Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

Lambo seems to disagree with you tho :smiley:

Basically everyone know this is a nerf since permacloak made it hard to see where the spellcasters are exactly. Meaning you cannot hope to “ambush” the mothership.

Except i didnt state anything concrete. I said i assume. And no its not the opposite. Terran dont play more or less. And that terran is the race that has the most playtime is pretty logical but that doesnt mean that they cannot have the most beginners with least amount of time played.

6 years ago he said its hardest for terran to get to the top level.

Does that mean you can use that to argue why 50% of silver and bronze is filled with terran? No ofc not :smiley:

Please come up with an interview with showtime where you ask him specific questions. Other than that, its just not worth noting at all what he said about the top level 6 years ago.

Again: There are multiple guys here (even from your own race) that strongly disagree with you.

“YOU CANNOT ANALYSE CLUSTERS!!!eleven!!!” :smiley: Hahahaha

I stated that as short hand and you know it. What I stated was. “You can’t use clusters to generalize a population.” I got tired of typing the entire thing out (should’ve known your defective brain would try to use that against me) and here we are.

You repeatedly refuse evidence that doesn’t fit your narrative.

Lambo agrees with me in his playstyle. Against Maxpax he played a variety of all-ins. Clearly he doesn’t want to expose how imba Toss lategame is and that’s largely thanks to the mothership changes.

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I stated literally everytime that we dont even do it. In fact we actually say THERE ARE CLUSTERS. So we dont generalize things. We say: Avg mmr for terran is lower because of the cluster in bronze to silver. We dont say: all terrans are bad. We say: the avg of terran mmr is lower because of those guys in silver and bronze. You however either cannot grasp that or ignore that because it doesnt fit your narrative.

You yourself brought up fallacy of composition and its biting you in the butt. You try to say: avg mmr is low for terran → terran is hardest. YOU GENERALIZE. YOU DO THAT.

We do not. You do.

Also nice try to Gaslight me. You Said multiple Times that in statistics there are Always Clusters and therefore These Clusters are meaningless. You even directly Said analysing Clusters is a No No Thing to do. I have Always Said that you need to analyse Data. And since we dont have “perfect” Data Here we Need to analyse it properly. 2 years ago i have mentioned that there are “Clusters” i Said that there are many many Players in Bronze and silver dragging down the average mmr. Meaning we Need to know why there are Clusters. This is exactly the Thing what brought us Here. Because even after 2 years we still want to know why Silvers and Bronze Players are Most likely terran. I mean WE know why but you refuse to know it. Since the beginning i was speculating why there are so many terrans in Low League. Since the beginning i Said maybe lower Activity less Playtime because campaign familiarity. Since the beginning i was analysing those Clusters. Not to say all terrans are Bad. But to give you an explanation why terrans has the lowest mmr and why thats OK.

I like that cute take. Its basically like i would only play all ins against cuku, because between me and cuku is approx the same skillgap as between lambo and maxpax <3

Serral used the exact same all-in against herO on Radhuset Station. Lambo playing these builds due to the skill difference is another propaganda slogan.

Just abduct it for crying out loud and collect your mmr.

We all know that serral is Not on the Same Level as Hero

The spells can be in effect before an abduct goes off. Time warp is bonkers broken with ground toss.

Give up ground. Re engage. Collect your mmr.

Zerg players are the ones trying to get a positional advantage with lurkers, I cast a time-warp then laugh as the f2 amoved immortal+archon stomp face.

Good luck with fungals. Like, what on earth. Mothership archon immortal sounds like a gold league strat. Just fungal it to death. I can just see how stupid the toss army looks right now. The front rows are hit with fungal and a blinding cloud and the rest of the army just fumbles around behind the useless front row of units as lurkers jump forward and shred everything protoss.

Skytoss is waaaaay scarier because zerg doesn’t have good AA vs it. Lurkers and blinding cloud are amazing at ground control in a way that just doesn’t exist vs skytoss. Nothing zerg makes can zone a skytoss army like that. Carriers have a peak range of what, 15? Nothing zerg has can even reach that far. All zergs anti air costs gas and you are trading into minerals basically. If you ever get close to the carriers he storms or there are archons. Way scarier than an army that can be beaten with a blinding cloud.

You know what would be fun. First I have to find one of these ground toss abusers. Then I am going to blinding cloud his army, and drop banes on. I hope u brought your umbrella :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

Oh, it looks like I already adapted it to work with round robin. I didn’t think I had used it on any tournament other than wcs. Amazingly, it’s only 300 lines of code, too.

All I’m hearing is you need a combination of infestors and vipers to do what a single mothership can do. Fungals pair better with broods but that’s where the recall ability comes in. Double recall with a forward nexus mitigates how slow immortals and archons can be.

I don’t see a way he’s supposed to push into the lurkers. Fungal or blinding cloud stops it in its tracks. What is he supposed to do, lead with his templar into the lurkers and feedback the infestors before they can fungal? I don’t see how you get past the lurkers and fungal combo without a positioning mistake from the zerg. If it’s an open space and the toss has a surround, sure. I can see that happening. What does the mothership contribute here? Fungal negates cloak and lurker splash happens as long as they can see 1 unit to attack. You can even attack your own unit. I guess maybe the time warp and the fungals trade. The toss time warps, the zerg fungals, and both have to disengage? I don’t see a scenario where toss wins unless the zerg is already behind, like having no infestor energy or something like that.

Maybe neural is a better combo because the units will block like a fungal would, but you can walk his units into your lurkers after the toss disengages.

Yes, that is always the problem ground toss players have and the mothership is the solution. Refer to this game where Harstem is just getting pulled apart from lurker rotations and the only thing he can do is massive zealot runbys which end up being extremely cost ineffective. You already have a stargate. In this game Harstem had the better eco too.

5 seconds in and I see the lings with the main army despite an exposed 4th base. What is the point of posturing if you aren’t going to get him out of position for a multiprong. Ok now the zerg is attacking that vector with the lings, but not with pressure to force him out of position. Ok the nydus gets him out of position and he loses a base. The zerg stays too long (lol) and loses all his lurkers to a surround. Imagine 1 fungal at his third base. Zerg wins that fight and lurkers survive. I don’t see what this has to do with the momacore.

The zerg wasn’t playing that well & a mothership would only force the zerg to give up ground and disengage. But if you are disengaging and your lings are killing the fourth then you are still winning. How does the mothership change this?

The more I watch this game, the more I realize the zerg should’ve lost this, lmao. This zerg is legit using 2 army hotkeys. I thought gms used at least 3, if not 4. Watching this game makes me thing zerg is OP too. What did this guy do except use a nydus while pushing with lurkers at the front. Maybe zerg should be nerfed.


I am reading the liquipedia page for IEM and it’s a modified round robin where the winner of each group gets to skip to the quarter finals, and they don’t post which players are in which groups for the starting round.

Harstem said it in the postgame reflection. His plan was to eventually get to groundtoss + a mommaship but he never got to a high enough immortal archon count.

An earlier mommaship would completely invalidate one attack vector. You say the lings should’ve hit the fourth, that wouldn’t be the case had the mothership been idling there. It also allows him to be more liberal with his recalls so he would actually be able to maintain his 5 base economy. Once you’ve got enough SD situated at the 5th you can send that big boy out to the Zergs main base to cause some havoc instead of sending waves of zealots into spine crawlers.

C’mon batzy don’t you remember when every PPP member was QQing about nydus swarm hosts while the Pros just rushed out a mothership for the cloaking ability which invalidated locusts waves?

Mainly because he didn’t storm the lurkers in the main fight, they got on top of the templar & killed them all for basically free. Imagine if storms zoned out the lurkers & the templar became archons. Now imagine if the zerg had countered this with 1 fungal so the templar couldn’t escape.

Honestly this game makes me think zerg is super op. Is it really too much to ask to have zerg players have to use spellcaster in order to win. This guy legit has 2 hotkeys (army, nydus) and all he did was nydus the back and push at the front. Talk about the most basic attack ever.

Right but then it doesn’t change the fact that the zerg wins the big fight on the left. He was losing multiple ways and the momaship changes it but not enough to be consequential, especially if you factor in this zerg is bad and doesn’t know how to use spellcasters (apparently).

Protoss and their aversion for warp prisms really cracks me up. Harstem is legit using 2 army hotkeys too. Imagine how this changes with 1 more hotkey and a warp prism on that hotkey, and constantly harassing the main with it. Bad players played a bad game, nothing to see here.

I mean, you don’t even have to plan ahead for the need of a fungal. The fungal research is gone. You just have to make an infestor, and use it.

Wait so I’m confused did you get past 4.5k as terran or not ?
I predict an incoming “it doesn’t matter cause I won 1 game” type response