Game Speed is too Fast

I’m down. Let’s go boi. IMAQT#21234
I’ll show you the speed of stupidity.

If an expert can lose this game to a noob like me in under 3 minutes because of units attack moving into his base, it’s not RTS. An expert at a real RTS would never lose to a noob like me… Ever…

You think I’m an expert? Aww that’s the 3rd nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Now let’s play.

Yes, the game should be played on normal speed. This game barely has any on-the-fly strategy in it (other than positioning) because of how fast the battles are. It is all mechanical. Which is a shame, because it has so much potential.

Its good, even great, but it could be frigging amazing.

Game is more fun IMO

Faster paced, which attracts more players as slow games don’t thrive

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For me it’s been difficult to have fun because of the speed needed to win.
Why not make it more simple and use 1:1 ratio?

Adrenaline drives us all

It can be solved with a vote for speed before the game start.

Literally everyone likes the faster economy and speed in LotV

You don’t need to think that much to get to diamond in sc2. If the game is too fast paced to think, just improve mechanics

It isn’t like that, and I’m not sure why you think that. Please explain why you think this.

I will vote slowest speed everytime i try and force my opponents to quit as I switch to terran and build nothing but tanks and memes. When the BCs finally arrive, they will rue the day they ever decided that the game speed should be put to a vote.

I don’t know if there exist any other RTS where your units disappear this fast. If you turn off the “get good” and “this is how SC2 is played” parts of your brain, and look at the game with fresh eyes, I am sure most of you would see that this is too fast for human brain.

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I am only a campaign noob but I agree, game speed is awful. It makes this game some sort of speed over strategy game and its not fun for most people. Almost like a racing game or something. No wonder campaign feels more strategic.


Please have a look at my proposal regarding this: Additional separate ladder on normal game speed