Stats consistently pulled Dark apart in a way we haven’t seen any other Protoss do. He was actively consistently out on the map clearing creep and poking and prodding with a separate group of units while being elsewhere on the map with his main army. Though there were times where he was out of position for runbys, his reactions were fast enough and calculated enough that he rarely lost that pressure.
And the constant, constant presence of oracles was brilliant and brilliantly used as well. He never really lost map control while they were around, either clearing creep, tagging the army, throwing stasis wards down, anything he could use them for, really.
It felt like the Stats of old. And he looked good.
He was good, but definitely not Stats of old. His play is pretty far from it. Lots of panic mistakes. F2’s for example. It shows the ludicrous power level of protoss vs zerg right now. Stats is 6200 mmr. Dark is 6800. Stats is punching insanely high in PvZ while his PvP and PvT are drastically lower, and while making lots of mistakes like rallying tempests into spore crawlers.
That’s less of a stats being good thing and more of an professional protoss being terrible thing. Stats has surpassed other toss, amd that’s an incredibly low bar to achieve. I don’t think he’s going to beat serral in his current form. That’s where he was before military. He beat serral all the time. Surpassing other toss puts him like 1% closer to beating serral.
On a separate note, the decrease in sc2 performance for the gm/pro scene has been so stark that I’ve wondered if long covid impacts sc2 performance. Basically every gm that used to rank 6k now ranks 5.2k. It’s never been easier to get into gm. We’re seeing pro players make mistakes that would be rare for a masters 1 player to make 5 years ago. There has been a drastic decrease in the quality of sc2 pro play since around the time covid hit. Studies have confirmed that long covid can knock a whopping 7 points off a person’s iq. That’s massive. I am afraid that covid is “lead 2.0”. Lead poisoning stoles billions of iq points from humanity. The shjft in mmr values for the sc2 population is a clear indication that covid probably did the same.
So here I am watching Neuro stream. Agentsmith is commentating on world politics. Neuro has his concentration split between SC and what smith is saying, so he’s like floating money and stuff; losing games he had in the bag, right. Anyway, Agentsmith clearly knows more about american politics than most do, but his understanding of Trumpism is apparently very bad. I get the impression he watches CNN. So he’s saying Trump is a right wing authoritarian candidate who wants revenge on the institutions. Right wing authoritarians love institutional power. It’s double-think to claim he’s authoritarian if he’s attacking institutional power. Trump’s position is left wing, he’s attacking the institutional power, that’s a left wing position and it’s anti-authoritarian by definition.
People in the bureaucracy have so much power that they can do almost anything that they want to, and they can protect themselves using the administrative state / national security apparatus and, for some reason, the news/media complex obeys them. He just wants the law to be upheld so that when these powerful people break the law they are held accountable. That will severely under-cut the institutional power in america. It’s not the end of the world if a DC criminal is held responsible, yet they call him authoritarian. They try to remove him from the ballot, subverting democracy in the process, and they call him the authoritarian. Clearly he is the left wing candidate here.
Agent smith is smart enough he should realize the above, which is where the conundrum arises: why doesn’t he? Why is it that there are very knowledgeable people who appear to have such a poor understanding of trumpism? Trump is gaining popularity because he has defacto replaced the democratic party as the left wing party of america, and he’s likely to win because of it.
Neuro finishes his game and says “Register to vote. I won’t tell you who to vote for. Use your best judgement. I am not your mum & dad.” I think Neuro is a little bit more in-tune with the reality of politics in America.
Trump has directly affected the future of SC2 by the way. He noticed it isn’t effective to use bombs to solve the issue in the middle east. So he said, “Why not conquer the middle east using video games and sports?”. It’s a brilliant theory. Their economies are built around oil, but that will run out eventually. They need a sustainable future, and transitioning to a tourist economy could be that future. This is smart because, to entice wealthy asian and western tourists, the middle east will have to de-radicalize. Nobody is going to visit a radical Islamic country. So it ties their future economic success to being more liberal. Boom, world cup finals are in Qatar. Boom, Saudis throw tons of money at Gamers 8 and, by consequence, the SC2 pro scene. Trump is trying to conquer the middle east using video games, instead of bombs, and they call him an authoritarian. It’s a total inversion of reality. He’s a free market classical liberal with a heavy dash of pragmatism.
The bureaucracy is shaking in their boots because they know they’ve committed some crimes and that some of them are going to go to prison if a left-wing candidate, like RFK or Trump, wins the presidency. It’s that simple. They are fighting so fiercely, against Trump, because they stand to lose a lot. They’ve never worried about it in the past because the political realm has held less power than the bureaucracy. The president comes in and gives marching orders, but really the bureaucracy calls the shots behind the scenes. Trump however has accrued more power than the bureaucracy, and the bureaucracy has fought him tooth and nail the entire way, so there will be no mercy for them when Trump wins because they had no mercy for Trump. They know this, and that terrifies them. The DC mafia is losing, for the first time in living memory, and they are horrified at what comes next. It’s prison sentences for those who broke the law. That’s it. The end. If you break the law, you go to jail. That’s how it works for everyone else.
This is why they were so upset about the Supreme Court, by the way. The SCOTUS will likely provide Trump with legal protection as he cleans house. They’ve already been chipping away at the bureaucracy’s power. The chevron deference is next up on the chopping block. All this is designed to severely undercut the federal bureaucracy’s power as trump moves in to further return power to the states. There’s talk that they will try to get rid of the federal income tax, for example. Left wing politics are winning in america for the first time in a long time, and that’s a good thing if you like small, localized governments who represent you on a personal level. Right now, some bureaucrats in Washington get to decide what all of america can or can not eat. It’s wild. If you want to drink raw milk, whatever, be my guest. If you don’t want fluoride in your water, fine, that’s great. The feds have no business running average american’s lives to the degree that they do today. The people who said you can’t have raw milk are the same people who green-lit the opiate crisis. There was big money to be made off opiates, but not raw milk. Ah, it makes sense now. The federal government has become a quasi corporatist state. They have this incestuous relationship with big businesses to the point that they no longer represent the wants and needs of average everyday people. Those people love Trump because the institutions hate Trump. That’s literally what makes Trump popular. The more the institutions hate Trump, the more the left wingers will love Trump. That’s how it works for left wing politics.
That’s his name? I always thought he was just KKona Peter Zeihan, always found it weird to watch a guy playing SC2 that has a guest star to talk about politics. How does that dynamic work? Does he use that as a way to gain publicity for his own podcast?
Only when they’re in charge. I found it weird when it was announced that Ivanka made $1billion during the pandemic being in the retail/hospitality industry then the news about the Saudi deal came out. Big oof especially considering how the right attacked Hillary for leaking emails and Trump purposefully making that a legislative talking point. The rest of the world is just enjoying the drama from the sidelines. Shane Gills has a perfect skit to describe it. XD
And the American Air Force. o7. The US Taxpayer doesn’t just protect the world’s shipping lanes, they also subsidize worldwide gaming. That’s also part of the reason Bobby Fischers dominance in chess was so inspiring. Dude wasn’t just the Serral of his time, he also had to play with the entire Soviet Union bank rolling the ordeal. It’s understandable that he became extremely paranoid about TV cameras and tournament conditions. I can never forget when they punished a chess player for losing to Fischer by taking away his apartment only for the rest of the Russians to lose as well. XD
I can never understand the Supreme Court. Their entire stick is that it’s a federally binding bench but filled with right leaning justices that believe in governing at a state level. They then did a complete 180 with the Colorado V Trump debacle citing that Colorado shouldn’t be the decider in a federal election. It didn’t matter anyway because the people voting chose to vote for no one if Trump wasn’t on the ballot. lmao.
I have no idea except that he’s called AgentSmith. I enjoyed some of his commentary on international politics, but I seriously doubt the accuracy his trump comments and, as far as I am concerned, that’s enough of a reason, for me, to doubt his interpretation of international politics.
No, because to get into power you have to be nice to the people who are already in power, or they do things to you like what they are doing to Trump & his allies. Here’s a couple examples. They passed a law specifically to allow a crazy cat lady to sue Trump in civil court, then the judge kept out exculpatory evidence that practically proved he was innocent. They railroaded a general’s life by editing emails to make him look like a putin conspirator. They gave Trump a directed verdict in another case, which is normally used in extraordinary circumstances, like when a defendant doesn’t show up to court, to say he over-valuated his assets & deny him a jury trial. The bank, that he supposedly defrauded, defended him in court & said they wanted to keep doing business with him. The way they claim he over-evaluated the assets is because an appraisal said the property was worth X and Trump said it was worth Y. So their entire legal argument is that if you take out a loan, using your real estate as collateral, and the an appraiser disagrees with you at any point in time in the future, boom, you are guilty of fraud. By that standard, every person who’s ever taken out a loan is guilty of fraud. They proceeded to hit him with a fine that will cost him millions of dollars on interest just to appeal his case. This is only a small fraction of the nonsense.
You have to kiss butt to the institutional power if you want to get into power. Right wingers love being right wing and this is true both in and out of power. Trump is literally the only exception in recent history, at least in American politics, to get into power without kissing the ring. Both parties in America are more or less right wing parties, with just different flavors. One supports christians, the other supports muslims. One supports healthcare, the other supports oil. That’s where Trump gets his power from. There is a vacuum on the left wing of the political spectrum. Trump is causing a shift in American politics because he’s filling that in and creating a new left wing party. He’s taking over the Republican party, and pushing out the “traditionalists” who are just right wingers (more or less). That’s why Democrats have suddenly allied themselves with traditional right-wing centers of power, like the industrial-war complex. It used to be that Democrats hated war, now they love it, and that’s because they aren’t left wing anymore. Trump and Democrats are both jockeying over the support of the pharmaceutical industry. RFK does not like big pharma at all. It’s likely that Trump doesn’t, either, but he has a much more left-leaning stance on it than the Democrats do. The dems were extremely authoritarian with regards to their covid policies for example. So while Trump is vying for this institutional power, he’s still one step removed compared to Democrats, so he’s still the left wing candidate.
One of the biggest tells, that Trump is displacing Democrats as the left wing party, is that Democrats are losing African-American support. The African-American support has been basically rock solid in favor of Democrats, and this is true to the point that they basically rely on it to win elections. They’ve lost 20 points of African-American support in recent years. Trump is in the process of displacing the Democrat party as the left wing party in America.
Another tell is that the military has started doing “woke” advertising which means they are aware that republicans are moving left and democrats are moving right. They know that republicans are going to be the war-skeptical party going into the future. Their advertising reflects their sensitivity to the political landscape. The problem is that ordinary Democrats generally don’t support war, which is why military recruitment is down. So there is a difference in political views between elite democrats and democrat voters. Elite democrats know that Trumpism is the new anti-war party, and they are shifting their position. But, the democrat voters haven’t caught on yet. That’s why they put so much effort into painting Trump as a dictator who is going to start WW3, when the reality is that he was landing record amounts of peace deals.
I’ve heard of this from the mainstream news outlets and I am skeptical of it. I read the first paragraph in an MSNBC article and it was as if they were trying to pack as many negative buzzwords into the first paragraph that they could. Some of those words include “slumlord” for example. I don’t trust news when they are facially biased.
Generally speaking, trump supporters didn’t really like Jared Kushner and were pretty critical of him. I didn’t hear as much about Ivanka, but they really didn’t like Jared. Trump has a distrust of institutional actors so he’s going to trust his family over all else, it’s only natural considering what the government has done to Trump.
I am not sure how that relates to the Ivanka situation. A better comparison would be Hunter and Ukraine. The Hillary situation is so absurd, as is the “clinton socks case” and it really shows the difference in how they treat Trump vs how they treat their buddies (aka their right wing friends). Hillary gets a free pass for mishandling classified docs, as does biden, but Trump is railroaded despite having declassification authority as the president.
I hadn’t heard of that, and that is interesting. I don’t follow chess & chess history that much. Bobby Fischer’s take away from chess was that it’s mostly memorization and pre-arrangement and that creativity plays a very minor role. I liked his chess theories because they analogized well to AI, game design theory in general, and that includes SC2. Solving problems is the basis of computer science, games are problems, AIs are automated problem solvers, it’s all part of computer science. So the basis of solving hard problems is to make simplifications and generalizations, which is identical to memorization & pre-arrangement. You memorize the simple answers, learn to recognize them, and shift your focus to solving the harder aspects of the problem. It’s the same thing. So Bobby Fischer understood, more or less, how computer scientists go about solving problems.
First, the constitution gives certain powers to the fed and certain powers to the states. Second, the legal theory of the Colorado lawyers was patently insane. They were citing a law that was passed to remove Civil War insurrectionists from the ballot. Historically, that law was never used (even on the people who actually started a civil war). The law requires them to be found criminally guilty of “insurrection.” Criminal prosecutions don’t work the same for a president, they go through the impeachment process instead, and only if they are found guilty, and impeached, can they then be criminally prosecuted. Since he wasn’t impeached, he can’t be criminally prosecuted for his actions in office. If he could, it would open a can of worms where the incoming administration could retaliate against the previous administration, and that’s extremely problematic for a host of reasons. Third, it’s extremely problematic for states to be able to interfere in federal elections by removing their opposition from the ballot. Imagine if Texas could now remove Joe Biden from the ballot because he’s not enforcing immigration laws. That’s problematic. The legal theory here was so out of this universe insane that the SCOTUS issued a scalding 9-0 ruling.
By the way, the timing of Nikki’s withdrawal seems to indicate she actually thought the Colorado case had a shot. She was being destroyed by Trump and yet was sticking with it, at least until the SCOTUS dropped a 9-0 decision on the Colorado ballot case. Yeah, she doesn’t seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.
Speaking of reeeeedit, by the way, there is a line from Count Dooku in the clone wars series that is spot on: “They are devious and deceitful and, most importantly, stupid.” He is warning someone of a how a particular group can’t be expected to act in a rational manner, and how that makes them unpredictable. Count Dooku hates these people because they are a threat to his system. They are unpredictable and malicious and that means they create instability. It’s brilliantly written.
There is a trope in entertainment that villains are horrible people who run around breaking things while laughing maniacally. The reality is that smart evil people act out of self interest. They only do something if they know it will be net positive. Without ultimate power, retaliation is always a consideration, so there’s a limit to how hard they can screw society. They realize that their own interests align with others and that it’s a whole lot easier to achieve your plans if you play nicely. They can get along as long as the money keeps flowing. They will annihilate anything that threatens their system because the system will tolerate some injustice as long as everyone gets paid. This class of people won’t cause wide, systemic harm; they actually increase the stability of the system and the well being of those in the system.
The first class of dangerous people are the dumb evils. They act out of self interest but they are impulsive and short sighted so they cause damage which creates retaliation and that limits how much damage they can cause. These are the people who end up in prison. They don’t ever cause wide, systemic harm, because the system quickly neutralizes them.
The most dangerous category of people is, ironically, the good & dumb category. Their good nature gives them zeal and selflessness which propels them forward with the intent to fix society. Society green lights them because their motivations cloak their actions in benevolence. The problem is that, because they are dumb, the probability that they make things worse, instead of better, is very high. They can cause horrific damage and walk away from the situation thinking they saved everyone & that they should rinse and repeat. Even moderately intelligent people can fall into this category because their pomposity blinds them from reason. They are on a mission to save the world and they can’t accept that they have no chance to make things better / won’t accept that they made things worse. These are the people who are walking, talking hurricanes of destruction.
Obviously we need a real world example of this class of people. Let’s talk about the people who indicted Trump for what basically amounts to the crime of taking out a loan. They basically criminalized taking out loans, and that pissed off the world’s banking conglomerate. The banking conglomerate is not filled with good people. They are evil, but they are smart evils. They know what’s best for them is what’s best for everyone. They get along with everyone as long as the money keeps flowing. Some people in New York made it illegal to take out a loan, and guess what’s going to happen next. Count Dooku is going to descend from his throne to get rid of the people who are threatening the cash flow. Imagine being so stupid that you give the double-bird to the people who control the world’s financial systems.
The way the clone wars portrays Count Dooku is absolutely brilliant.
Lmao that sounds exactly like Trumps ideology on what makes a good employee except on the difference in intent. But yes, I’ve heard that idea before on the difference in motives in stupid people verse evil people. It’s interesting that you relate it to Count Dooku, I’m not big into Star Wars but wasn’t he the guy that wanted to look after the separatists that were ignored by the Republic?
I also want to mention that the worst offenders of falling to the dark side are mostly smart people that haven’t had as much success that they feel they’re owed. Stupid people live in the bliss of ignorance.
I have no idea what Trump considers a good employee. That’s more of a middle management or small business thing. I highly doubt he’s involved with the nitty-gritties.
He basically works with Palpatine to create a war that pushes the Republic into giving the chancellor (palpatine) more and more extreme emergency powers. They do this until Palpatine is, more or less, a dictator. Eventually Palpatine betrays him, and it’s not clear how much he knows of Palpatine’s plan.
That’s just mid wit syndrome, lmao. There is a certain formula for being successful and anyone who is smart figures it out. We live in a day and age when a plumber can become a millionaire. The sky is the limit. If you think you should’ve succeeded, but didn’t, then I am sorry to tell you but that’s a midwit position. Failure means you shouldn’t’ve succeeded, because you didn’t succeed, and you are overestimating your abilities. When you fail is exactly when you should be doing self evaluation, and, if you refuse to even acknowledge that you’ve failed, that means you are going to repeat the same mistakes. Yikes. That’s called a hurricane of financial destruction.
There is some chance involved in the outcome, but that’s exactly why you don’t go allin on one thing and one thing only, especially if it’s high risk. You get many opportunities at success over your lifetime. You are bound to succeed at one of them. It’s the law of averages.
A smart person will already know the failure modes before the even occur. They will have plans in place to mitigate the damage. If someone is saying “IT SHOULDVE WORKED!!!” and “ITS NOT MY FAULT!!!” then that person is as dumb as a box of rocks. It should’ve been “I gave this outcome a 5% chance. It occurred, which means I either underestimated it, made a mistake which made this outcome more likely, or, if I eliminate those possibilities, it means I just got unlucky. Either way, let’s evaluate what the best recovery plan is.”
Making mistakes is a normal part of growth. Everyone does it. The difference is, dumb people don’t realize a mistake was made, misattribute the cause and the effect, and/or shift the blame; smart people are terrified, they see potential for failure everywhere (before it even occurs), and basically have fear paralysis. That’s why they tend to benefit so much from mentoring. The mentor gives them the confidence they need to experiment and that gives them experience. That’s where generational wealth really comes from. The parent provides their children with stability while their children experiment.
I’ve made so many flipping mistakes, I can’t even count them. But, I never make the same mistake twice. When I was first starting out, I had a whopping 1200 to my name, and hired some artists in India to create some art for a product. On its face, the art seemed fine, but it had technical issues that made it unusable. Art in games has a skeleton and it moves the skin of the model to match the position of the skeleton (the skeleton being what is animated). This method allows for ragdoll physics, infinite frame rate, smooth transition between different animations, etc. A normal model might have 12 or so bones in the skeleton. Their models had over 100. I paid them before testing the art to make sure it was functional. I had nobody to blame except myself. I was pressured into being nice, they said they were sick and behind on work, and that they needed the money. I figured the art seemed fine, they seemed like decent people that I could trust. The reality is that they would’ve been fine without payment for another day or two so that I could check their work and make sure it was up to snuff. You gotta be tough.
Tge funny thibg is, I could’ve fixed this issue if I had my modern day experience. It’s simple enough to code an algorithm that merges the smallest parts of tge skeleton into larger bones. You basically calculate a list of mergers that could happen, calculate the distance between the merged bone and the unmerged parts for each animation, and sort this list from smallest distance to largest. You then perform mergers, starting with tge smallest and working up, until you have 12 bones. This guarantees to delete the excess bones which contribute the least to the animation. So, really, it’s two mistakes in one. I made the mistake, and then I couldn’t fix the mistake.
No, no. The bankers are count dooku, and they are lawful evil. They strike down anything that negatively affects the system that they use to make money, and that’s more or less what I expect to happen to the NY AG. She picked a fight with the banking system and that means her political career is toast.
My best guess on Ronna McDaniel is that she went allin on the bet that Trump would lose the primaries due to bad press from his numerous legal battles. She is one of the many people who, I think, don’t understand that Trump’s political movement is a left wing movement. The more resistance he gets from the system, the more popular he becomes. That’s why he makes the lawfare a big focus for his campaign. He wants people to know that he’s anti-establishment. These people thought he was a right-winger, and if he’s being targeted by the system, as a criminal, that should undermine his support since the right-wingers love the system and hate criminals. Much to their shock, his popularity has gone up, and even increased in demographics which normally overwhelmingly vote Democrat. They think he’s a Republican, but he’s not. He’s always been a moderate Democrat. He pushed Republicans out of their own party and forced the Democrat party into taking right-leaning stances on war and border. The dude is a political powerhouse, and a lot of that power stems from the fact that people absolutely refuse to analyze him. The chronic blindness that so many powerful people show towards this scenario is shocking to me.
It’s almost as bad as the FDA going “OMG we had no idea opiates could hurt you.” It’s like, give me a break. The systems in the brain that process pain also process emotional pain. Antidepressants can make chronic pain go away, pain killers can work as antidepressants. If you introduce a powerful painkiller, it’s probably going to be addictive – that’s common sense. “Oh, we had no idea / how could we have seen this one coming??? We are the experts, so if we couldn’t see it coming, then NOBODY could’ve!”.
I am watching sortof lose vs gumiho. He’s crying that the bane hp nerf makes it impossible to fight off creep. Dude legit needs a flank and that’s it. Hard to flank with roach ravager ling bane because you have no supply. Stop making roaches, they are trash.
Do you remember how I was saying Trump is a moderate democrat, anti establishment populist, that his movement is left wing, how he is gaining record african american support, and how top democrats haven’t caught onto the fact that they are losing the support of the populist left? Well, Kamala is now the leading presidential candidate & she used to be a prosecutor who was famous for locking up black men for minor drug offenses. Meanwhile Trump has a record of going onto television talk shows and defending black men who had been indicted & sent to prison. Kamala put out a tweet calling Trump a criminal, and saying she is the best person to “prosecute” him. The democrat party has quite literally become a complete inversion of what it used to stand for. They used to be sympathetic towards criminals & that was reflected in their soft on crime policies, now their leading presidential candidate is a hard-nosed ex prosecutor. They’ve become the party of law and order, the pro-war party, and this will shatter their voter base. Half the democrats are going to be going “Why the heck am I voting democrat anymore?”.
I was also saying the scotus would provide Trump with legal protection in various ways including immunity ruling & chevron deference. Well they deleted the chevron deference which gets rid of 90% of the federal regulations. The immunity ruling went a different way than I thought it would, I thought they’d use impeachment as the proxy for criminal prosecution, but instead they borrowed from the civil immunity doctrines that basically make trump 100% immune to criminal prosecution. So they provided even more protection that I was anticipating. He also publicly floated the idea of getting rid of the income tax. Basically, he’s getting ready to make some huge changes to the structure of the federal government, and the scotus carved out a path to allow him to do it.
— Original post:
It’s flipping hilarious how easy it is to beat a 5600 mmr zerg player. A 5600 toss is basically untouchable, by comparison. The toss basically plays like a donkey, 1 army hotkey, masters 2 level skill metrics like APM, makes very basic positioning mistakes; meanwhile you do min-maxed builds with try-hard execution, and maximize literally every advantage.
I watched the GSL and a ~6500 toss just a-moves all his archons into lurkers. Literally the only thing he had to do to win was camp the archones under the carriers. That’s it. You can still f2, amove, just shift-select the archons and keep them under the carriers. It’s unreal how bad protoss players are these days. This kind of play wouldn’t qualify for Masters league, let alone Code S, in previous versions of the game.
Toss needs to be absolutely nuked by the balance counsel. They are too timid because the toss on the balance counsel are like “ehhh toss is only favored 55% to 45%. Let’s remember serral wins everything, we don’t want to delete toss from the pro scene so lets do tiny nerfs.”
The issue began when they deleted the infested terran. Back then, toss still had positive win-rates in the late game. Zerg’s late game has never recovered vs protoss since that nerf happened. Toss has an energy-only splash ability that can melt entire zerg armies. Carriers require forward-pushes, which then get melted by storm. You can’t do backwards micro vs carriers, but, if you could, then the storms could be manageable. They need to bump 5 hp off the interceptor so that it’s cost effective to do backwards-micro. Now, to land the storms, the toss needs a flank with the templar. Right now it’s just f2 micro from toss.
-Build gets hard countered, macros out of it anyway.
-Trades efficiently despite being down 20 workers because roaches are free.
-maintains map presence allowing the swarm hosts ample opportunity to harass.
-Able to cancel lockon with a simple upgrade and heals at the same time.
-Still has a fast hive despite being aggressive all game.
-Draws a line of death at the naïve SCVs thinking they can escape .
-The mere threat of the roach makes Byun invest into 20 siege tanks which are fought off with a timely broodlord attack.
-No antiair required as ravagers swiftly nuke any viking and makes Thors derp over themselves taking biles to the face.
v, beta hydra player:
-Plays against a TvT build, cant put on any counter pressure
-Bleeds off lings and queens because hydras are waiting on their upgrades
-Up 20 workers but Terran’s expos are so safe they’re obviously in a union.
-Uses a flank to fight off the first wave which only has a single tank, loses more than the terran anyway.
-Vipers added to the unit comp, expecting that to change the tide of the fight, the hydras are all dead anyway.
-Gumiho researched Yomato expecting a significant brood corruptor transition, Gets a GG instead.
Roaches aren’t good, the cyclones are just terrible. I keep telling people that cyclones are trash and they think I am crazy. They are almost as bad as mutalisks, and that’s frankly impressive.
Ravagers are a good example of a unit that takes skill. It rewards players who can predict where units will be before they arrive, and it punishes players who move-click-and-forget their units. That’s the kind of skill that storm should require to work for toss, but it’s this obnoxious AEO effect that is basically impossible to mess up.
The zerg threw that game super hard. You basically never fight into sieged tanks without blinding cloud. The hydras stay defensive with the abducts & lurkers go into a nydus. You don’t push with the hydra/viper unless you get him out of position with the nydus. It’s not rocket science, but APM spammers can’t make basic adjustments to their execution based on their unit comp. They just treat the hydra like it’s a roach and then it melts to tanks. It also helps to add in some lings, which were missing in one of the critical fights. The tanks waste shots on the lings. A flank might help as well.
By the way, I just looked up Snake’s winrates this season:
Balance counsel toss like Harstem will legit tell you the problem is only 55/45% in toss’s favor when Zerg gm’s have a masters-2 level win-rate vs toss.
Let’s do another Zerg GM:
The same pattern. Every zerg GM is in Grandmaster solely because of ZvZ. Gm zergs deserve a hand written apology from the balance counsel, lmao.
MMR based on matchup waiting room. We need to see what the actual result of the next patch will be like. I’ve just noticed that they nuked all of Ruff’s builds in 2 patches.
SortOf is whining about toss right now on his stream . He has a 42% win-rate vs toss and a 62% win-rate vs Zerg. He says there are no win cons and that you are playing SC while the protoss is playing tetris. Ruff plays mostly mech and it’s a giga-trash style. I’ve felt awfuly bad for him in the past considering he’s basically a terran version of me. He doesn’t have quite the same range of absurd playstyles, but he plays 100x more creatively than your average terran marine/mule spammer. I see him as an ally in a dense forest of enemies. Too many apm spammers and very few strategical players. I almost wish seeker missile were back just so that Ruff would be happy.