I told you so about Protoss

I’d be a strong advocate of this as there has been many times that I mishotkey all my buildings and lose a fight. And as you know missing one production cycle is very unforgiving for terran.

Protoss has warp IN and Zerg has Select All larva. Maybe Terran need this as a QOL

they never nerfed zealots LOL what a joke

I think this is a false war…terrans whine about protoss constantly and yeah as someone who played all the races but nowadays mostly plays protoss. You are right. Terran is kind of weak against protoss. But nerfing protoss isn’t the right answer. Because both Terran and Protoss are weak against Zerg atm. Protoss SUCKS hard against zerg. If you nerf them now, sure Terrans might have a better chance in TvP but PvZ and TvZ would still be nightmares…

Zerg is just…hard to balance. They have an insane early game map control bc lings are just amazing. But then they also have roaches to all-in with, Roach-hydra for a solid mid-game and then neural parasites, broodlords and vipers for an unbeatable late-game.

If you let a zerg go into the late-game your chances of winning that game have drastically fallen.

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