You don’t use a measuring tool to perform a multi variable analysis. That ruler says you’re 5’8" but it doesn’t also say that you’re 200 lbs lol
Really smooth brained argument.
You don’t use a measuring tool to perform a multi variable analysis. That ruler says you’re 5’8" but it doesn’t also say that you’re 200 lbs lol
Really smooth brained argument.
While you being completely confused about what everybody is saying has been a consistent theme for this argument, I would have hoped you would at least be able to remember your own claims. Youre the one trying to say that the MMR is indicating a problem, remember?
Apm, screen movements, etc. Besides, a certain amount of imba can change your rank a bit, but their ranks are so FUBAR’d that it can’t be explained with balance. For terran to be that disfavored, it wouldn’t exist at all in higher leagues.
Besides, when a race is disfavored it causes race switching, which actually REDUCES how often it is played at lower levels. These players clearly prefer terran, and that makes no sense under the assumption that terran is so underpowered that it deletes 2,000 mmr from their rank.
-200 mmr is enough to make people race switch, and this is true historically, but terrans in bronze are apparently so flipping stupid that they keep playing a race that deletes their mmr, and we aren’t supposed to laugh at this absurd theory?
It’s schrodingers terran: simultaneously smart enough to deserve diamond league, but so flipping stupid he can’t realize terran is rigged and switch races for the free mmr that toss/zerg dishes out like candy.
These are metrics I can agree with. There’s others missing, like non-macro APM that specifically test macro (though not fully, as micro is as much precision as it is speed, maybe more).
It’s not about balance, but difficulty.
Terran firstly isn’t a “brains” race (maybe in TVT, but that’s it). Mechanics are it’s biggest challenge. Next, there’s the sunken cost of learning a race for years then trying to switch out of the blue.
Another property of the shrodinger’s terran is that they have 40 apm in game but 400 apm whining on bnet after the game.
There is a Lot of Proof of concept behind the Things we already mentioned. Like Design familiarity campaign and so in. Also as batzy mentioned you can directly See in their apm/Screen per Minute/ spending quote/Activity (Bad Players Play less; a Bronze plays less than a silver a silver plays less than a gold etc etc)/ Overall Playtime (Low Level Players have less Overall Playtime, less likely to have less than 10k Games ofc). Those all correlate to mmr. And If we Look at the bottom of mmr we See what exactly ?
There are a Lot of reasons. And mysteriously (to you) it applies to more terran Players than to any Other Race.
Its btw a funny way to say: this build is completly busted and should be fixed already Yesterday.
So whats your Take on akrij build ? Never has it been so easy to get decent mmr. Cannon Rush/Proxy void Ray/nydus whatever you can Name is Harder to pull Off and easier to defend than new cyclone. And while cyclones arent that Strong besides that they are still very easy to use and Work fairly Well in General. For example you can easily Go cyclone Hellion vs zerg instead of Bio
Tried it a handful of times at 4400. Didn’t win a game lol. Maybe people already learned how to counter it?
He didn’t, though. He actually stated that they were almost a full metal league higher (he also didn’t post a source forthe stats and didn’t include non-macro APM in his metrics).
They play slightly more per league, such that it equals to over all even (slightly less) more than the total population.
These are not facts. These are possible rationalizations for why these fact patterns might exist.
Yes. That would be the point. You have presented one (unlikely) possibility and asserted it as the truth without further evidence. We have presented other (likelier) possibilities and you are railing about the lack of evidence for them.
Get a little self awareness.
I’m literally the only one who posted evidence (except Adventurer, who didn’t post a source). You posted rationalizations with no bearing whatsoever.
“self-awareness” lol. It took you 2 years to come up with “and then I split them by MMR and they had the same MMR! THAT MEANS ALL TERRAN PLAYERS JUST SUCK!”
Partially true. Tho i still win on 4.4/4.5. But its Harder now.
Nope. Look at nephest League Count and League Activity. A bronze Player is less active than a silver Player which plays less than a gold Player. The Higher Up you are the more Games you will Play. I mean ofc there is a Point of diminishing Returns for your average Player but there is still a reason why gms are so Freaking active. In the statistic they make Up 0% of Population (Resolution Error) but they make Up 2% of the Activity.
Low Level Players Play less. Low Level Players have less apm/spm etc etc. So its judtified that those Players who are in Bronze and silver are actually Bronze and silver. And those are overwhelmingly terran. Nothing Special because:
Btw some of those mentioned Things are indeed facts. Like its terran is Most familiar to us Humans and Play Like any Other RTS factions or that terran is literally the campaign Race.
But yeah as you Said its a possible explanation. But with those Data about Activity in Bronze/silver and Up IT becomes apparent that those Guys in Bronze and silver are in there Not because of their Race. They are there because they suck.
Im sad that you still cannot grasp what that means…and No…it actually doesnt mean all terran Players suck. This is actually NOT the conclusion. The only way for having Equal mmr in Low mmr and high mmr is actually because terran Players dont suck more than Other races. They are distributed equally. There are Just more terran Players in lower League.
All 3 races have a campaign, kiddo. I’d be compelled by it being the “first campaign” if this was 15 years ago. But the other campaigns have been out for a decade.
That’s called “grasping at straws”
And which campaign is free? The First one. Which is terran. The Player gets introduced to the Game with the human faction. So He can relate. This is a Huge issue.
The whole Plot is btw very very Close to the terran/human narrative doesnt Matter the campaign. Hots is basically a s3xy human Lady turning into a Bug again with High Heels kicking everyones butt. Lotv is “aliens” being literally humanlike while we constantly See raynor and Other Humans revolving about a Plot where a s3xy human gets godlike.
Again. 15 year old campaign. Anybody swayed by that chose that race years ago and it shouldn’t have an impact on performance.
This is your assumption. Also…they Chose their Race a Long Time ago. You mean Like after the Game came Out and only Wings of Liberty campaign was released? Weird maybe…maybe it influenced the Race Selection? Maybe…No…probably
Again there are many many reasons why terran is the Most popular one. They are the Most popular one. Thats a fact. Its also a fact that this is Not random. Meaning there are reasons why they Chose terran. There also needs to be a reason why terran is Most popular at very Low League. Is it because the Race is too hard ? Maybe. But why are they highest in every League but grandmaster? Why do we See a big difference in Activity between bronze silver gold etc but Not for terrans compared to Other races in mentioned leagues ?
Everything we Look at comes to the Same conclusion. There is no Hidden Agenda going on that holds terrans down.
And Like akrij demonstrated: If you know a certain build you can get Up to 2000 mmr for free. Just Like that. But they dont know so they dont get their mmr voucher
Reasons of which we can only speculate.
I mean we could analyse this via surveys but yeah i get your Point. Still we have some very very very Strong indications why they picked the Race .
But still this is a Distraction from the fact that there are Huge Activity differences between the leagues while terran within those leagues have the Same Activity as the Other races. For example in silver there are 44.46% terrans who make Up for 44.36% of the Matches meanwhile silver is 21% of the Playerbase but contributes only 16% for the total amount of Played Games.
For reference: diamonds make Up 25% of the Playerbase but contribute 35% to the total Played Games or GM has “0”% but makes Up 2% of total Played Games…obviously the Higher you are the more you Play. For someone who tried to explain the world with 1% Activity difference this should be huuuuuuuge News. Right ? Riiiiiiiight?
But you’ve no indication that those players would have any skill disparties whatsoever.
All we know is that Race selection preempts placement. So unlike your strawman where you state that smoking causes low IQs. Low IQ would preempt smoking and that makes perfect causal sense.
Again and again, Terran players are not superior (and if they are it’s by a slight margin), what they are is not inferior.
And again and again, you have been told that nobody; not a single person other than yourself has claimed that they are inferior.
And if they’re not inferior, nor are they superior, do you know what that means?
It means that Terran players are where they are currently meant to be.