Fix This Weekly Mutation!

Interesting :slight_smile:

You mean within radius of 50, right?

Anyway, regarding the original issue - yes the nukes can hit workers mining the main base, but to me it’s never a big deal. During the first 4 minutes you can spot it and pull the workers away (unless you play and have to micro Dehaka) and later it’s not a big deal. You may lose like 4 workers over the whole game … so just make 4 workers extra :smiley: It’s probably a bug, yes, but better than losing the whole army while it’s feared, for example.

Yeah, I overslimplified the condition, there’s indeed a range of 50 specified in that case.

Linking to this article since it is in the right forums, plus it specifically talks about nukes mutation feature.

Kyrie wrong as usual. It’s why many have him already on ignore.

Sorry but as it’s been shown by the mod’s triggers, the nukes do not directly target units. And about another one of your adamant claims, nukes DO drop in on the high ground in amon’s base where the recourses are. So Utherthruthbr just called someone else wrong when it comes to the nuke mutator? Now i’ve seen it all.

Is beast responding? I have him on ignore thankfully.

Uh huh… as you post that within minutes of my post. I’m sure you do.

Not sure what UTHER is trying. He was wrong in more than one instance and insulting those who were not. I can understand he does not want to apologize or something, but if I was in his place I would at least be hiding for some time. :wink:

By the way, just played again as Fenix. And the nukes certainly target your army.

But by all means, go ahead and listen to the people that don’t even play the game. Bunch of bird brains.

Well. at least we know that you know you were wrong and are just having fun with it now! :wink:

You played the game again, yet did not notice during the game or watched the replay to see that nukes fall all over the map and not only where your army is standing? It can be seen even through the fog of war.

I guess there is a difference between playing the game, and having an idea what’s happening there.

Ideas about what’s happening:

  • Nukes must fall within a 50 distance of player units, that’s the base ESO range, so it go quite far
  • Seems like there’s always a Zeratul on those screenshots. I know his prophetic vision can trigger events like an unit, maybe it’s the same for artifacts and there’s one nearby, or there’s another weird thing belonging to a player (could be that the Void Seeker was passing through recently, or one of Karax Spear of Adun skill is unit-based and left a trace, there can be plenty of weird stuff)

Yes that’s what I have been saying.

Zeratul can see terrain from the start, but that does not count as previously explored area - i’s darker than the standard Fog of war and you can’t see nukes in the areas that haven’t been explored. That’s why I was using Amon’s vision in the replay as Amon has the whole map explored from the start.
Nukes were only falling on the western base if there were some units more to the west than the starting location. Like on the western edge of the main base island or anywhere in the west from the starting location.