouting tools? because you can send in ovis? what about cloaked units, which show you everything? or what about a spell, that can reveal almost a full screen? sounds good?
best harass tools? ok now im really curious lol. which harass tools are you talking about? and why are they better than f.e. a medivacs full of marines.

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Are you suggesting that match fixing was at play here??

maybe dark just understands the patch notes more than you :wink:

as killa once said on these very forums

i view patchzerg as not somebody spamming hydra lurker viper, but more so somebody who alters their build orders based on the patch more severely than the average player

like tbh it should be a compliment

Still haven’t ever seen your claim that you whine about all races equally, or that you only whine against whiners…appears you are still the zerg version of the terrans you claim to mock.

I wasn’t going to say anymore on the subject, but not only do you do this sometimes, its been in almost every thread I’ve read in the past 20 minutes.

Ive never said that i whine about every race wtf? I dont whine about any balance… but claim whatever you want.

Well, is it my fault, that 99% of all whines in here are from terrans? If you would have looked closely, you would have seen, that i had a debatte with stretch, but i guess that doesnt fit your agenda. Just stop dude.

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You misrepresented my thread as “Terran whining” when it was the direct opposite, where I was scoffing at Terran players for claiming that Lurkers rendered Bio obsolete when all I saw was Terran Bio winning against Lurker play, so before you tell people to look closely and make stupid claims like “99% of all whines in here are from Terrans”, you had best take your own advice or at least look into the mirror.

Which thread are you talking about?


This thread.

And you claimed that my thread (Bio versus Lurker games) was Terran whining when it wasn’t.

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The fact you call 99% of whiners on here terrans is already showing immense bias.

You whine like crazy. It’s in every other thread.

I listed this thread not because the op was whine, but because the thread developed into a whine thread. Not because of you, but because of some other guys. Therefore, it was a good example in my list.

Its a fact, that the loudest whiners in this forum are terran. Why is it such a meme, that the blizz forum is known for it balance whine threads, especially by terran?

Youre rught, i open up multiple threads every day and whine about how op terran is.

Oh wait… nah, im actually dont. In your world, arguing against whiners is also whine. Thats the mistake youre thinking.

Oh, okay. Sorry. My bad.

I knew i would create such a response, so im sorry, if it missunderstood. I should have clarified it more in this thread. If i remember it correctly, i even said something like this as a response to typhoon or such guys, who also said, that your thread wasnt whine. So yeah again, im sorry if it was missunderstood.

This ISN’T a fact, this is an opinion. There is where you just don’t get it.

Zerg and protoss players whine just a much.

You whine about everything…balance, whiners (which you can whine about, and you do), things in general.

Again, its not a “bad” thing. Many people here whine. It’s just you play mental gymnastics to say you don’t.

This is certainly a fact. Come on, you can’t be serious. It has been like that for years.

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I think the most ironic thing about this thread is that I would also like to go back to 2016 balance patch and I’m one of the biggest ‘zerg whiners’ around lol.

Like even with all the busted crap terran had at the start (reapers, libs, tankivacs) it was still more fun because you had the option between ling bane and roach ravager and the games were a lot more timing and execution based rather than what we have now which is a very mechanics and macro focused meta. And ultras actually did their one job of killing bio. And mech was viable but no one but TY and gumiho had the stones to try it.

Its always funny to me though how people see the game in rose tinted glasses for their race lol. Like zerg was considered bad during this time, but its the meta I loved the most. Once they buffed tanks my enjoyment of this game dropped like 80%, like zerg should be the reactive race but if we cant tech switch or even choose a composition youre not even playing starcraft anymore, youre playing ddr.

Like yeah micro and macro are obviously a big part of it still but the decisions zergs can make now are so minor compared to what they were before. Before we could choose ling bane or roach ravager, now we choose how early to scout so we know if we need ling bane or roach ravager. We could go infestor or corruptor or hydra for support on roach ravager, now we can only go roach ravager swarm host and only when facing certain types of mech or robo heavy protoss armies. The level of complexity in zerg choices is so much lower, which probably explains why all zergs mechanics have gotten so much better --to the point where we’re nerfing queens and creep every year now