High ranking players are snobs?

one time a diamond nova took my vespene gas source without asking.
i was like “whaaaaaaaatt?”.
at least ask first right?


No I don’t man, sorry. This is a long long time ago. Perhaps even when the hated wheel first came out. Maybe someone else who may remember some key search terms can help?

While I don’t have a link to that, I have a video of several pros struggling with CoD and SoA. :stuck_out_tongue:

The coop part itself is roughly around the half of the video, but if someone wants to hear what Monk has to say about coop, I suggest watching the entire thing.


The only problem with that is that with the average random player skill level that’s a waste of a good overcharge… I’d rather use that for the train.

More on topic though I am surprised that anyone would quit over that. I play Alarak a lot and I never help my ally clearing their expansion but I’ve never had anyone complain about it or even ask me for help. If anything it kinda bothers me when an Alarak ally uses one overcharge for my expansion, that really limits Alarak’s early game capabilities.

In any case yeah probably some random jerk you shouldn’t give it much thought.

Ladder tools will be ladder tools, not anything we can do about that unfortunately.
Though it’s not something I myself experience that often, you just have to ignore it.

Personally it annoys me more when they come from ladder all arrogant and don’t realise that coop is a different game than ladder play, or just think ‘hey, it’s just coop, super EZ’.
I’ve matched up with Diamond/Master players (and a GM at one point) who had absolutely no idea what they where doing build or composition wise, and who then got really witchy with a b when I suggested they read the teamliquid guide, and perhaps don’t start Brutation from level 1.

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I do not know what was his rank but i met a player who teamkilled my base when i politely refused to get into exact details where i am from.

Some people are just cave trolls xD

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1v1 rank is irrelevant in coop - resources, maps, units, strategy are different.
and you do not have to clear rocks for your ally, it can be a nice gesture, but dont go out of your way for it.

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That is unfortunate, though I have to say that I’ve had a few periods of really crashy games. It was probably bad drivers, though I didn’t find the real cause.

As long as you’re mastery on brutal and you pull your weight I don’t care. If you’re going for trollbuilds I’ll probably quit 2. Guess that makes me a snob?:smirk:

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That’s a pity since I’ve come across quite a few playing <15 COs who’ve played really well. Why not view it as a challenge of your skills?

You seriously consider Diamond as high rank?

Dont mind the idiots out there. Block communication and forget it.

Imo Diamond is average - at best. Sure most players are in bronze and silver… so as a Diamond you are in fact playing better than most players… but the number of players worse than you is hardly a useful metric.

In my book the the step up in skill from Diamond to GM is quite a bit larger than from Bronze to Diamond.

A GM player can take on 2 Diamond players at the same time - even when they are a coordinated team with teamspeak etc.

A Diamond player would pretty much always loose to 2 bronze league heroes sending a proxy reaper each.

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Ouch. I probably wouldn’t even hit Diamond myself. Highest I got in Overwatch was Gold. XD

IF I ever get to the expansions before my teammate in a mission…I generally clear both sets of rocks or at least chip in on theirs before chasing objectives/intercepting incoming enemy attacks. That is pretty rare though. I’m quite slow.


I’ve had 2 cases where I left, and NOT on purpose:
1- I already started a game, went to change the screen resolution to something higher. When I left the main menu, I accidently clicked on “Exit Game” instead of the “Return To Game” button! Should’ve just pressed Esc on the keyboard

2- The internet went out in the middle of a game. I was playing in a video game lounge. Other people were also complaining or generally making noise on why they got booted out of their games.

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Just a few days ago I had one guy that kept saying hello and insisted that I said hello back, I wrote glhf, but that wasn’t good enough for him and he ended up griefing and trying to attack my CC.
Like the guy you came across, he was pretty obviously looking for an excuse.

He blathered in a somewhat mangled speech about “unrespectful kids” who don’t say hello, and apparently could use lessons in both English as well as not being an a-hole. :slight_smile:
He had more than a dozen matches in a row that were lost within minutes in his history, so I expect he wasted at least an hour griefing people that afternoon in brutation.
Just out of curiosity I checked some of his other matches, and funnily enough he hadn’t won a single mutation that I could see, and all the normal matches I checked where he won he was carried heavily despite being Mastery 600-something and having 7k games under his belt.
I guess it’s just one of those people who prefer blaming others for their inadequacies rather than actually try improving.


Here’s two videos with pros, it was from Blizzcon in 2016 so in the really early days for coop, and quite nostalgic for more than one reason.
game 1 StarCraft Blizzcon Co-op Impossible Custom Mutation 10 Mutators! - YouTube
game 2 StarCraft Blizzcon Co-op Impossible Custom Mutation 10 Mutators! Game 2 - YouTube

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Haha, yeah I know what you mean. You can clearly see they haven’t worked out the ideal opening strats or got their masteries sorted, but it’s fun to watch. :slight_smile:

From my experience, I have been finding those exact people the OP mentioned when I log in late at night (3AM-6AM PDT) and they happen to be from EU or Korea. As soon as they start getting mouthy with me for any dumb reason I just leave cus I know it is eventually going to lead to them trolling me.

If you have any kind of ranking system, people will assume that doing well on that ranking makes them better than people below them on it.

It’s basic human behavior and it’s not limited to Starcraft Co-op. Some people just need to feel like there’s someone else below them, and the ranking system gives them the tools to quantify who.

i guess your best bet would be writing the blizzard support directly.
a builtin report functionality out of the game itself is unknown to me.

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