Wow cool now you resort to obscure quotes from 6 years ago.
Stick do the facts.
You asked me where we can see measurable differences between the performance of bronze/silver and so on. I gave it to you. Now you are goalposting and act like this is irrelevant.
This is not whats happening here or whats important here. For example silver players are 21% of the playerbase and make up for 16% of the total games. This is not just 1% difference. This is a huge difference. Compared to diamonds who make up 25% of the playerbase but 35% of the total games played.
And you can see that the higher the league, the more they play if you normalize the total population and devide it by their share of total games.
Since the current season is bugged because of leagues and alike we could look at the last season:
League, Percantage of total playerbase, Percantage of total played games
Bronze 8% 2%
Silver 22% 14%
Gold 20% 12%
Plat 21% 22%
Diamond 24% 36%
Masters 4% 6%
GM 0% 1%
We can see the clear trend that higher level players are putting more work in. Well that was obvious but now we see that. We know that terran players are on average slightly more active or exactly as active as other races within their leagues. This means that a bronze terran is still only as active as a bronze player. The difference in activity for terran is not nearly as high as the difference between the activity for the different leagues (for example in order to have the same activity as a silver league player, the activity for a terran bronze player has to be much much much much higher compared to bronze zerg or bronze protoss) .
There you have it. A measureable difference between Bronze/silver/gold. Will you accept now that terran players are where they are because they deserve it? No ofc you will not. Why not? No one knows. You will find some mental gymnastics to do it.
For the data in sc2 replaystats use:
sc2replaystats. com/stats/analytics
But right now its bugged.
A quick example from Winterstarcraft:
twitter. com/StarcraftWinter/status/1495249571215294467
The average APM of each race per league from 3 million games on sc2 replaystats. We can pretty much see that protoss and terran have the same avg apm and the higher you go the more apm the player will have. A bronze terran/toss has on average 50 apm but a low diamond player will have 100 apm meaning exactly 2 times as much as a bronze level player. Obviously the higher you are the more apm you will have (correlation, not causation btw). Meaning we can see a lot of differences between a bronze player vs a diamond player other than their mmr.
This is pretty much obvious to everyone and even you know it. You just want to annoy us and you want us to prove every little bit. What we pretty much have by now. So please will you just accept the fact that bronze players suck and that 50% of bronze is terran not because the race is too hard but because they deserve it by every observable metric?