Hot Take - Maps and Ghosts won, not ****. Spoilers

The only thing I notice is you have managed to say nothing yet again. Your argument was even though people don’t actually care about your games by and large that gm balance = overall balance with no logic or backing just the statement applied as fact with no supporting logic. When balance is irrelevant for 99.9% of your player base their are more important issues to fix like the fact the game isn’t enjoyable or based in strategy or fighting. I get more fun out of playing wc3 which is a much older game from pre 2000 because at least thier the focus is micro and fighting and not peon building simulator. Your worried about a few % points in a small pool of players that has no impact on overall population of the game or player base no one even watches thier games only pro games when the games not even enjoyable or based in strategy. The pacing should be slower the mechanics easier the game more about strategy and less about click spamming and timing windows. I have played much more dota wc3 chess and many other games this week than SC2 because its simply not very fun that’s a much larger issue than some guy whose played for forever thinking he should be 10 hats higher sorry no one cares.

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if you look at comments from tournaments, you often see i don’t play it anymore, but like to watch.

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