Hots Traumatizer

Hey Guys

I recently finished Liberty on the hard and surprising it was easy. In my innocence I thought hots would be “easy” too, I’ve never been so wrong in my Terran live.
Do you guys have any tips for the “zerg campaign gameplay” ?

Use Kerrigan! 202020

Wait, you think HotS is hard but WoL is easy?

You are seriously confusing me.

I mained Terran and in terms of playthrough and achievements, HotS is a cakewalk.

Use Kerrigan. All the time.

Otherwise we need mission-specific questions.

One of the main complains about HotS was that the campaign was too easy.

How could you possibly find liberty to be easier?

Build a second hatchery. Make sure your mineral line is fully saturated before trying to establish map control. Contrary to multiplayer, queens are your army’s best friend. Kerrigan in particular appreciates the healing in the early game before she becomes super OP instead of just regular OP.

Well, I gotta admit, this is a first. Someone who found HotS harder than WoL. I’m just going to assume that the OP is someone who doesn’t play Zerg much. Just watch a couple basic videos about building up as Zerg, and you should be fine. If that’s not enough, Kerrigan is a really overpowered hero unit. Just take a few moments to get used to how her abilities work, and again, it should be a piece of cake.


I believe the Original Poster is someone who mains Terran and unfamiliar with Campaign format. Sometime, these people hide the hero unit away to prevent accidental defeat from her demise.

I use her a lot. but the rest of the army seems so weak, but thanks any.

Tell us what mission you got stuck on. You might have wrong loadout or unit comp.

I see. Zerg is about overwhelming your opponent. Every single one of your life problem is literally solve by throwing your mineral at it. Keep pumping unit, upgrade and Queen. With Kerrigan at your disposal, there is nothing you cannot do!

I’m as surprised as you, hots on normal really is more easier than Liberty, but in hard … jesus.

HotS on Brutal is easier than WoL on Hard in majority of missions.

I am main terran as well. In the matter of the achievements I agree, piece of cake.

But while a bio death ball with siege tanks carried almost every mission, on the zarg campaign they army seems useless.

To my shame I’m stuck in the beginning. (The third mission to be specific)

That’s a tough one if you aren’t ready for it.

Basically, get your macro up good and focus on defense and building Zerglings and Queens. I’d say to prioritize queens since lings will die fast to everything if you don’t have enough. Getting the first 1-2 queen/zergling pickups should help.

I’d recommend building some extra static defense as well but try to stay active on the map with Kerrigan, since she is your one unit that does respawn and you can be risky with. In any engagement, Kinetic Blast the biggest targets (tanks or other mech units usually) and Crushing Grip on clusters of enemy units. I also recommend trying to have Crushing Grip ready if you need to make your escape (retreat to defenses or queens to help out).

If you’re feeling adventurous before the timer, you can start poking out with an army of about 4-5 queens, kerri, and 24-30 Zerglings to tank. As long as you cast your spells strategically (Always prioritize tanks and bunkers) and keep your queens alive, you should be able to push until you run out of lings. In which case, you should go and build more.

After the timer it’s just F2 A-move.


In my experience with that mission, zerglings are basically a trap. Queens are your friends, and your only friends. the enemy just uses too many fire/hellbats for zerglings to be remotely meaningful. Theyre good for a distraction, but not as an army.


Which one is that? I did the icy planet first and then Zerus, didn’t even touch Char until then.


Seriously now, I think it’s because I understand and like Terran more than zargs.

Thank You mister Protoss

Oh I see. It’s actually about macro. Make sh^tton of Swarm Queens afterwards. Use Creep tumours to improve speed of your units and then just add some Zerglings.