Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

I answered that question literally over a year ago. I have no idea why people choose things. Neither do you.

You’ve ben arguing with me over a year and the best you were able to do was to stratify the data then WOW! People with similar MMR have similar MMR!? What? Well, I never!

I asked you to find a single metric to prove any of your theories but you couldn’t do it. Like I said, a Bernie Sanders Supporter.

But we have strong indications and many reasons why it is how it is.

Still, the race selection is biased, meaning we cannot say that the population of p t or z i equal (in terms of quality, preference whatever)

Not the best. The best would be, that you simply cannot expect equal outcome from unequal income. I only went on with the discussion just for the sake of it. I was like ok even IF we would go down this road it still doesnt make sense.

Still: the assumption you make cannot be done simply because you assume that we should get equal outcome even tho we dont have equal income.

If this was some experiment where players would choose their race randomly without any bias i would be inclined to say you got a point.

But this is not the case so you dont have a point at all.

exactly. And this is why you cannot draw the conclusions you made. you dont know the playerbase, you dont know WHY the playerbase choose things. So you cannot draw conclusions based on how they perform.

One of the most basic principle in science. If you dont have a clue about something, you should not draw conclusions → correlation is not causation.

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Correlation becomes causation when you remove other likely variables.

Said we can’t draw a definitive conclusion. Asked you what the evidence indicates. You continue to parrot that it means nothing. Except that, had the evidence pointed the other direction, had Terran players played fewer games, it would’ve been proven that they were casual. Had they been playing less time, it would be proven that Terran is new player friendly. It just turns out that when you play less games you’re casual, but when you play as many or more, “that means nothing.”

Yeah but in this Case we have too many variables you cant Sort Out. For example because we dont know why the Players Chose their Race (Well we can make Well calculated guesses…i mean we…but you cant) and therefore we cant expect all races to behave equally since the disparity in Population is Just too high (also even in a Lab Test it would be a Huge huge uncertainty and thus unreliable because 1 faction Is the basic RTS faction and the Other 2 are very different…Well only zerg is really really different. That means you have some experience beforehand (If you ever touched an RTS ofc) meaning the whole “Lab Test” would still be Just one indicator but by No means a hard Proof for anything.

You See…Real Life is much more complicated than you expected huh ? Its Not Like we Look at one Thing and cry terran is soooo much Harder

The evidence Points in No direction. They dont Play more they dont Play less.

But they dont Play more. They dont Play less. If they would Play more it would means Something. If they significantly Play more i would be inclined to. agree with you. But they dont.

Exactly. We cannot Draw conclusion.

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That’s not what you were trying to prove. My position was, and has always been, that Terran players are neither more nor less new or casual than Protoss and Zerg players, which is exactly what the evidence presented showed.

Then you literally stated that Terran players playing longer meant it’s the “tutorial race.” Literally, Terran players are more experienced, therefore they’re worse… You should’ve been embarrassed to say that. The fact that your little girlfriends lapped that up and grasped on to any reeds, no matter how flimsy, just shows how delusional you and they are.

Yes and after we looked at the numbers we could conclude that they dont play more or less. Well actually you concluded that they play more even tho it was a 1 time measurement and the difference was basically 0 :smiley: but you kept on and on and on and on.

You start the game with terran. Literally. The game tells you to :smiley: Ofc more ppl will stick to terran and terran has therefore the longer overall playtime…that is pretty obvious, no?

I did not say anything like that :smiley: you just interpret things i didnt even say.

Everytime you say something cringe like that i laugh because i know that you are so frustrated you just cant hold it anymore :smiley:
You know that you have no ground in this discussion.

Lets face it: if we dont know why the population is this different therefore we cannot conclude that that the players of the races are equal. Since we cannot say they are equal we cannot expect equal distribution.

Yes, i have also said they arent more casual than protoss and zerg players. There are simply more casual terrans (50% in bronze and silver), which dragged down the avg mmr.

YOU even presented the fallacy that YOU YOURSELF trapped into. Fallacy of composition.

The fallacy of composition is when an individual infers that something is true of the whole because it is true of part of the whole .

Because terran is struggeling in bronze to silver you suspect that ALL terrans struggle. And we still cannot conclude that those 50% of terrans in silver or gold would be better or worse with another race. We simply dont know. Would they play z or p it could be pretty much the same :smiley: but obviously you wouldnt cry about z or p being too hard.

i mean honestly. Wouldnt you also laugh about someone actually stating: the race is too hard because there are 50% of a certain race in a very low league. I mean cmoooon :smiley: This is so funny.

So, if they’re less experienced, they’re noobs, more experienced, they’re playing the “tutorial race?” See how you hedge your bets? It doesn’t matter which direction evidence points, you hold the same conclusion.

Except for… EVERY single metric that we’ve found.

Wait, so like 2 posts ago you went off calling me a “moron” and now you’re playing the victim? I mean, Miro’s gonna have a field day but… Well, you know what I’m going to say, no need to beat a dead horse.

I have not said that. Not at all 0o

We havent found anything tho. Except avg mmr. And this is just a very small indication.

Calling someone a moron in this case was justified. You are not very smart. So this is a factual statement.

Moron: a stupid person

Your insults however are mostly about things you cant prove or know.
Like in this discussion: I care about facts, you care about feelings.

Also i dont play the victim. I have said i am laughing. I am not offended at all. I would actually care more about being called a moron (but if you would call me that i dont care; i only care about that if thats coming from a smart/smarter person).

This is a lot of comments for a basic troll post. Over two weeks worth.

Sentry and llllllllllll: Any chance you could just exchange contact info and settle this in a live chat?


I would do that, yeah.

And the removal of other variables. WHICH YOU HELPED WITH.

I’m curious as to what makes these casual players “casual?” If it’s not the amount of games they play, what defining characteristic makes them so called “casuals?”

The lack of desire to improve at the game and play it competitively.


Okay, quantify and measure that statement. You don’t even have to prove it, just tell me what proof of it would even look like.

How about an actual bronze-gold league player coming in and flat out telling you that they don’t play to improve? Because that actually happened, and you brushed it off.


You ever hear of an “anecdote?” Because I’ve posted video clips of something in the vein of 14 different professional players from all 3 races telling people that Terran is the hardest race (you know, experts in the field) and nobody listened to them (and while I agree to an extent, it is an argument to authority, I’m going to listen to him years before I listen to just some rando).

That doesn’t answer the question. I said quantify it. Just tell me one metric that would define it. A guy. Like a single person? That’s not a metric. Again, you don’t have to prove it one way or another. Just give a variable that you’d even accept.

“Casualness” isnt a metric you absolute loon. Thats like asking how do you measure what the most common favorite color is base on the intrinsic qualities of the color. No, you just ask people like a freaking normal person.

Give me a break. Its peoples freaking opinion. Theres no measuring stick for it.


And it’s your opinion that of the 100,000 players who play SC, the 40,000 who are “casual” (in a completely unmeasurable way), all just happened to be Terran.

But, IF you’d found that Terran players were newer or played less, God knows you’d clutched on to that metric like a vice. But both those measures didn’t pan out, so here we are. The most subjective possible explanation. ZERO data to back it up, by your OWN admission. But yeah, I’m the idiot here. Your solution? Ask all 40,000 Terran players what their deal is.

You literally made both these statements on the exact same topic within a day, by the way…

This is highly likely because of the Initial bias the Game is setting up.

Also its Not about 40 000 who are Just Casual its Just a fraction of silver and bronze Players.

According to non apa the Population (s54) in Bronze is 10k t 5k z and 6.5k p meaning Like 3k more casuals for t. In silver it was t 23.7 k z 12.5k and p 17.4k meaning Like additional 5 k Players difference.

According to that there are 8k t Players who struggle more than you would expect. And Note i would call all those Guys in These leagues casuals. thats what they are and its Not a Bad Thing. They are Bad. Its ok.

Not 40k.

Its more likely those 8k stand Out by sucking too hard compared to your conclusion that based on those 8k Players t is sooooooo much Harder for every t.

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Sentry, same question. Or are you going to hide behind endless subjectivity, too?