Game Freezing on Arcade Tab

I started the game w/o logging in on Bnet, then went to EU region, and logged in after pressing play. Started a new ID, and played just fine on the EU server. Like you, just setting my original acct to EU region did not help.

ah I see I’ll give it a try. Thanks!

I appreciate the article. Thank you!

I’m having the same issue whenever I go to the arcade tab. The game locks right up.

these bozos added AI worrired about “alt-right gamers” instead of doing their job and protecting us from exploits. Your bad code and development shows. I gotta re-route my router with customer commands to not lock up. What a joke.

Just an update to the work arounds.

An extra step can be done to avoid both freezing and force-closing at the end of custom games.

Once a game lobby is open, minimize it and change to Campaign mode. Then click “Return to Lobby” in the bottom left of the screen. After that, just fill the lobby and play normally. When the game is done, it will return to the Campaign UI instead of the Lobbies UI. Thus no force-close and no freeze.

Why is there still no hotfix?

Hey folks,

I posted a work-around guide over in General Discussion. This can be used while the freezing issues persist.

Bump. It’s specific people doing that once again.

And since hyperlinks doesn’t work for me… go look at the picture at
ibb . co/KWZWJJR

This time around, I hope this goes higher up for people to take actions.

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Workaround functions. But the problem just shouldn’t exist.

Get it fixed.


me too , it maybe a hacked map or malicious exploit.
it the 2er time happen to me now.
if i wait ~10 min the tab unfreeze, but after it freeze in game.
Last time it was fixed after ~24h.

if you look in arcade after 10min you have weird map in the list with hacker troll like “we are back mouahahah”

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Still down, General Chat believes someone has webhooked a map and has bugged the entire arcade tab. Basically DDOSing a whole tab of the game. Can we get a support team on this?


I am now having the same issue on the NA servers. But according to the forums this goes back weeks… and still hasn’t been fixed?



I FREEZE WHEN I CLICK ON THE CUSTOM TAB - YOU CAN ctrl+alt+del and signout to close sc2 BUT IT STILL FREEZES - repaired - uninstalled - scnddsk evrything ok - update graphics drivers etc and nothing

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here screen shot of map name exploit, there are just kids troll

I just reinstalled the game 3 times thinking my hard drives were the problem or something. Damn. Please fix this

Amazing how some kids can take down blizzard. I haven’t been able to play for a few days now

Arcade Mode still freezing all screen. I cant play. Fix it. that are 4 time in one month.

Hey all,

Give the Arcade a try. Looks to be cleaned up.

Now it’s the whole lobby system not creating any lobbies…

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