Guess who wins the game - creep spread edition

You didn’t, you attacked it later and failed.

Thanks for admitting that you’ve got nothing. You are saying the zerg is bad while the zerg played flawless and you can’t find even a single mistake that he made. Meanwhile you excuse the tremendously awful play from the terran.

You have a case of EXTREME bias.

Your ability to trade inefficiently is based on your relative economic strengths. If you have the stronger economy, you have less need to trade efficiently.

Having said that, you need to actually be doing SOME damage to them to win this way. You cant just trash your units over and over again with no gain at all.

If it was flawless, you had to win, as you said

Nope. Completely wrong. The only time it is OK to trade inefficiently is when you can end the game. If the game prolongs, efficiency is all that matters. Having no clue how Starcraft’s economy works != a valid argument.

Ah, I see, the man who cant play a ZvT macro game to save his life is now going to lecture people on the correct way to play ZvT macro.

You’ve pretty thoroughly disproven any idea that you might be an authority on this matchup.

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  • Is grandmaster.
  • Beats a top grandmaster terran in a macro game.
  • Can explain the intricate details of how ZvT works.
  • Is accused of being unable to play a macro game even to save his life.

When your argument is based on fact-denial, it’s time to get a new argument.

He is hiding his profile and builds because he is preparing to play on the next GSL,all of this is a distraction.

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If you ever bothered to back up your claims with a replay, I might be inclined to take you more seriously. As it is, everything you give us is so cherry picked it might as well come with a label warning people not to treat it as actual data.

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Oh please. You can’t even get basic facts correct about the video. You don’t need nor are interested in a replay except to dox me.

You’ve confused cause and effect here batz. You don’t give us an accurate picture, ever, so nobody trusts you or cares about what you post.

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You are not important enough to be doxx worthy.

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The fact that you would rather gouge your own eyes out than see a video that proves you wrong is your fault, not mine.

The video proves nothing because you cherry pick and hide what you show us so much that its basically no different from a completely doctored video. You don’t have the benefit of the doubt here batz, you’ve been so completely dishonest for so long that nothing short of raw, unmodified and unfiltered data will ever be trusted from you.

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Because it proves you wrong and you reject that. You can’t be wrong. It doesn’t matter what the facts say. If the facts say you are wrong, then the facts are wrong and you need new facts (hence the replay).

You need to bring some facts to the table before you can start accusing people of ignoring them.


The hypocrisy of your statement is simultaneously astounding yet not considering it’s coming fron you. You can literally see a video of something happening yet deny that it happened and will deny that you are denying it too, all while blaming the guy who recorded the video as if he did something wrong. Lmao.

Yes batz, you are in fact doing something wrong when you go out of your way to hide information. Your video is worse than worthless.

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just wanna mention, that 5,4k vs 5,7k is nowhere near “high” grandmaster lol. on eu, this wouldnt even be a gm game xD

5.7 is top 50 gm. If terran weren’t overpowered I’d be 6k mmr given that’s the class of players I beat in ZvZ and ZvP which is top 16. Currently my account is 5.6k which is GM in EU.