Hot Take - Maps and Ghosts won, not ****. Spoilers

The best player in the game only lost to Clem because these maps are one sided and ghosts are the most overpowered unit in the game. Honestly lost all hope this game sticks around another year. The balance team has no clue what they’re doing.


Been saying it for years


Nope, the balance counsel is competent. You just don’t realize that they achieved almost exactly what they wanted. Nerfing serral was their goal, the only thing that went wrong was that Clem was supposed to take 2nd place vs a protoss (or something along those lines). The balance counsel is full of cheaters, moralistically it’s similar to hacking or stream cheating, who are deliberately rigging esports against their competition. The olympics had to ban entire countries because roid cheating was that common, but trust us guys the balance counsel is totally above board.

How do I know they are cheating? Well because if I wanted to cheat, I would’ve done exactly what they did, play by play. Make the maps impossible for zerg, buff the ever living crap out of protoss. TvZ is the most map sensitive matchup and they made all the maps super small and cramped which is of course going to favor terran. Zerg’s been in a bad spot balance wise vs protoss for a long time, no need to change that if you’re going to rig the game – just keep it as it is. Protoss vs Terran was pretty even so they hit terran with some giga nerfs aka terran’s best tvp units the liberator and mine so that PvT balance now resembles PvZ. Now the stage is set for a Protoss world champion, but even with things rigged that way the protoss competitors still bungled it.

They are going to keep doing this until people start to notice & complain. That’s just reality. They will cheat as much as they think they can get away with.

If I were running the balance counsel and my goal were to balance the game instead of cheat, my strategy would be to minimize my legal and political culpability by balancing grandmaster to 33/33/33 terran/protoss/zerg. There’s a lot of reasons to do this mathematically, and it would be practically impossible to accuse them of favoritism as far as I can see. It’s a lot easier to say “serral is just a better player” than it is to say “every protoss on the ladder is just better”. Statistically, it’s very likely that serral is better. Every Protoss in GM being better than their Zerg or Terran counterparts is statistically impossible. If I had to go in front of a jury, swear on a bible to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, I couldn’t look the jury in to their faces and say “all protoss in gm are just better hue hue hue”. I couldn’t do it. I would consider it a bald-faced lie.

Seems like a terrible idea no one cares about GM balence except GMS thats .01% of the player base and not even the .0001% people watch on youtube makes no sense to force win rates at an arbitrary spot you happen to reside in no thanks lol. No one cares about the relative skill of .01% of the population that are not even pro players literally no one but those players.

Their is no incentive to balance the game at all that wont make them more money and wont give us new players what does it actually achieve in terms of growing or improving the community when it caters to people who are already here and going nowhere. The should not even look at balance Microsoft should abandon updating this game in lue of investing in a high quality SC3 / wc4 for the future learning form the mistakes of SC2 and making it more about strategy and less of a mechanics driven clickfest game. Pacing is the most important part it cant feel slow but it cant be this fast either where people are quite literally sweating over the keyboard that’s too frustrating and will not bring in new players from younger generations and this should be their goal. Your goal is a self serving waste of resources my probably pipe dream at least aims to create a great game and see those who put the time in to do so compensated for the good work this engine is incredible even decades later but they missed the mark in some areas but i could see them making a truly great new RTS to focus on did the most skilled player win in this patch etc is too focus on things that don’t matter.

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GM balance is game balance and if you can’t understand that then you just don’t know enough about the relevant topics to discuss game design. You’re trying to build a skyscraper with a toy hammer made of plastic. Go to university. Complete a series of courses on statistics and calculus and then you might be ready. Until then, you just aren’t prepared for this topic and the fact that you think GM is irrelevant is absolute proof of that.

Absolutely wrong. Population decline correlates with protoss dominance. It’s not rocket science. When you rig the game in favor of some competitors over others, the disfavored ones will leave. That’s an obvious consequence. Every time someone loses a game there’s a chance they uninstall. If you buff protoss to the point where they have a 300 mmr advantage it’s obviously going to push players to quit the game because they just become fed up with protoss. Yeah, some players may never return, but at least you can stop the bleeding. That’s the pragmatic argument for why ladder balance is important but frankly it’s also a moral duty because competitions are supposed to be fair. It’s mind blowing that this has to be explained.

Imagine having to explain to the Olympics commission that it’s important to ban steroids for a competition to be fair and they respond with “Who cares if the competition is fair?”. It’s like, uh, what. You’re living on another planet if you think it’s a good idea for a competitive sport to be unfair. It’s a bad, bad idea, and this is a universally agreed upon fact. Why is it that on these boards there are some of the most delusional takes ever. It is truly mind boggling. The obvious answer is that this place is filled with trolls who don’t genuinely believe the things they say.

Imagine if you’re the one team at the Olympics that doesn’t abuse roids and now imagine no matter how many times you complain to the Olympics commission the issue is never fixed. In fact, if you complain you are somehow made out to be the bad guy. The obvious consequence of this is that the honest competitors will just quit. The game is rigged, can’t win, people in charge are more mad at you for noticing it’s rigged than they are about it being rigged. At a certain point, it’s obvious they want it to be rigged and you’re simply not welcome if you want a fair competition. So you leave in search of greener pastures.

THAT is how you get this chart right here:

Zerg in gm/masters be like:

“GM balance is game balance and if you can’t understand that then you just don’t know enough about the relevant topics to discuss game design.”

Wrong no one cares about that it doesn’t bring players to the game and its not the pros anyone watches the only one who cares about that is you. Anyone who makes comments like “dont know enough to discuss game design” is the kind of argument made by a child arent we all pushing 40 now? You back nothing you say up with any relevant logic and post links to things no one care about with no relevance.

I don’t know why you went on a tangent about the Olympics that also has zero relevance. Your talking about population numbers for what less than 1000 total people that’s not going to impact the population at all lol. Your lens is hyperfocused on your own world and misses that most of the people who play don’t play like you they play for fun.

So in my opinion they should waste less time on balance changes and invest instead in quality of life changes that make every race easier to play. Catering to some small population that’s never leaving anyway doesn’t make any sense at all.

Not that I think I’m changing your mind never has anyone spoke they way you do and I’ve thought of that’s a reasonable guy arguing in good faith who might change his mind on something XD.

This is a really simple concept but even most the players don’t care about the numbers by their names you see just as many players loss botting to not have to try as trying. I would say that’s a pretty good sign the games not very fun due to poor pacing etc or at the least not a chill and fun game. And I’m sure when jimmy loses at 1k mmr to someone with the apm of a gnat in tvz I’m sure in your mind gms in protoss caused it.

When I play wc3 or broodwar I can have videos on other screens i can answer my phone I can reply to my children like the game has so many fun issues that balance needs to take a back seat because no one really cares about some % points in a population of them same players it has been for a decade not even 1% of our community just the loudest most obessed and annoying.


Your post is simply delusional in a host of ways. Gms don’t leave the game? Bruh I know 3 personally who left the game. Where do you think the reduced GM mmr threshold comes from, exactly? People leave the game and the threshold goes down to the next highest ranked player. Repeat this over and over and that’s how you get GM minimum threshold at 4600 instead of 5400. Lots of gms are leaving the game.

Second, I guarantee people who care about game balance care about GM because GM is synonymous with game balance. The two are tightly correlated so if you care about one you must by definition care about the other. “Nobody cares about GM” bruh there is a literal balance counsel and if they balance the game they will balance GM as a byproduct. My man you are living on another planet.

Quality of life changes? Sure. I can get behind that. No complaints there. The thing you don’t realize is that balance is also integrally linked with quality of life / ease of play features. Protoss has the most of those and you think it’s a coincidence they dominate ESL cups? Not a chance. If you make Zerg and Terran easier to play, you will buff them vs protoss as a consequence. It’s just how things work.

Zerg most of all has a quality of life crisis because bronze/silver players are practically allergic to zerg and there’s no wonder why. It’s crazy hard to play zerg. You start one inject when you needed to place a creep tumor instead and it’s GG.

Balance team plays tournaments which why stealth units are more visible so u don’t need detection. That only benefits one race since other races need stealth detection anyways.

Why does any unit hard counter marines or does damage to them gets nerfed.

Fungle growth, banes both got nerfed which makes marines have easier job to deal with them. Why marines never got nerfed they counter 90% of all units in the game.

It’s because it’s not much of balance but more pink slip drag racing on how car links they should be up.

Also when made ravagers why do get notice where shot landing huge delay but siege tanks don’t telegraph and is not heavy micro.

I generally disagree with most everything you say but I think it could be a good buff to ravagers to make there attack target icon either go away or show up with way less time to react. For the main reason you just stated siege tanks dont have that and there only micro is if you are picking them up in medivacs

Siege tanks also require you to siege up before they can fire (And require you to unsiege before they can be picked up), are much slower than ravagers, are more expensive than ravagers to make, take longer to make, don’t do spell damage, and have a hit-scan attack, not a projectile.

Also, focus fire is micro that’s constantly employed by high level terrans to focus down clumps of banes with their siege tanks.


They also do 10x the damage and are one of the best ground units in the game.

Maybe in a standing fight, but mobility is extremely important in StarCraft II.

Siege Tanks really need some advantageous position and the ability to force a fight in order to be effective, and they have to be strong enough in combat to compensate for their limited movement.

There are generally 4 stats that a unit can have, 5 if you count utility, but that is sort of nebulous.

  • Range
  • Damage output
  • Durability
  • Mobility.

Siege Tanks in Siege Mode are pretty much all range and damage output, sacrificing all of their mobility for those advantages.

Ravagers do 60 flat damage a shot and ignore armour, and can hit air units (though they shouldn’t be hitting air units in the first place)

Sieged tanks do 70 to armoured units, and 40 to non armoured units. Both units do AOE, though the tank’s AOE is larger.

Fun fact, Siege tanks in tank mode are slower than Ravagers are.

Ravagers also don’t take bonus damage from any other unit in the game aside from Archons, since they don’t have an armour class.

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Who cares about speed when you one shot most ground units in the game? Next you’re going to be complaining widow mines aren’t fast enough.

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Siege Tanks require at least 2 shots to kill the majority of the game’s units, and yes, speed matters a lot.

Unless you can take advantage of a spot with only one path in or out, Siege Tanks must be split up in order to defend territory or advance, and they have to be efficient enough in combat to account for that.
In contrast, a mobile army can cover and attack a lot more ground even if you don’t split your force.

There isn’t a single player making that argument.


You run one step too far and your army’s HP drops immediately.
You want to “catch” a tank and run into the range of 3 other tanks.

Seriously, I don’t get these guys complaining about ravagers when you’ll pop 3 biles to kill a tank and lose all 3 ravagers to a tank line.

Who doesn’t know the new ravagers Meta?
Zerg rush into ravagers Turtle… because biles hit just like tank shots.

Except they dont and have way less range.

That’s because we are not. YOU started this thread by complaining about Terran, and you pretty much haven’t made a post in this thread that was not a complaint about one Terran unit or another.

Disagreeing with you and pointing out the mitigating factors that keep a unit balanced is not the same as complaining.

Ravager biles trade favorably against Siege Tanks when the Tank count in an area is below a certain number. Above that, the Siege Tanks start to trade favorably because of their superior range and shorter cooldown relative to Biles, but that is still not a problem for Zerg; which has plenty of units that can break Siege lines, particularly at Hive tech.