Frequent Disconnects after last patch



I have same problem, remaining stuck in the game or in the window of game ,happened also :frowning: .

Is this the server IP " "cause when i put RUN and ping in this one , i have like 300 ms there , playin from UAE on EU server.

Best regards


If you are playing on the EU servers you would use one of these IPs:

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
www.routerlogin. com - 0 1849 1849 0 0 35 0 - 0 1849 1849 5 22 258 15
be62.lxtnky3701h.midwest.rr. com - 0 1849 1849 7 23 263 17
be26.lsvqkydb01r.midwest.rr. com - 0 1849 1849 14 31 282 15
be24.clevohek01r.midwest.rr. com - 1 1845 1844 25 43 298 36
bu-ether17.vinnva0510w-bcr00.tbone.rr. com - 0 1849 1849 33 51 301 53 - 1 1841 1839 34 51 298 47 - 1 1841 1839 31 48 285 51 - 1 1841 1839 33 51 285 36
ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976. net - 0 1849 1849 40 57 294 52
et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976. net - 1 1791 1779 39 76 4737 42
be1-pe01-eqch2.as57976. net - 0 1849 1849 39 55 292 46
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-02.as57976. net - 0 1849 1849 39 57 295 51 - 0 1849 1849 39 57 296 55
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

now with the updated tool, played 5 games, disconnected from four

Hey there Ragnarokette,

The MTR test looks pretty clean, no sign of packet loss in the test data. This suggests that, if a disconnect in the game did happen while this test was running, the cause would be related to software or security settings that affect the game and the test data differently.

First, check the PC for “Quality of Service” type software such as SmartByte, Killer, and Alienware Command Center (some networking features).

Might also be a good idea to login to the router to check for any settings that changes network traffic in any way.

The last thing to do would be a temporary uninstall of any third party security software as a test to rule them out as a possible cause of the issue.

I’m playing on a mac, and at the end of each co-op mission I complete, once I click end match, I am automatically booted from the game and have to reload.

*When I got home today (16 Aug 2019)from work there was a patch that loaded and since then I have not gotten booted from the co-op matchs!

i have the same problem last update

same here, MacOS 10.14

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
www.routerlogin. com - 0 2162 2162 0 0 12 0 - 0 2162 2162 8 21 235 73
be62.lxtnky3701h.midwest.rr. com - 0 2162 2162 9 21 234 76
be26.lsvqkydb01r.midwest.rr. com - 0 2162 2162 14 30 283 31
be24.clevohek01r.midwest.rr. com - 0 2162 2162 25 41 407 30
bu-ether17.vinnva0510w-bcr00.tbone.rr. com - 0 2162 2162 33 50 350 68 - 1 2158 2157 34 50 261 41 - 0 2162 2162 33 47 263 59 - 0 2162 2162 33 51 321 57
ae1-br01-eqdc2.as57976. net - 0 2162 2162 40 56 348 70
et-0-0-2-br01-eqch2.as57976. net - 2 2013 1981 40 84 4825 69
be1-pe01-eqch2.as57976. net - 0 2162 2162 40 53 261 101
chi-eqch2-ia-bons-02.as57976. net - 0 2162 2162 41 54 273 112 - 1 2155 2153 41 54 305 46
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Uninstalled the vpn I had but never use, made sure the netgear router I have has its QoS setting disabled as well and still getting similar results. I’m only using windows defender default settings as a firewall atm and don’t have any of the other software you listed installed. It seems like I drop a single packet and then infinitely hang on the “Attempting to reconnect” panel in game. I have left the game open on that screen and gone to make dinner before. One would think I would either reconnect or get kicked after that length of time but I came back and it was still there so I honestly have no clue.

Blizzard just keeps getting worse. They are losing users, stock value and investors are running for other venues. Lay offs of super left wing employees puts a larger burden on the good staff that is left, politics have invaded gaming and people are just sick of it. We try to keep gaming but the content gets more political, the UI/performance of the applications deteriorates further and further. This new crash problem is common since the last patch and everyone has a different recommendation to fix it even though the cause and timing of the crash is different for everyone. Play until you are frustrated and then leave the platform is the only thing that is going to happen now. Esports is dying, gaming platforms “woke” themselves out of a job and entertainment.

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Same. Look above. SC2 tech support wants people to uninstall their security software now. Why would they need that? Why would they suggest that? Why would you ever do such a thing? This platform is dying as fast as the rest of them. Play until you are frustrated and then bail. Save your money on gaming and buy ten ounce silver bars instead as the dollar gets lower and lower.

I had to put a space after the dot in .nets or I couldn’t post but I still cant connect to sc2
| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 17 | 17 | 3 | 18 | 72 | 50 |

| - 0 | 17 | 17 | 13 | 25 | 45 | 33 |

| 71-46-180-2.res.bhn. net - 0 | 17 | 17 | 13 | 23 | 57 | 51 |

| ten0-3-0-3.detr01-car2.bhn. net - 0 | 17 | 17 | 12 | 28 | 74 | 57 |

| bun103.detr01-cbr1.bhn. net - 0 | 17 | 17 | 20 | 41 | 84 | 66 |

| - 0 | 17 | 17 | 21 | 43 | 102 | 59 |

| - 0 | 17 | 17 | 21 | 45 | 103 | 75 |

| - 0 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 32 | 64 | 52 |

| ae1-br02-eqch2.as57976. net - 0 | 17 | 17 | 20 | 61 | 385 | 37 |

| be2-pe01-eqch2.as57976. net - 0 | 17 | 17 | 25 | 44 | 85 | 71 |

| - 0 | 17 | 17 | 20 | 37 | 79 | 37 |


WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

every forum post about this issue, the support person keeps saying its on our end. obviously it happened because of the last patch and its on blizzards end because we could all play just fine before the patch. I just paid for the war chest too this is b.s!

after this last patch a couple of very annoying things happened
first of all starcraft won’t automatically login to my main account when i start the game through interestingly, if i try to connect to a different region or to americas with another account, it does connect automatically
second, i get disconnected and have to login again after many of my matches

I can’t log in.

Authentication denied.

Specifically, I’m directed back to log in screen after authentication process.

It works now. Thank you for fixing it.

I get disconnected everytime i finish a game and push “Score Screen”

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Same issue here - any news on when it will be fixed, or should I just leave SC2?

same issue here, i cant even log in, my battle . net client logs in, i satrt the game but i need to enter my password and log in again but i never connects.

A post was split to a new topic: Totoro disconnects