Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

This was a long winded way of saying “Bad players choose Terran.”

Look, did you ever consider, even for a moment, that I might be right? I know the answer is “no.” You know how I know? Because you can roll directly from one explanation without skipping a beat. You move straight from Terran players are new, to the play fewer games to the play more games but those games are poorer quality without so much as a pause.

Now you’re on the “they must be bad because they have lower MMR” circular logic train that will simply never end.

Let me prove this to you:

  1. WHY is Terran MMR Lower?
  2. If it’s because they’re bad, or because they have more casuals, etc, HOW DO YOU KNOW that those players are casual?

You Quoted chatgpt and thought it Had a valid Point. It basically Said No we cannot conclude that based on given information

Nope it is Not.

I think you are very upset because No one is buying your koolaid. Not even chatgpt. You can give chatgpt the additional Info and See whats Happening :smiley:

Pretty simple question, bro.

I have answered this countless Times.

You are Just arguing for the Sake of it :smiley: this is Just sad.

You are weaseling around dodging, ever asking different questions without answering without listening to the given information. You Just Come Up with another jump to another Question and the Circus goes on and on.

Did you ever consider for a Second that you are wrong ?

Whats more likely ? Me saying No you cannot Draw the conclusion you want to based on this information (Like chatgpt Said) because there are a Ton of influences or you are right and all the terrans in the world needs to gain +30% mmr ? :smiley:

Well yeah…i think because even chatgpt says you are pretty wrong we can finally Close this discussion.

Yes. 100% I did.

It did???

I’ll readily admit that you can never fully prove something so subjective as difficulty, provided you can admit what the evidence indicates.

Keep dodging the uncomfortable questions, bro.

Doesnt seem like it


It says we need more information. So please put those missing information and see what the result of your prompt is :smiley:

As chatgpt said it:

I was saying these things since day 1. I gave you the article from the lead designers, i said maybe terran is more popular because its the starting faction, maybe its because of humans, maybe because the mechanics are most familiar and intuitive.

Meaning i have always said there can be reasons because of player preference, mechanics and design (and obviously advertisement; blizzard tried to sell a product; mere-exposure effect). Not to mention that we actually have a huge population disparity. If terran is that much more popular you gotta ask why is that. And you need to ask what does it mean for your assumptions based on average mmr. If the population disparity is this high you just cant assume equal outcome. If the income is not equal, why should the outcome be equal?

Meaning i gave you plenty of reasons since day 1 which is actually also what chatgpt says :smiley:

Literally scared to answer this question, huh?

Literally that.

Literally this.

→ Players at the beginning most likely choose terran as a starting faction (because of above said reasons)
→ Terran therefore makes up a higher amount in low leagues
→ Avg mmr gets dragged down

This is so simple and logical it hurts you cannot grasp those easy connections after idk 1000 posts about it.
Terrans are not worse, they are not more casual, they simply have more players in low level leagues very much likely because of design.

I dont know what you are on about.

Just admit defeat already. Just stop crying ffs.

Again. EVIDENCE for this claim. ONE metric that shows it’s correct, Mr. “I split them by MMR and now they only have slightly less MMR.” lol.

Those are possible reasons. Exactly like chatgpt put it.

The races of sc2 are not chosen randomly. This is a fact since the population disparity is too big. Do you agree?

Because terran was picked much much much more often there need to be reasons for that. Do you agree?

Those reasons can be because of familiarity, mechanics, players preference, advertisements. In short because of various reasons. Do you agree?

Because of those various reasons we cannot say that terran players are exactly like protoss or zerg players. Do you agree?

Because the the race was not chosen randomly we cannot expect all 3 races to behave equally in terms of distribution. Do you agree?

Anecdotal but pretty important in this discussion:
/www. ign .com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-studio-reveals-most-popular-player-character-classes-and-races

In Baldurs Gate players are investing a huuuuge amount of time for their character creation. You can be anyone, anything. But what happend? Players rather recreated themselves or a rather badass, but HUMAN dude. Turns out players are actually choosing familiar things…things they can relate to…shocking isnt it?

Its not really shocking for anyone that terran is the most popular race. Especially not if they are that familiar to us as humans and as an rts faction aswell. They play like any other rts plus you start the campaign with it and the story mostly revolves about the humans :smiley:

BUT NAAAH, obviously if t got lower avg mmr terran is just much much much much harder. Why ? Because bourne says so. :smiley:

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These are all valid hypotheses (actually, they’re only okay, but not terribly blind), but you’re not defining any metrics and you certainly aren’t presenting any to back them up. Most of them are disputed by the fact that the game is almost 12 years old. Any disparity due to being noob friendly, etc, has long since passed. Any time you have, they’ve come back to bite you.

Quick question, if Terran isn’t the most difficult race, which is or is your position that all 3 factions, which play entirely differently, require the exact same amount of skill? Because that would be virtually impossible.

Its fascinating to me how our claims consistently require more evidence when yours are just assumed to be right until proven wrong.

Thats not how any of this works my dude.


I’m the only one who produced any. Well, I take that back, Sentry was actually the one who confirmed that Terran players actually play more games, not fewer.

I never once made assumptions like the 3 of your accuse me of. I make a claim, I back it up, WITH PROOF.

  1. Terran players have less MMR, that’s not necessarily indicative of higher skill requirements, so then we eliminate other variables
  2. Variable 1: player longevity, Terran favor
  3. Variable 2: player activity

Just come up with another variable we can measure and let’s measure it. And stop getting angry when the results don’t swing your way, the way Sentry did when his whole “Terran players must play less games” hypothesis didn’t pan out.

You don’t seem to understand. Thats not proof. That’s data. You look at that and conclude terran is harder. I conclude that terran has more casual players, and my supporting reasons for that are terran having more players overall, the game pushing terran as the default rate, and casual, uncoached play pretty much exactly matching the phenomenon where you play without improving, up to and including an actual casual player coming out and flat out telling you that was happening.

Proof is a hard standard. Be careful when you ask for it, because that cuts both ways, and at the end of the day, you have less data in your logic train than we do.


Why do you keep lying?

Right now terrans dont play more or less. So please get some proof that terran is playing more games in all history of sc2. Or just remain silent and only say they play as many games as the other races. Jesus.

…not terribly blind…yikes. And saying terran has less avg mmr and therefore its a much harder race is a valid and hyper bright and super intelligent hypthesis? Bourne. Please stop. It hurts.

…not terribly blind…Its not terribly blind to assume that blizzards wants to advertise the game as much as possible so they try to get everyone hyped about the humans vs aliens sci fi war just like the movie aliens or alien vs predator. Not terribly blind to assume that most people that start to play the game pick terran because you literally start the game with terran :smiley: Not terribly blind to assume that because of those reasons terran has the highest population.

Please prove that :smiley: Just saying its wrong doesnt make it wrong. There are still players in the very very very low leagues. There are obviously still people who cant grasp how zerg is designed.
Fun fact: If you dont really care about a thing you wont get that much better at it doesnt mean its 1 year 3 years or 10 years. If you go to the gym once a month for 30 minutes you are not going to be jacked, not even in 10 years. Im sry buddy.

Ofc it would be virtually impossible. But concluding that there are some difficulty issues in lower league that overshadows the sheer lack of skill is simply nuts :smiley: Dont you think? To conclude there must be some issues because bronze and silver is 50% terran is so completly braindead it hurts. And based on those 50% in silver and bronze you conclude that terran is simply too hard at ANY stage.

Also we dont know if those 50% terrans in silver and bronze would be better or worse with z or p.

WHAT data? All you did was say what you think the cause is. I’m asking you for a metric that supports your theory and you’re coming back with a bunch of unsubstantiated claims that gets circled jerks by your little group.

GIVE ONE piece of data that you even presented, either currently or previously. Stratifying previous data doesn’t count as new data, by the way, Sentry.

You’re right. I don’t have proof this is correct. Just like you have no proof for it to be the case in the first place. What we are both doing is making logical arguments.

By the way, none of this is to say that we even should change anything, just accept it for what it is.

It’s harder to be short than to be tall.
It’s harder to be a man than to be a woman.
It’s harder to have low IQ than high.
It’s harder to be Black than to be White.
It’s harder to be poor than wealthy.

While it would be impossible to fully prove any of these statements, you can see the truth in them and you have dozens if not hundreds of metrics to quantify each and every one.

Within Starcraft we only have 3.

We have Strong indications that the assumptions we make actually have a Proof of concept. Like mere exposure. Like Marketing. Like bias Like Design. I gave you plenty of reasons why the Things can be as they are and even your chatgpt lists exactly the Same questions.

You however only have avg mmr. And Like i Said day 1 this basically means you are saying terran is Harder because Bronze and silver is 50% terran. Not only that, you assume Equal Outcome of Not equal income. We cannot assume that p t z Players are the Same since their Population is factually biased. It is Not random.

So yeah…we are actually using logical Arguments. You dont. You Just state one fact and with No explanable reason you Come Up with terran is Harder.

This is Like the Most cringiest way to say: its Harder to Play terran. Smh…terran is Harder Trust me Bro. My Life is so hard.


So, you admit you’re basing this on assumptions. Good, one small step towards the path of non-delusion. I’m proud of you.

Now give ONE metric that shows that any of these reasonings are in play.

It’s important that you understand that it’s not actually me that you’re upset at. You’re upset that I’ve asked you the above question maybe 15 times and you haven’t been able to find one.

I dont think you understand how discussions Work.

YOU are the one trying to make a Claim. Im Not saying anything. YOU need to prove your Claim via Data and logical Arguments.

You assume something and we basically Tell you, Just Like chatgpt, that there can be various reasons why the Things are Like they are.

YOU need to do Something.

Im upset because there is a complete moron who acts Like He is deeply oppressed in a Video Game and says its because all those noobs in Bronze or silver. This is frustrating to have a discussion with someone who cant even See how wrong He is.

I Like how you Dodge the Population disparity Argument since forever :smiley: what does the popularity of terran mean to you? Why are they so popular? and why would you make Claims On Population when the Population is this unequally distributed?