Seems to be a minor annoyance that gets repeated after every update, but this time it’s been over a month and still can’t select the correct portrait I actually want to use so I’m starting to think it’s a browser issue of some kind now.
Hey, Vindicare! Starcraft II portraits use the portraits in-game. You should be able to click on the portrait at the top-right corner in the game, then right click again on the portrait image to “Change Portrait.” It may take a few days for the forums to update, but this should get the portrait you want to use.
If you’re having issues with selecting the portrait in-game, let us know and I would advise to report this over to #bug-report as well. If its just an issue with the forums updating, this is something that our website team will need to address. The best place to report this would be on the Support Site Feedback here.
Of course that was the first thing I tried was selecting a different one, but then I checked the forums and the selected portrait was not what was equipped.
I have the Viking portrait equipped in game. It’s the one that I’ve had equipped for over a year. Updates to the game have changed it to this portrait and I cannot get it to switch back to what I have equipped in game. This isn’t the first time that the portraits have been bugged this way after an update.
Hi Vindicare.
If I get your browser mention right, the avatar that you try to select ingame doesn’t match with the one which is displayed in your browser right ?
The one which is displayed is this one :
And I’m ready to bet the one you’ve selected for your ingame NA account is this one :
If I’m right, then that’s not related to your browser. Take a look at that thread, a possible source of your problem is explained there.
Hi Caterpepi.
I’m not sure the bugs team has taken a look yet, but I’ve found a pattern to one of the mismatched avatars bugs, and detailed the batches correspondences precisely for the website team usage in the first post (just at the top of the match-table). The thing is I’m not sure the website team is among the devs checking the bugs reports. Would it be possible to transmit the message to them ?
The technical support team only assists with technical issues such as crashes or connection issues that can be resolved through troubleshooting. On occasion, we help gather data for emerging and known issues, but we do not directly handle bug or feedback through the forums. We can only provide the resource where the problem or suggestion can be properly reported to.
In this situation for web related issues, please report this to the Support Site Feedback here.
Since this is not a technical issue, there isn’t much that technical support can do in this situation. Thank you for your report, and we greatly appreciate if you do decide to relay this forward to the appropriate forums to the folks who can take a look into this further. Since this isn’t a technical issue though, I’m going to go ahead and close this thread.