Going nuclear mutator question

Do the nukes directly target units? Or do they fall at random distances around the units? Or completely randomly around the map?

Nope, RNG. But often enough to give you the impression that it’s targeting units.

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Each {7/5/3/2} seconds a nuke randomly drops on the map.
Nukes avoid Mutator Safety Zones.
Nukes won’t drop if there are no player units in 50 radius.

H&H’s mag-mines and stetmann’s stetellites count as player units. If you put them everywhere the nukes almost completely disappear.

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Like hell they ignore safety zones. I have run the mutation like 10 times and each time I lost workers in the mineral line of my main.

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That is inaccurate. They do hit the mineral lines, but on infrequent occasions. It’s not as if they drop on the entire mineral line.

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They do avoid safety zones seeing they don’t target inside them. Its more that the calulations that keep them away needs tweeking so that the outer most aoe doenst clip the safety zones.

They do respect them, in that they don’t target inside of the area. Problem is that only applies to the center of the blast, the aoe is too large for the safe zones set.

That’s why only hit certain parts of the mineral line as well.

Nukes, and lava burts, they actually spawn only within a certain distance of your units, so you can say they target the units, but if they spawn right on top or at 20 distance is rng.

Indeed. In the case of the nukes, random within 50 range of a unit, which is fairly huge. For reference, about the diameter of the main base:

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So topic is solved really. It is random (not that I expected it any differently).

Yeah. I asked it for one of the regulars here who didn’t believe it was random. They were quite sure all nukes directly target units, and was REALLY… adamant …about it. So this was specifically for them.

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Random within 50 range of units is not very random tho.

Haha, fair enough but topic solved I suppose either way.

That can be 2 screens away in any direction from any player’s unit

In another topic, I posted what I could find in the editor about that: Fix This Weekly Mutation! - #23 by Undead-2724

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