IT’s were in fact nerfed. Less on the field, less Infestor energy for other spells and easier to deal with.
Wrong, they were buffed. More than double DPS, 50% extra health. Infesters aren’t currently draining their whole energy pools on infested Terrans. Why are all the Zerg players pretending like people don’t regularly make upwards of 16 infester in the late game? Or that they can’t simply space out their now WAY STRONGER IT so that it takes multiple storms, disruptors, w/e to cancel them? BIAS.
Have fun in the engagement, broodlords chipping away free damage, 2 lines of infestors walk up, 2 fungals on your army and rapidfire out 59 mini thors with the damage density of marines.
BuT tHeRe WiLl Be HaLf As MaNy DuE tO dOuBlE eNeRgY cOsT.
You haven’t played vs late game Zerg after the patch have you?. Broodlords are easier to fight and Infestors are easier to fight.
You are clearly married to the infestor buffs, so there’s no point in debating it. IT are twice as good, at least. But hey a 20 shield buff behind an upgrade is totally just as good as doubling the damage of a free unit, so everyone will be happy.
Actually play late game as Zerg now. The IT’s might be stronger, but that is because you have 50% less of them on the field and your infestors are all drained out of energy for other spells because you used IT’s.
8 range NP makes your infestors have to get in danger more.
80/80 Adepts are good against Bio when the ghost counts are low.
Serral lost his first big tournament in years, thanks to the counsel, which was you main objection in this thread. Suddenly you’ve flip flopped your logic.
At least the Blizzard balance team didn’t come up with this level of BS. I can now live with the fact that Zerg or Terran winning every major tournaments, but I can’t find the energy to continue playing this game when a 3-rax or roach/ravager push is an auto win.
High skill toss is definitely being buffed on this patch. Like I was saying to someone else, stargate into blink is going to demolish all matchups with the new energy ability because it drastically increases the number of stasis traps a protoss can work with.
I respect your opinion, but we have to wait to see how the changes turn out. Personally I think early defense for protoss will be problematic with the battery overcharge gone.
Already lots of games streamed and put in vods on youtube. Oracles practically pop out of the stargate with 3x the energy. This means stasis wards littering the map. The opponent can’t watch his army at all times so they are bound to get caught in them. When they do, it’s free pickings for blink stalkers.
Stalker disruptor oracle is going to be the go to unit comp of every matchup but most especially PvP where disruptors deal double damage.
Stargate openers are amazing because you use the oracles to tag the production as well as the medivacs. There is also the off chance that you just find a mineral line not protected and get some worker kills. Opening with 6-8 stalkers can one shot marines which hard counters stimless move outs because you can kite and whittle his army down as it crosses the map. To beat stim pushes you have to have blink, and the oracle greatly aids vs both kinds of pushes. There are multiprong and frontal pushes. Frontal pushes are vulnerable to being trapped in a stasis ward. Multiprong are vulnerable to being tagged and then blinked on (to kill the medivacs or tanks). So yes I think stargate into blink into disruptors will be the new way protoss play out most matchups, but especially PvP because the disruptor deals double damage.
Blink and stasis combo really well in particular because the way to beat the stalker blink back micro is to target stalkers at the back of the group which requires stimming forward but they they get caught in a stasis trap. So stasis greatly improves the efficiency of blink play. Usually it forces the terran to disengage, cede territory, turtle and counter attack. But that’s when you start tagging the medivacs so you know where his drops go.