Having 110 IQ midwits praising you is not an accomplishment. Reddit is the bastion of mediocrity and conformity, you really shouldn’t be proud of anything said to you there.
I didn’t say it was. I was just contrasting the highly neurotic and borderline psychotic nature of posters on these boards. On Reddit I get thank you’s and compliments all the time. Of course I get the occasional nut case that goes off the rails from losing a debate in a horrible fashion. However the overwhelming majority is quite positive. These forums would invent a psychotic, conspiratorial narrative of how you are cleverly entrapping them to make them look stupid rather than just admitting they were wrong on a couple points. First of all, admitting you are wrong does not make you stupid it’s actually quite smart to do. Secondly, avoiding any of the substance of the argument and going off the rails coo-coo has the opposite effect of what you are intending. So yes these boards are absolutely insane. The people here are truly insane and quite probably have severe anxiety problems bare minimum maybe even full blown schizophrenia.
It’s so rich coming from you. Now, consider the possibility that someone thinks that he thinks he is right ALLWAYS…
Yeah this really shows how difficult it is to not die to terran. Terran has very effective harass and push options. Lol…
I just remembered about this.
h ttps://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/ASUS_ROG/2021/Fall/Qualifiers/Korea
Serral got dumpstered when he had to play with the same disadvantage Maru had, whereas Maru still beat the best EU Protoss 3-0 when it mattered. As other people have also said here, ping hurts Terran far more than it hurts Zerg.
what hard work reard … need 20 apm to GM whit toss ape race thats why game is death and rertrdl like harstem, or otheer play whit coreand
if balance remeber star crraft brood war what hapen whiot eu reatards ape
I read that in the Simpsons Comic Shop owner voice.
Blah blah dead game blah blah
I have real business to attend to. I have a date with a smoking hot ballerina that asked me out. I don’t know what is up with all these crazy chicks breaking stereotypical gender roles but they just come crawling out of the woodwork just to say hi. I was at a dinner party and saw her off in the corner all alone and glancing my way. She was all red faced all the time and kept looking away. I assume it’s just coincidence though. She walks up to me with this austere posture from learning all the ballerina prose. I thought I was about to be told off. I can be pretty obnoxious some times. Oh boy was I surprised. We hit it right off since I did so much ballroom in school. I told her about the time I did a dance routine in front of a crowd while wearing a giant wig and how pissed off the ballroom team was with me. They kicked me out of it the next year from all the complains. Darn commies trying to make me wear something I don’t want to. Anyway I need to make a bold statement. I am thinking burgundy with a blue:
This shirt shimmers in the sunlight or so I am told from the numerous compliments I get. It was fitted before the pandemic. I’ve lost about 20 lbs of muscle mass since then so I didn’t know how well it would fit. Those dirty commies closed down the gyms in my state. Don’t worry, I had plenty to spare. It fits perfectly like I had it fitted yesterday. Not bad for 60 bucks. I think I will pair it with “Nautica” just because that’s the video game I am playing through right now. You see, I just got the “Prawn” suit and am stuck in a volcano pit with a leviathan swimming above me and a low water bar and 1200 meters below the surface. I wasn’t able to sleep all night as my brain was planning the best strategy to escape. I am going to detail to her the immense intricacies of every option and which I ultimately decided to use to escape. It’s going to be a full run down. She will think I majored in sea diving from Harvard. Call me professor because class is in session. I will put the cologne on as bait. She will have no idea what trap she just stepped into when she asks what cologne I am wearing. You know, when things get up close.
Some people will drink half ounce of scotch to ease up on the nerves a little bit. I’ve never been a scotch guy. I think I will settle for a couple Tylenol. It works about the same while keeping your wits as sharp as ever. Usually I don’t get nervous but you have to understand just how insanely hot this chick is. My god I’ve never seen a more beautifully shaped face.
I have a buddy who fought in the war in Syria and lost a friend in combat. I have a buddy who took his own life from PTSD after serving in Afghanistan. I have another buddy who served in VietnAAAAM who will jump if you say something from behind him. These 60iq internet manlets, created from hormone altering chemicals added to processed foods in the west who go around crying about how “words are violence” and “compliments are hate speech”, need to get out of their mother’s basement and hit the gym. Just stop eating so much soy geese freakin’ louise.
The idea that a compliment is hate speech because it could be interpreted with a sarcastic inflection which actually makes it an insult and therefore should be banned is pure lunacy. Put on your big boy pants, internet weebs. Even if it is sarcastic you will survive. It’s a video game for crying out loud. You need to have some real world adventures to re-calibrate your brain so that the part of it that identifies threats doesn’t go ballistic on some internet sarcasm.
The way people react to tweets these days you’d think a missile just blew up their Grandmother’s house and killed half of their relatives.
Many years ago I sat at a table with few other dudes, we were international and the waitress wrote her phone digits to me and others were like: How did you do it?? Im like I have no idea lol am I a magnet… but nah bragging like that isnt very good. Not on a gaming forum. does not look well from the side
It’s a battle of numbers mostly. Even if you have a 0.01% chance of catching a woman’s interest you can go to loads of events and it’s just the law of averages at that point. You will get someone eventually. Your looks don’t matter nearly as much as being clean and dressed well with the ability to make eye contact. That’s seriously 95% of the battle. Then you need loads of interesting things to talk about. If you sit in your mother’s basement you won’t have much to hold a conversation with. You need hobbies and lots of them. You gotta go mainstream, bro. You have to do what all trends are doing. Then it’s easy as pie to have common ground with just about anyone.
I find it helps to buy lots of iconic t shirts. They are great conversation starters. I have tons of Metallica t shirts, ac dc t shirts, etc. It gives them an easy way to start a conversation. You see, I got this down to a science. Those ladies don’t stand a chance.
Haters gonna hate. I can’t change that. I brag everywhere I go. If I had a spirit animal, it would be this truck:
Batzy intelligence level.
A truck aint no animal .
Hey listen now it has feelings. Insult it one more time and I won’t take you for any more rides. A truck can tell when a passenger isn’t high testosterone.
Okokok, here you have it. Officially my first and only like.
Since we are gonna play the bragging game: because I am not american but I know they often make the move too, I wonder if they would be easier target. But im not interested in super sized new yorkers… frankly I’ve seen nice ones in college but im far from these years now. I’ve been complimented by people from different parts of the world even most recently.
I dont think it’s always the looks, I know the proper hair style and maybe some trending clothes will attract SOME but probably im not looking for those ones. Im not like some dude on youtube that tells he’s wearing Tik Tok casual, im like what?? An outfit based on an app!? No thanks
I dont wanna talk much about me here when there is some stalker taking notes of my personality for future, I mean a protoss poster
Yeah land whales will bust a knee walking down a street (no joke) then cry about capitalism / bad health care on twitter with a profile pic that has pink hair. Sorry girl the state can’t save you from basic biology if you overeat and don’t exercise you can bust your knee by walking down the street and that ain’t nobody’s fault except your parents who did you a great disservice raising you the way they did.
The ironic thing is that the more iconic and unique you try to be the more you blend into the crowd of people doing the same. There was once an article written about how “all hipsters look the same”. An angry Instagram hipster sent them emails because they had used his photos without his permission. Except, they weren’t his photos.
You know what, you deserve a thing or two to be proud of as does everyone else. There is no shame in having pride. The modern ultra submissive liberal attitude of misandry, that demonizes every masculine attribute in existence, is for the birds. I have no shame to give to those people they can cry me a river on twitter all day long for all I care. GIGApecsflex.jpg
Im terribly individualistic and I absolutely hate being like in a herd doing the same as others looking the same as others just because they do, unless ofc I like it too. There’s even a fashion brand which motto is all about caring how you what others think. In west world this is more okay but there are still idiots probably remnant from socialism/communism where they are still living in the past and decide they should choose how someone else should live, else they mock at such etc.
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