Its ok someday you might learn how to play like everyone instead of expecting everyone else to change the game to suit your preferences.
Protip, cannons can easily be destroyed before construction, and if you let someone “rush” you with cannons, youre simply being lazy by not looking RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR OWN BASE, and the world is not going to change because you are lazy.
Because of LotV escalated economy, Cannon Rushing turned to be broken as it is unscoutable and scales way too quickly.
This has got to be the most nonsense argument for keeping cannon rushes broken that I’ve ever seen lol. I mean really think about what he’s saying here: the reason people die to cannon rushes is that they are just too lazy to look for them… Has this guy never seen a competent cannon rusher at work? Does he not know you can get GM with cannon rushes every game?
Not even getting to GM, Cannon Rush can consistently beat pros and there is no way to scout it. Watched GrimReaper and printf streams the other day and they beat pros quite often even when they know its a Cannon Rush.
do iiit now must be at least 20characters to post
Definitely needs a nerf. Amazes me how the developers haven’t fixed this by now.
5.6k mmr GM protoss dying to mass queens:
Yes, there are protoss who by some miracle made it into GM while having no clue how to defend some of the worst rushes known to mankind - “lets mass expand with only a couple of void rays while a crapload of queens slow march across the map.” Absolutely zero game sense - he just spammed void rays to GM.
Omg. Slammer is you? Man, I always beat that guy. I insta leave way too many games to care these days. Any monkey can beat that strat if they mass expand.
Must be nice to have a 5% win rate. Just ignore the other 95%. Should get tournaments to adopt your philosophy. Next GSL champ the Batz. Went 4 and a billion to take home the trophy. During interview, thebatz s talks everyone and gloats over his win rate.
Does it say tehbatz = slammer? No? Ok then.
Maybe you do but the fact remains you got to GM while having no clue how to defend a slow queen push across the map. Absolutely nobody in GM would die to such a strategy except you. The day you can get GM without massing void rays is the day I will eat a shoe.
Well, pros are also somewhat complacent and die a LOT to well executed cheese because they’re focusing on tightening their timings and general reactions in the mid to late game while doing generic, braindead cookie cutter builds.
So when, for example, a Protoss player does FFE in PvZ, putting down 2 cannons at the Zerg nat, timing the construction so the cannons finish after the Hatchery, they usually freak out and do something dumb. Like go Ravagers or rush a Nydus, both of which auto lose to a safety Void Ray+a shield battery.
Cannon rush is literally the easiest thing to defend…
Why? Its still the most reliable counter protoss has to BL/infestor/viper.
people at your MMR don’t have the first clue on how to CR.
yeah man cannon rush is only for bronzers thats why stats does it when theyre up maps in a bo5 or bo7
Every competent Protoss pro mixes a Cannon Rush in a Bo5 and even two maps in Bo7.
Is it just me or does the meta have WAY too much cheese right now? Like I remember early lotv when proxies were pretty rare until byun came around. But now it feels like everyone is byun, like a 1/4 chance of cheese every game. And theres no timing attacks anymore either it feels like. Either macro to lategame or cheese.
Definitely does man, Protoss dont want to face Zerg late game, Terran dont want to face Protoss late game and the cycle just repeats.
It depends on whether or not the maps allow for it and there are some very specific criteria. There has to be a spot where you can neatly tuck your buildings away to keep a cannon safe from a drone pull and from there you have to have a way to control the main ramp As well as a way to get up onto The High Ground. If these criteria are not met, you cannot cannon rush.
Stats vs dark is a fantastic example. Stats had a place to tuck buildings away. He had a way to get the highground. He did not have control of the naturals ramp and he lost because of it.
Want to know the funny part? There’s a specific build which poops all over Protoss, cheese or not early game without gimping your economy too much.
All you need to do is
12 pool
13 drone
14 drone
14 Hatchery
13 Extractor
12 Extractor
12 Build 6 zerglings and rally them to the Protoss base
12 cancel both extractors
15 Hatchery
From there you macro as you use the 6 lings to force zealot production, probe pulls and snipe pylons. Generally just be a PITA and never commit more zerglings unless you smell blood in the water, then you might as well use your 3 bases and no queens to spam lings.
Counters any Protoss rush or cheese and countes protoss macro play.
They have to turtle up which means you get to take the map so fast that the Protoss player can’t ever hope to catch up unless they go for 1 base DTs…which doesn’t work if you macro well.
In 3 seasons vs high diamond and low masters
I’ve lost 1 game doing this. 99% win rate in ZvP.