They asked for so many buffs to protoss that they are too far gone balance wise. The other 2 races cannot compete. Terran was nerfed too many times and is now gets stomped by everyone. The meta is incredibly stale and nothing is gonna change what we have now.
Even small blizzard games like Heroes of the storm receive more attention from blizzard and are in a far better state.
Right now the game isnt playable for 33% of the playerbase (terran) and barely playable for another third of the population (zerg). Protoss is just a-moving their way to killing what was left of this game.
GG my fellow protoss whiners, you won… I hope you’re happy.
You know with the amount of energy you invested into all these recent cry posts you probably could’ve hit master with Protoss by now like you said you would.
I wish this was true, but I cannot beat Zerg to save my life. I know I am gold, but if protoss was the super face roll race I should be able to curb-stomp all races using the same strategy every game. Also Terran bio is sort of like the basic unit composition which is pretty effective vs everything as long as you have a decent number of marines and can micro well. Not that bio is some sort of super op strategy (its not), but bio Terran is overall more effective vs almost every strategy on average.
Yesterday I saw a Beastyqt video, he was climbing the ladder with pure hellbat-thor and winning against every race at 4500mmr.
what does that prove? A GM beating up on lower league players isnt proof of anything.
Protoss is still imba
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It proves that at a higher level than your current one, weird things can work and all you need to do to win is gitting gud, macro and collect wins, and outside the early thor micro, the rest of the game is just macro and a pretty amovey army.
If it works at a higher level then mine, it doesnt mean it works at my level
No, it mean that works as minimum at THAT (higher) level AND everywhere below (you included).
This really doesnt prove much it is more so of a deflection. its like saying hey look that GM.Pro won a game going all reapers so you should be able to do it to. That is beside the point.
The fact is that all things being equal more times than not P has inherent advantages. I think that is all everyone is saying. for example. Turtling to sky toss without being able to punish toss. is rediculous. I’ve even done it to prove a point. with no practice and completely messing up the build timings
Now the next question is “is it broken” “is it fair” and “should we even care anymore”
We all know that there is something wrong and it will never well at least a very high chance that nothing will be done. Its best to try different strategies in an attempt to make it fun. For example massing all vikings against toss or all reapers against zerg. thats what I do at times and will continue to do until I get my another XSX
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Who want master in daed game? LUL. Get a real hobby pls…
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You know the amount of energy you invested into these cry posts you probably could’ve won a WCS with Protoss.
You know with the amount of energy you invested into trying to roast me with multiple accounts you could have figured out how to play vs. Protoss
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Everyone knows how to play against toss. Everyone also knows that its some b/s.
Shield batterries that were supposed to be for “defensive” purposes are being used to secure multiple bases. hold just about every all in. an being used offensively and to for proxie play.
You catch toss out of position. so what Instant telepor entire army back to base.
they are out right losingt the game. Nothing that a few disruptors cant solve.
When all else fails turtle to sky toss and A move across the map.
Can these things be beating sure they can. But the effort you need to beat these these are foolish. I don’t want to call it broken but is it fair. is it fair to have all of these get out of jail free mechanics that the other races do not have.
Protoss as a whole right now is worst than anything that any race has had at any given time in SC2 history. I despise SH and Protoss make that look like childs play. T/Z has something that everyone considers a little favored it gets nerfed into the dirt see the raven see the infestor.
But why does Toss still have disruptors. Yes I despise SH but Pound for Pound disrupters make SH seem like a joke. Why has cannon yet to be nerfed. Proxie barracks have been nerfed into the ground just by adding build time to depo/barracks. cannon build time can be nerfedby simply adding build time to it.
Its not playing against protos and executing the best strategy that is the problem It is simply how you have to play them that is the problem. Its not fun
But its true though. Disruptors are wayyyyy more powerful than WarHounds and tankivacs ever were.
Not powerful-enough in view of what Protoss has to face in PvT.
The Dual-Mode Disruptor would help balancing PvT somewhat.
yeah if you guys don’t believe ShiaLaBeouf try 3v3s and 4v4s…where the meta right now is literally everyone pick protoss and either cannon rush or race to get carriers, tempests and void rays the fastest…I lost numerous games simply because either my allies didnt pick protoss, were not fast enough or just didnt make enough carriers…team games are ATROCIOUS right now…and almost everybody picks protoss
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exactly - wheres the fun in current gameplay?
Wow so they’re being used as designed…such BS
I’ve never seen a bunker in my base before…oh wait I have! Therefore, BS remove the bunker!
Idk is it fair to have get out jail free cards like mules, supply drops, and scans?
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