Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

“Hey bourne, go prove a negative.” Like, hey, I’m gonna go make up a new statistical principle that’s so stupid, no one’s even thought to use it before, but no scientists are arguing against it, therefore it’s GOT to be right.

It’s literally just you, splitting a population by MMR, then acting as if the findings are revolutionary, because the MMRs are closer…

You use the metric itself to define its measure, that’s called a “circular definition” or circular logic. Why are the MMRs low? Because Terran player have more casuals. How do you know that’s the case? Because their MMRs are low. It’s the same thing, said in a different way.

I recognize that there is MMR difference. But what does that difference mean? You think it’s because “Terran is harder” and I say you have no evidence for that. So prove what you say or retract your assumption.

I recognize that there is MMR difference. But what does that difference mean? You think it’s because “Terran is harder” and I say you have no evidence for that. So prove what you say or retract your assumption.

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Terran players have been playing longer and have slightly more player activity, ergo, MMR per game is lower, what other possible conclusion could you derive? I’ll accept any answer that’s not, in effect, “Terran players are all just crappy”

In case anyone is actually curious (highly skeptical), I put it into ChatGPT:

If there were a scenario where we had a game. There were players from 3 different factions which all played differently and we were to find that one faction consistently had lower rankings. If we were to split the players by ranking, into two and found that the two populations had more similar rankings, what conclusion could you glean from that?


If you split the players by ranking into two groups and find that the two populations (subgroups) have more similar rankings, it could suggest that the factor influencing the rankings is related to the factions rather than individual player skills or strategies. Here are a few possible interpretations:

  1. Faction Impact: If the rankings are more similar within each subgroup, it could indicate that the faction to which a player belongs has a significant impact on their performance. This suggests that the faction itself, and not individual player skills or strategies, is a key determinant of rankings.
  2. Balancing Issues: It might imply that there could be balancing issues among the factions. If one faction consistently has lower rankings across the entire player population but this difference diminishes when looking at specific ranking groups, it could suggest that the game’s design or faction characteristics might need adjustment to achieve better balance.
  3. Skill Homogeneity: If the rankings are more similar within each subgroup, it may indicate that players of similar skill levels are distributed across factions. This could be intentional game design, or it might suggest that players are self-selecting factions based on their preferred playstyle or skill level.

In any case, further analysis and consideration of the game’s mechanics, player preferences, and design goals would be necessary to draw more concrete conclusions about why one faction consistently has lower rankings across the entire player population.

Unfortunately, I can´t conclude much on the data we have. We need to get some experts on the field to draw the conclusions. I think the game is well balanced and Terran players are neither worse nor better than players of the other races.

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These two thought can’t exist together logically unless there’re similar rankings.

And yet you cant come up with something to disprove it. Funny isnt it? You say its wrong for the sake of it and not because you have any arguments against it.

But…they are…

You seriously cant grasp why its important that the bottom 50% is distributed equally in the sense that all the avg mmr equals more or less out? Because you said yourself sometime that a bad player should switch the race and instantly get +200 mmr. But the distribution in bottom 50% states that terran doesnt do worse (meaning there is nothing wrong with the race); there are just more terrans in said range.

And thats an important observation because it contradicts your view.

We need to call a spade a spade.

They are in that league because they are bad.

YOU are trying to somehow convince the world they are in that league not because they are bad but because the race is too hard; also using that argument to say terran is just way harder in general.

you are using “fallacy of composition”

Just because SOME suck doesnt mean they ALL suck :slight_smile:

No one here is saying ALL terrans suck. The only one here who is saying that is you. And you say it because you twist our words; or you are too stupid to understand what we are saying.

Weird how chatgpt literally says what im always saying.

Also, have you told chatgpt that one faction has a much higher population and one faction has a very low population.

Have you told chatgpt that the games mechanics from the least popular race is significantly different from the most popular race and the game mechanics from the most popular race is very similiar to any rts and is also the race that you learn at the beginning of the game?

where have i seen that one? oh right, i literally gave you an article from the lead designers of sc2 saying that they designed terran in a very specific way.

OH WAIT. My splitting into mmr is not bad according to chatgpt and you CAN draw conclusions out of that? Who would have thought. But again, chatgpt needs the information that the races are not equally popular and the faction that you learn to game with achieves the least average mmr but is the most popular one.

llllllllllll >> MMR itself is not a 100 % reliable source. There are variables we can’t predict: leavers, smurfs, cheesers, etc.

llllllllllll >> So You can´t prove your assumtion. And you won´t withdraw it. That is really bad forum behaviour.

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More like there’s nothing to prove. I knew you’d more or less skip what ChatGPT said. It’s the same way you immediately would skip from explanation to explanation without so much a skipping a beat. It’s the conclusion that matters, not the science.

You can’t ever prove difficulty. So, if I’m willing to admit that it would be impossible to prove something subjective, can you at least admit that every metric we have might indicate…

This isn’t a 1 off, 1 season Terran did poorly. If things were closer you might see them fluctuate season to season, but you don’t. Terran players performs worse. Consistently. For years.

But i quoted and reacted to what chatgpt said. Are you blind?

Chatgpt didnt say: NAAAHHH DUDE, you cant do that, that doesnt mean anything.

Its one part of the consideration.

And please put the following factual information to consideration for chatgpt:

  • race distribution
  • the most popular race has the least avg mmr
  • the most popular race is the race that you start the game with
  • the most popular race has the most intuitive mechanics because it was designed that way (-> i gave you the sc2 lead designers article as proof)
  • the least popular race has the highest avg mmr
  • the least popular race has the least familiar concept
  • the least popular race is not explained for beginners

These are the things chatgpt more or less specifically asks for:

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I—actually have. WTF? :smiley:

The whole baseline of my argumentation is: Things can be the way they are because of MULTIPLE REASONS.

Dude. I have told you over and over like the same things: Terran is the race that you begin to play the game. Its the most familiar race. The adverted race. The race that is designed to appeal to you, etc etc etc

Those are all multiple reasons that things can be the way they are.

The whole argumentation from my side is: We cant possibly know that terran is the harder race based on your assumptions.

The same things that chatgpt wanted to know is exactly what i said to you since day 1:

Guys both of you using Chatgpt for arguments is just silly


Yeah but if he thinks its valid and its basically saying what i was saying all along he has to agree with my point of view.

Chatgpt didnt state anything crazy, just common knowledge. Its basically saying, hey there can be imbalance but also there are reasons why it might not be the case. We need further information but we cant conclude anything based on the given information.

And thats all i wanted to achieve: To get him into agreeing that its not a good thing to look at 1 thing and try to say that terran is the hardest race and there might be other factors aswell.

I don´t think he will ever admit his defeat he lost this discussion long time ago.


Please link you stating this.

Dodge the question more. A bunch of idiots denying reality doesn’t make me wrong any more than flat earthers claiming that gravity is “just a theory” makes them correct.


Dude im not gonna look like 2 years back when we started this sh!tshow.

The most recent example would be:

There i stated multiple reasons why terran could be the most popular race and why its the way it is and why we cannot expect equal outcome (we dont have equal income and cant expect equal income).

Also i stated that we dont know for sure: