High ranking players are snobs?

This is probably just my luck with the queue, but I’m finding that I’m running into more and more high ranking players (Platinum/Diamond) that are complete toxic tools.
The last one I played with was a Kerrigan on Oblivion Express. I was playing Alarak, and he expected me to break his rocks for him, without even saying anything. After I clear my three rocks, he types out “zzz” “ofc” and then immediately quits. This is only ~2 to 3 minutes into the game. This person was Diamond.
The player before was also Diamond. Raynor on Void Thrashing. All they do is say “Raynor OP” and then mass Vulture all game. No real communication.
The time before that was yet another Diamond player. A Tychus on Void Launch. I was playing Stettmann, and near the end of the game, he was casually destroying my base while I was finishing the objective with my remaining forces.

What is up with these high ranking players being so toxic/BM? Do these people have such superiority complexes that they feel the need to abandon games or just hinder their allies because they are a lower league ranking, or not ranked at all?


I’m a very casual player, so maybe I am a little biased in this, but I blame the “Ranking system”, full stop.

I get why it is there. I get the intensity of PvP in RTS meaning that almost anything PvE in RTS starts to feel pretty casual, even on really high difficulties.

However, if you add “ranks” in to games? It just opens up a whole can of worms for just pretty pathetic people to feel like they can do whatever and say whatever while expecting everyone to know what all to do and when. I played a lot of Overwatch back in the day. Never wasting my time, ears or headphones with the autistic screeching of sore losers and toxic trolls. Sadly, they seem to have gotten bored and migrated here since Starcraft is now free…

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All that being said, try not to let them get to you. I had a guy not that long ago declare Tychus was “$hit” because he couldn’t just run in to the middle of enemy bases solo. Just pathetic trolls with nothing better to do.

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I can’t say it’s just from there. It’s existed since the dawn of competitive esports. BW and WC3 also had, and have, this issue. It’s not a F2P issue, it’s a player base issue.


True. Though I was never online back in those days, I can imagine there were still plenty of sadacts around. And F2P is still part of the problem when people like that get bored and have a free option to move to. I’m not saying games going F2P is bad, far from it, but it comes with plenty of strings attached.

Like I said though, try not to let them get to you. Unfortunately we can’t get to just erase wastes of oxygen like them…

Yeah, and we can’t filter them out of our player pool either, sadly. I’d rather have to deal with someone who is under par that needs a bit of coaching than have a stuck-up snob who either hinders you, trash talks you, or just quits if you don’t do exactly as they say.


I know. It is just the roll of the dice.

I had someone start the match, having looked at my Mastery Rank, say “thank god. sick of all the casuals tonight”.
Safe to say I disappointed their expectations… After a while they just came out with “WHY ARE YOU $HIT” and just leave. It was Vermillion Problem and it was a struggle after that on Hard on my own, but I made it.

I’ve had games where my ally would just leave without even saying a word, mid-game. Not even early game. No idea why.
I’m fairly casual myself, play Brutal as my main difficulty (but dodge 99% of brutations.) Probably Gold Rank at best. I don’t get where these guys get off with this crap… Is it so hard to just chill and not be an elitist? A simple “glhf” and “gg” or “gg wp” at the start and end of the game is all one needs.

For the caliber of …“people”… we are talking about? That is asking too much…

However, I have had people that really don’t like specific maps or have had bad days themselves and say that they are leaving coz it is their least favourite to play or they are feeling just too bogged down and still have the decency to say they are leaving. Sucks for the player left behind in a lot of cases, but at least they are being decent about it.

Hell, I hate Malwarfare.

It’s honestly hard to say it had anything to do with their ladder rank. Their rank also isn’t that high either. Not that ladder ranking has any indication on coop skills to begin with.

Just vent it out, rant it out, and let bygones be bygones. Fact is, anyone in coop who “expects” their ally to do anything without a backup plan of their own is basically still inexperienced.

This reminded me of back when GSL players were invited to do the Wheel of Misfortune on Void Launch. They got destroyed just like any other person would. No amount of micro/macro will save you from lack of knowledge of the map rotation.


The ladder ranking has nothing to do with co-op. They may play well on ladder, have a better micro, but it does not mean they have enough knowledge of co-op or campaign. Some GM players on ladder even play much worse than myself on co-op.


It just feels bad. I wish that they would get a nice reality check and stop being such tools.


Haha, yeah, it’s all good man.


Well for the first one it is kinda the norm for Alarak players to clear rocks when the rocks are close together, but him leaving over that is kinda dumb. On the second one I mean that map is super easy, so mass vultures and him not even bothering to communicate isnt really that big of a deal. For the third one I cant say what’s was up with that, maybe he was just bored.

If he had simply asked me to bop his rocks, I would have 100% said “okay. I’ll do so once Overcharge is online again.” I have no issues helping people break their rocks. Given he was a Kerrigan, I was half expecting him to break them himself with either Kerri or her lings.
The second was more of an egotistical annoyance. All he was doing was trying to flex, nothing more. A showboat.
Third, no idea. I called him rude and then reported him. Never said anything all game, and I did everything correctly as Stettmann. (Stettellite support, making an army capable of handling the waves that weren’t Infestors, assisting with objectives…)

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Breaking all of the rocks on one side isnt as good as breaking 2 main rock first because you wont be able to make use of the geyser while still waiting for town hall to finish, so I’d recommend place your pylon in the middle of the 2 main rocks in OE to break both main rock with the first Overcharge, then break 4 gas rocks with the 2nd Overcharge. I find doing this better because both player can start their town hall asap and all it required on your part is putting the pylon down at a different spot.

I’ve been trolled myself. I don’t really check their rankings on Ladder, but I do see how many achievement points they have, and those amongst Campaign, and Coop. As far as those achievements go, they’re generally further ahead of me by 500 to few thousand points (which I don’t mind either way. I’m doing OK for someone who only plays about 6 to 35 hours per month).

A few remarks like “ffs, you suck”, “you noob”. I got whined at because I didn’t make enough units as Karax (I went towers b/c Tychus can solo missions anyways). Other cases, I do drop the ball. I’m tired, I miss something crucial. So sue me. In campaign, I mess up, I just reload save files. I adapt a similar casual attitude here as well.

I’ve had other players let me down (e.g. I ended up collecting ALL the parts in Part & Parcel). While it did cost me one Brutation bounty one time (of which they’re quite a stretch for me), I got pissed, but you take the good with bad, and you move on.

FWIW, Vorazun and Nova have auto-harvesters, so they can actually gather gas ASAP. If playing with Swann, even an empty gas building can yield gas since he can plop down Harvester Gas Drones.

Otherwise, if only one side is clear, I’ll tell my ally to go ahead and first dibs. They typically make use of that early boost better than I would. It’s not going to be catastrophic if I need few more minutes to get my expansion started.

I mean wouldn’t even consider it a flex that map is legit so easy anything works on it, that map seriously needs a difficulty revamp or something. There’s even been people to clear that map with 7-8 minutes.

I am Diamond. I quietly struggle with some brutations that others call a breeze. Can confirm what you say from my personal experiences.

Do you have the link to that wheel of misfortune video? Not to sound like I get pleasure from watching others struggle, but I want to see pros struggle through a coop game…because it gives me pleasure.