It means stop whining about your race being underpowered. He’s done series on all three races where he gets to GM using random stuff. He did a series with mass sentry to gm. He did a series as well as mass marines to GM. He did a series where he was only allowed one robo, one stargate and one gateway for the entire game and got to GM. He did widow mines and ravens to GM. Queens and infestors. Etc etc.
Stop whining. The only valid reason to whine is if you see unfair play occurring over and over in tournaments.
4500 MMR? You mean formerly the most successful foreign Terran pro in early wings can be successful at an MMR that’s lower than mine? Wow! Terran OP, case closed.
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I think we just need to face facts. At the end of 2019, and start of 2020. It was pretty balanced for all levels, maybe at the pro level, Zerg were slightly advantaged… But as of the state right now, it’s pretty even for the top 20 or so in the world, but absolutely terrible balance for everyone GM and down. If you go to rankedftw you can see the current race distribution throughout the leagues. At the GM and Masters league, there are approximately 2x more Protoss than Zerg, and 1.5x more Terran than Zerg. So from a GM and M league perspective, Zerg by FAR have it the worst of all.
If you look back through the history of the game, not once since it’s birth, has it ever been this imbalanced throughout the leagues. To state it in plane english, Blizzard have left this game at it’s absolute worst state that it’s ever been. It’s a huge shame that they are giving this game a horrible death like this.
Yea it is really bad. It is worse now than at release…
No they were made to defend the natural in PvP. However, they had other consequences that broke… well made the other matches unfair.
Seriously who builds bunkers. Maybe you can find one bunker being made by a GM. If it was removed from the game it would make no difference. Lets not compare the bunker to shield batteries
Scans have always been apart of the game. Supply drops are gimmicky. In fact supply drops are used as a last resort. Mules are also gimmicky. I am for removing supply drops/mules and getting rid of chrono.
PvX is complete trash. Protoss as a whole needs to be toned down.
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plantinam protons petrol not even no how much blazzard change the game 2 buff them 2 diamand they still think game is bananalanced even tho it super ez 2 get mustard liege with protons
This post already won the topic. ****ing hilarious, can’t stop laughing.
Also, looked at CheeseTown’s profile and he still is terrible at Protoss. Glad to see he is still trying to ladder as Protoss while (I assume) still claiming that he is not trying to ladder as Protoss.
In all seriousness as well: Kudos to Cheese and Shia for posting with their actual profiles and not hidden ones like so many cowards on these forums.
For Shia: Didnt see any ladder games played on your profile? Did Toss make you rage quit laddering or just busy with normal life? The game getting stale and real life are my excuse.
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Toss is making not play ladder and i have no fun playing protoss. Just playing a few games of protoss already caused me severe brain damage
I dont Think protoss caused it…
Nah dog. It’s been stated, Protoss needs to win a GSL Code S Title. Until that long, long, long, longer than any race drought ends, they are not op at all.
Zerg: wins 70% of all tournaments
“Slightly OP”
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