GJ balance team

Blizzard should just hand over the trophy to Serral right now. This game has become a complete joke, thank you balance team. It is not fun to play or watch the game.


VoidSeeker should change his name to AttentionSeeker.

Let’s not resort to hyperbole and see how the changes work before whining about it, right? There are so many who already made good points about how the Infestor change won’t necessarily impact the game as much as you’d think, just read them. Examples include how Infestors are still somewhat vulnerable to splash damage but cost twice, Protoss still has tools like Disruptors and Tempests to deal with range 10 Lurkers, etc., and how the -1 range to Neural Parasite might make it more difficult for Infestors to control stuff, especially if you zone them right with Liberators, tanks, High Templars’ feedback, Ghosts’ EMP, etc.


Isn’t it already like that?

Sorry but I see only nerfs for Zerg. Yes IT has more dmg and hp, but they will never spawn. Doubling an energy requirement is a huge nerf, yes once Festors are out for 5+ minutes, its fine for Zerg, can trade energy… but It makes Infestors brutally vulnerable! Not mentioned a Neural range! Inferstors are super weak for theyr cost, and they are prioritized in fight!

where is logic? summon IT for 50 energy but more stronger, it is nerf? nerf=same damage for 50 energy, it is nerf. Buff damage, buff upgrade scaling, and buff energy cost for this, it is not nerf, dude, what about ur logic, be serious.
Go calculate together

  • The Infested Terran’s Gauss Rifle damage increased from 6 to 12.
  • The Infested Terran’s Infested Rockets damage increased from 14 to 24.
  • Infested Rockets now gain +2 per ranged weapon upgrade, up from +1.
  • Infested Rockets attack period decreased from 1.14 to 0.95.
  1. Before patch
    Gauss Rifle damage - 6 with +1 scale, 0.61 cooldown or 1.639 attack speed, dps - 9.836 without upgrades and 14.751 with +3 upgrades.
    Infested Rockets damage - 14 with +1 scale, 1.14 cooldown or 0.877 attack speed, dps - 12.278 without upgrades and 14.909 with +3 upgrades.
  2. After patch
    Gauss Rifle damage - 12 with +1 scale, 0.61 cooldown or 1.639 attack speed, dps - 19.668 without upgrades and 24.585 with +3 upgrades.
    Infested Rockets damage - 24 with +2 scale, 0.95 cooldown or 1.052 attack speed, dps - 25.248 without upgrades and 31.56 with +3 upgrades.
    ground damage 14.751 vs 19.668 - ok there lost some damage with +3 upgrades, but who will use IT for ground fights? Lets see what about air damage.
    air damage 14.909 vs 31.56 - WOW, unbelievable, even more than x2 damage, awesome nerf) for example thor dps is 30.4 with +3 upgrades vs non-massive air units, so IT have even more than thor, LOL.
    Where your argumentation man?

stopped reading there. since you dont even understand, how doubling the energy cost is a nerf, ill explain that for you.

In a perfect world, you want to kill every IT egg, before the IT spawns, to prevent dmg. that means, that your dps has to be high enough. since toss units shooting relatively slow, the answer atm are aoe dmg things like disruptor, colossi or storm.

by doubling the energy cost of every IT, there will be only the half amount of eggs spammed (thats a fact), so your dps to kill those eggs to prevent dmg has to be just half the dps, it has to be now. that minor egg hp buff doesnt play a big role there, if you compare it to the overal egg hp nerf. as a result, IT will much more likely be killed in egg status. atleast in open fights. harrass IT will become much stronger, since they dont need just half the space also, what makes them more usefull in harrass situations (sniping a nexus/cc f.e.). but in direct fights against every kind of army, they will be weaker.

so EVERYONE, who claims, that the infestor change isnt a nerf, doesnt understand this game. not surprisingly, many guys in here only see the “double dmg buff” and close their eyes (and their intelligence it seems) to the energy nerf.

ps: the OP is kinda right, you can allrdy give the trophy to serral OR dark. but that has nothing to do with their races. thats simply because both are atm in absolute monster state. dark is toying with literally everyone atm, just like serral. atm, there is NOONE on the same skill lvl. but whiners gonna whine i guess.


Exactly. Its a huge nerf to Infestors! No matter how much dps IT has… in this small number they will never spawn! Also a fresh Infestor can throw only 1 IT is a huge nerf… Only 1 buff is there - no research for Neural.

Im gonna have to agree with what beastyqt said regardning IT.
It doesnt mather how weak the unit is, even if its useless it shouldnt be in the game.
Making free units (yes it costs energy but as long as zerg is making 30-40 of them every late game energy isnt an issue) and then having energy trade with actual limited resources is always going to favor the energy user as long as this strategy is viable.
Blizzard should never have made zerg rely on infestor terrans for anti air and rather redesign the infestor so its not massable and a end all be all answer to anything lategame, then redesign something in zerg arsenal so they can use actualy army units against other army units and rely on spell casters for support and not core units like every race.
Just consider for a seccond how terrible gameplaywise the idea was when raven ghost insta killed entire zerg armies for nothing but energy, its the same idea (yes it was stronger but thats not important when comparing killing armies for energy), they didnt just nerf ravens so the playstyle was weaker they removed the strategy entirely wich is what should have happened to infested terrans.
Imagine how mutch better the game would be for all participants (especielly the recievers) would be if one side didnt rely on energy units to fight actual units.

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There is no other option to fight Air units! Corruptors trade badly and thats it… Hydra? Queen? Mutalisk?? Zerg is missing 1 air unit. I agree only with 1 thing about IT and its about dmg… 24 is too much. 20 (+2) is enough

the patch hits after blizzcon fyi, these patch notes will not effect these games.

serral will probably win regardless :stuck_out_tongue:


Zergs got only buffs LOL, how can you even argue that?
Nueral range got 1 less range, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER UNIT that should counter it. They should’ve decreased it by 2. AND MADE IT WITHOUT RESEARCH.

Infested terrans got INSANE buff. they cost twice, and deal way more than twice the damage. Really way too much damage, and since they’re stronger you get more concentrated damage so your IT concave will now decimate anything even faster.
So by no means the infestor is “more vulnerable”, it’s the other way around it’s way stronger now.
And nerfing P so hard will make all-ins against zerg even worse, which leads zerg even more confortably to the winning stage.

This patch is ridiculous. It needs to be voiced out.

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Do you have problems with reading comprehension? The US education system has to suck, really…
You were explained above why it is a nerf. Try to think about it for a moment.

These forums’ve been getting worse and worse day by day.


Sure go for insults. I re-read above and saw mainly agreement on it being a buff. Please do enlighten me. If you’re referencing the killing before they hatch, it’s completely nonsense. Watch any GSL game show me ONCE where the zerg have let that happen.

Are you serious? Have you even read this thread? It is not that long… Here you go, for example: GJ balance team - #6 by Dalai-21357

“Terran players are the only ones that whine on the forums”

toss player really stepped up their game in that regard lol.

And none of them are actually testing the changes too.

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If I offer you a poop sandwich , do you have to eat half of it first to draw valid conclusions?

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Not a valid comparison. Poop is a waste product to humans, not food.

This is more like increasing the salt content of potato chips in exchange for slightly reducing the oils or sugars; or more accurately, cutting potato chips to be twice as thick with more salt, but adding slightly less oil to them.

Do the new chips taste better? Maybe, but that depends on a number of factors including the tastes of the person who is eating them. Most people would have to taste a few of the potato chips first before they could decide which they like better–Even that preference may depend on a number of factors, such as how hydrated the person currently is or what other foods they have eaten recently.

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And none of them are actually testing the changes too.

Dude, no Protoss is going to want to play on this patch, it’s obviously a nerf Protoss and buff Zerg patch. If you’re too lazy to do the math, just look at their reasoning; it’s either horrible logic or completely emotionally driven: we feel the frustration caused by barely not catching Observers did not make up for the benefits of the speed increase. WHO’s observer got away? I hope that one ladder game was worth it.

You’re out of your mind if you think a double gated shield upgrade for adepts or a throwback upgrade to WoL voids which doesn’t even bring the void up to WoL standards in the face of all these nerfs is going to draw people in to play this disaster before they are forced to.

People saying 50 energy for IT is a huge nerf has never played against a Zerg who could macro, LUL lets just give it THOR DPS. No buff at all.